Ekstra Bladet has interviewed motor mechanic Jacques Marrot (not to be confused with Jacques Barrot of the EU Transport Commission), the French Gentleman who without his knowing was used by the Danish imams for their false Mohammed Drawings.
The picture was taken by the AP photographer, Bob Edme, when Marrot August 15th last year ran for the annual French championships in pig squealing in the southern French city, Trie-sur-Baise.
Since December this picture has circulated among imams in Egypt and Lebanon, as a testament to how badly Muslims are treated in Denmark. And this has shocked both Jacques Marrot and Bob Edme to learn when Ekstra Bladet contacted them yesterday:

The picture was taken by the AP photographer, Bob Edme, when Marrot August 15th last year ran for the annual French championships in pig squealing in the southern French city, Trie-sur-Baise.
Since December this picture has circulated among imams in Egypt and Lebanon, as a testament to how badly Muslims are treated in Denmark. And this has shocked both Jacques Marrot and Bob Edme to learn when Ekstra Bladet contacted them yesterday:
But this picture is taken together with my family on a festive and humorous occasion. If what you tell me is true, I don't want to hear about it. I won't allow, this picture being used for any kind of propaganda. No matter whether it's for or against Islam. That picture has nothing to do with Mohammed", said the unsuspecting family-father, Jacques Marrot, from his home during lunch-break.Considers legal action
Marrot doesn't like Danish Muslims having used his picture along with images of Mohammed as a pedophile and of a Muslim being anally raped by a dog. Now he would like to see all the pictures and know the precise context:
- If the purpose in showing [this picture] has been to have fun - then it's alright. But if the picture has been used as some sort of propaganda, then I'll let some lawyers look at the case. If the picture had been displayed in France, it could have had some altogether different consequences for me, says the auto mechanic, who's neither a Muslim nor practising Catholic, but innocently and unknowingly has been entwined in a world-wide crisis.Wants evidence for the case
Photographer Bob Edme is just as startled:
- Right now I'm neither sore nor shocked, but very surprised. I can hardly recall that picture, but it sounds totally bizarre, and besides it's illegal since the picture has nothing whatsoever to do with the Mohammed-case, was Bob Edme's immediate commentary before he referred us to the leader of Associated Press in Paris, Laurent Rebours.
He didn't know about the breach of copyright either, and now he wants an overview over the global use of the picture before he reacts.
- I don't want to make a statement about 'if's, but naturally this may have consequences said Rebours somewhat frustrated to Ekstra Bladet.
Incidentally it was the first time that Jacques Marrot participated in the pig-squealing contest. He only became no. three and thus missed the first price: A roasted suckling pig.

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