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Akkari and the Akkari file (also known as the Akkari Dossier 43) |
It turns out that the 12 drawings in JyllandsPosten weren't sufficiently bad - at least not to justify a trip to the Middle East - so the imams have inserted a few extra images to make sure their trip wasn't a waste of money.
Danish Islamic Society claim they have received these images in mail, but they refuse to tell Danish newspapers, who has received them - and they won't allow the newspapers to interview these people. Danish Islamic Society has also failed to explain, why an entire country must be denigrated all over the Middle East because of 3 drawings mailed by a single person.
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Spokesman Akkari showing the press a photo of "Mohammed as a pig". Actually it's a photo from a French pig-calling competition |
As long as Danish Islamic Society have failed to properly explain, where they have obtained these images, why these images were distributed in the entire Middle East - and exactly what the Danish Islamic Society were hoping to achieve - we must assume the images belong to Danish Islamic Society.
The irony is that in doing so the Muslims have done exactly what they accuse the non-Muslims of doing: They have broken Muslim law by reproducing, publishing and distributing drawings of the prophet. And they have managed to out-blaspheme the infidel Danes by reproducing 3 blasphemous pictures that are far worse than anything ever published in JyllandsPosten.
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© Dansk Islamisk Trossamfund / © Danish Islamic Society |
These fake cartoons have never appeared in any Danish newspaper. They would probably be illegal. Only a lying imam, wanting to cause trouble, could think up such sick drawings.
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© Dansk Islamisk Trossamfund / © Danish Islamic Society |
The imams have not yet explained on their homepage, http://www.wakf.com/, why they distributed these disgusting images - and what they were hoping to achieve.
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© Dansk Islamisk Trossamfund / © Danish Islamic Society |
There's some evidence that the person who wrote this text is one, who has learned Arabic before he learned the Western alphabet: Revealed.
Added: The links on the newspaper's article has been non-functioning for a few days (some say because of overload), but they appear to work again. If not, try this Danish page. Alternatively you can see the images on this site instead: mysterier.org/politikk/ekstrabladet/hefte/
Added: The false Mohammed drawings have appeared on BBC and al-Jazeera.
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Video still: Imam Abu Bashar holding the Akkari file in Cairo: "This is one of the worst pictures can anyone ever imagine. They imagine our prophet(PBUH). Hands of a man praying and a face of a pig". |
Added: Mohammed as a pig was discussed on the "tour de imam" in Cairo (see photo to the right). You can see a video clip from Danish television at NeanderNews and Michelle Malkin. Both of these sites also have a transcript of spokesman for The Danish Islamic Society, Ahmed Akkari, who refuses to answer why he presented the pig-photo in Cairo, when it was not produced in Denmark.
Added: BBC apologizes for airing the false cartoon (and wrongly attributing them to JyllandsPosten) - but the apology is very hard to find on their site.
Added: One of the false Mohammed drawings has been identified .
Added: The so-called Akkari dossier is now available at WikiPedia.
Added: Don't forget to see the video about the false drawings: Taqiyya.
Added: The Akkari-dossier is now available in colour.
Note: Presently this post has received 294 comments, which apparently exceeds some limit. New comments are regrettably not displayed.

If it were not for oil no-one would give toss what muslims think. I certainly don't - long live free speech and shame on all of those newspaper editors (especially in the UK) who are too timid to print the cartoons. We fought against nazi fanaticism and ideas of racial superiority - we should do the same (with words) against muslim fanaticism and ideas of religious superiority.
I'm not sure whom you mean, when you say "you" and "he".
Are you referring to the Muslim who has produced these three blasphemous drawings?
Are you referring to the Muslims who have distributed these three blasphemous drawings all over the Middle East?
Are you referring to the Muslim Imams who have displayed these three blasphemous drawings on BBC and al-Jazeera?
Again: These blasphemous and insulting images have *never* appeared in JyllandsPosten or any other newspaper - no matter what your lying imams tell you.
Are you referring to the Muslim who has produced these three blasphemous drawings?
Are you referring to the Muslims who have distributed these three blasphemous drawings all over the Middle East?
Are you referring to the Muslim Imams who have displayed these three blasphemous drawings on BBC and al-Jazeera?
Again: These blasphemous and insulting images have *never* appeared in JyllandsPosten or any other newspaper - no matter what your lying imams tell you.
Hello Atiest.
Indeed the pictures you have posted up there are very humiliating and blasphemous. Also I have no idea whether they are the part of the 12 or reproduced by Imams/hypocrites whatsoever.
Anyhow, as you and I both feel such pathetic approach for igniting flames between countries is extremely pityful; I just have a request. I would like to see the original 12 comics that were published. It is better for us to see what was actually published than scream around about what was forged into the Islamic world.
I would appreciate it if you can send me the image files on saadz786@gmail.com, thank you.
Indeed the pictures you have posted up there are very humiliating and blasphemous. Also I have no idea whether they are the part of the 12 or reproduced by Imams/hypocrites whatsoever.
Anyhow, as you and I both feel such pathetic approach for igniting flames between countries is extremely pityful; I just have a request. I would like to see the original 12 comics that were published. It is better for us to see what was actually published than scream around about what was forged into the Islamic world.
I would appreciate it if you can send me the image files on saadz786@gmail.com, thank you.
The justification for publishing such offending cartoons and images as "liberty of press" is a joke because the claimed "liberty of press" does not justify offending other's religions and beliefs. In fact this is full hipocracy because this claimed "freedom of press" is not practiced when it comes to zionests organizations and the war crimes comitted by the israeli troops and collective punishments practiced by the israeli occupation against the palestinian peoples (such as blowing up women and children, raping, killing...etc.) That's also nothing compared to your adopting laws preventing the freedom of speech about the holocoast and about the lies you feed your people about the zionest attrosties and criminalities against humanity. You prevent mentioning any of this in your "free speech" papers and press and so. We didn't see any word mentioning these facts... where is your liberty of speech?? or is it just an excuse you use to justify feeding people's mind with false accusations about the muslim religion and other beliefs. In the end , just to prove my point.. the right of freedom of speech ends when it starts asserting other people's freedoms and beliefs. This is a widely known fact
Fuck Islam - Burn in hell you pedophile praising infidels. Your god was created by an insane homicidal pedophile. May the Danes sweep you out of their country and may the USA sweep you off the face of the Earth.
All islamic scum need to be covered in pigs blood and burned to death. Religion of peace? What a joke more like religion of pieces of garbage. 3 cheers for Denmark and remeber pedophile worshiping swine....America is coming for your ass!!!
I hope the free west wipe Islam and all it's extremist elements off the face of the earth. These ISLAM scum are worse than Cockroaches.
Hi L u D a
> I would like to see the original 12 comics
The links are in the top right corner of every page, but let me repeat them here for you:
Franz Füchsel
Peder Bundgaard
Poul Erik Poulsen
Claus Seidel
Kurt Westergaard
Rasmus Sand Høyer
Erik Abild Sørensen
Arne Sørensen
Annette Carlsen
Bob Katzenelson
Lars Refn
They were never meant to "ignit[e] flames between countries", they appeared 4 months ago in a small Danish paper and if the Imams hadn't made it a global issue, nobody - including me(!) - would ever have seen them.
As they say: Today's fish is wrapped in yesterday's newspaper. :)
> I would like to see the original 12 comics
The links are in the top right corner of every page, but let me repeat them here for you:
Franz Füchsel
Peder Bundgaard
Poul Erik Poulsen
Claus Seidel
Kurt Westergaard
Rasmus Sand Høyer
Erik Abild Sørensen
Arne Sørensen
Annette Carlsen
Bob Katzenelson
Lars Refn
They were never meant to "ignit[e] flames between countries", they appeared 4 months ago in a small Danish paper and if the Imams hadn't made it a global issue, nobody - including me(!) - would ever have seen them.
As they say: Today's fish is wrapped in yesterday's newspaper. :)
First of all sorry by my English but,
What type of religion is this?
1- His founder, Mohammed was a warrior, (killed human beings, this is a fact),
2- Suferred of a neurological disorder (epilepsy) at that time -7th century- no treatment for him (this is a fact, actually there is enough evidence of suffering of severe headaches and perceptual disturbances, aggravated if acohol was used, so finally he stopped and prohibited his use).
3-Used to take drugs (hasis) under which had his "revelations" from God .(this is a fact too,known today by any psychiatrist as visual hallucinations).
4-Was a paedophile(read de Q'ran,
a 6-year-old girl was one of his "wives")
5-Now, why the muslims don't eat pig? Simple. At that time was a sanitary measure, to avoid possilbe deseases and infections (fact:a bacteria that was in the pork meat)like today cow deasease.
What surprises me is that with that curriculum vitae Mohammed has followers today.
The answer is simple, and it comes from the science of psychology.It is called "brain washing", at what age?
It should be done between 4 and 12 to get the maximun benefits! A good example is reading the biographies of the hijackers in Sept.11 of 2001, all of those little kids were brain washed.
Well..a fake prophet, and a religion that soon o later will disappear. due to sociological and economical reasons, like many other religions in the past have disappeard, this religion is only one more, and a dysfunctional one.
We should be optimistic about it.!
Ihave faith in the common sense of humankind.
What type of religion is this?
1- His founder, Mohammed was a warrior, (killed human beings, this is a fact),
2- Suferred of a neurological disorder (epilepsy) at that time -7th century- no treatment for him (this is a fact, actually there is enough evidence of suffering of severe headaches and perceptual disturbances, aggravated if acohol was used, so finally he stopped and prohibited his use).
3-Used to take drugs (hasis) under which had his "revelations" from God .(this is a fact too,known today by any psychiatrist as visual hallucinations).
4-Was a paedophile(read de Q'ran,
a 6-year-old girl was one of his "wives")
5-Now, why the muslims don't eat pig? Simple. At that time was a sanitary measure, to avoid possilbe deseases and infections (fact:a bacteria that was in the pork meat)like today cow deasease.
What surprises me is that with that curriculum vitae Mohammed has followers today.
The answer is simple, and it comes from the science of psychology.It is called "brain washing", at what age?
It should be done between 4 and 12 to get the maximun benefits! A good example is reading the biographies of the hijackers in Sept.11 of 2001, all of those little kids were brain washed.
Well..a fake prophet, and a religion that soon o later will disappear. due to sociological and economical reasons, like many other religions in the past have disappeard, this religion is only one more, and a dysfunctional one.
We should be optimistic about it.!
Ihave faith in the common sense of humankind.
> The justification for publishing such offending cartoons and images as "liberty of press" is a joke
If that had been the only reason you might have a point.
But the real problem was that everybody was scared of *violent* thugs.
Let me tell you something about myself: I'm an Atheist and this Blog was initially meant to expose Christian hypocrisy and corruption - that's why it's called Bibelen.blogspot.com. I have stayed anonymous from day one - not because of fear of Christians - but just in case that one day I might have to mention Islam.
Do you see my point? Christians can take criticism - Muslims can't.
We can criticize God, Jesus, the Queen, the Prime Minister, any Hindus, Baptists, Jehovah's Witness, Asa-true, Evangelist, Wiccan, Hara Krishna, Buddhist - but try to criticize Islam and you become another Theo van Gogh.
> because the claimed "liberty of press" does not justify offending others religions and beliefs.
There are blasphemy laws in Denmark. The Imams referenced this law (paragraph 140) in their complaint so they know all about it.
> In fact this is full hipocracy because this claimed "freedom of press" is not practiced when it comes to zionests....
The 12 drawings appeared in a single Danish paper September 30th.
Are you saying that in the mean time there hasn't been a single pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli article in a Danish newspaper??
Because if *that's* what you're saying, I'll call you an idiot and a liar.
> laws preventing the freedom of speech about the holocoast
There's no such law in Denmark. You must confuse us with the Germans.
> You prevent mentioning any of this in your "free speech" papers and press and so.
What do you mean by "you"? Me? Denmark? Europe?
Are you aware that Hizb-ut-Tahrir is legal in Denmark?
Are you aware that many of the lying Imams are living in Denmark because they were kicked out of their home countries?
> the right of freedom of speech ends when it starts asserting other people's freedoms and beliefs. This is a widely known fact
What rot. If you don't like a newspaper article - turn the page. If the paper repeatedly offends you - cancel your subscription. Grow up - get a life.
If that had been the only reason you might have a point.
But the real problem was that everybody was scared of *violent* thugs.
Let me tell you something about myself: I'm an Atheist and this Blog was initially meant to expose Christian hypocrisy and corruption - that's why it's called Bibelen.blogspot.com. I have stayed anonymous from day one - not because of fear of Christians - but just in case that one day I might have to mention Islam.
Do you see my point? Christians can take criticism - Muslims can't.
We can criticize God, Jesus, the Queen, the Prime Minister, any Hindus, Baptists, Jehovah's Witness, Asa-true, Evangelist, Wiccan, Hara Krishna, Buddhist - but try to criticize Islam and you become another Theo van Gogh.
> because the claimed "liberty of press" does not justify offending others religions and beliefs.
There are blasphemy laws in Denmark. The Imams referenced this law (paragraph 140) in their complaint so they know all about it.
> In fact this is full hipocracy because this claimed "freedom of press" is not practiced when it comes to zionests....
The 12 drawings appeared in a single Danish paper September 30th.
Are you saying that in the mean time there hasn't been a single pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli article in a Danish newspaper??
Because if *that's* what you're saying, I'll call you an idiot and a liar.
> laws preventing the freedom of speech about the holocoast
There's no such law in Denmark. You must confuse us with the Germans.
> You prevent mentioning any of this in your "free speech" papers and press and so.
What do you mean by "you"? Me? Denmark? Europe?
Are you aware that Hizb-ut-Tahrir is legal in Denmark?
Are you aware that many of the lying Imams are living in Denmark because they were kicked out of their home countries?
> the right of freedom of speech ends when it starts asserting other people's freedoms and beliefs. This is a widely known fact
What rot. If you don't like a newspaper article - turn the page. If the paper repeatedly offends you - cancel your subscription. Grow up - get a life.
> 5-Now, why the muslims don't eat pig? Simple. At that time was a sanitary measure, to avoid possilbe deseases and infections (fact:a bacteria that was in the pork meat)like today cow deasease.
Actually is the other way around.
God allows you to eat any kind of meats:
Genesis 9, 3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
Moses says God is a fool and forbids lots of animals including rabbits and camels: (Leviticus 11)
3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.
4 "'There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you.
5 The coney, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.
6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.
Jesus tells us Moses is an even bigger fool, and all animals (including pork) are A-OK with God:
Mark 7,14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen to me, everyone, and understand this.
Mark 7,15 Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.'"
St. Peter calls Jesus a liar : Jesus has never said we could eat unclean meats:
Acts 10:14 "Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."
St. Paul tells us that true believers only eat meat
Romans 14,2 One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.
Finally Allah explains that it was all a joke - and that it only applies to Jewish people:
al-An'am, 146 And to those who were Jews We made unlawful every animal having claws, and of oxen and sheep We made unlawful to them the fat of both, except such as was on their backs or the entrails or what was mixed with bones: this was a punishment We gave them on account of their rebellion, and We are surely Truthful.
The moral is: Religion will fry your noodle.
Actually is the other way around.
God allows you to eat any kind of meats:
Genesis 9, 3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
Moses says God is a fool and forbids lots of animals including rabbits and camels: (Leviticus 11)
3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.
4 "'There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you.
5 The coney, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.
6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.
Jesus tells us Moses is an even bigger fool, and all animals (including pork) are A-OK with God:
Mark 7,14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen to me, everyone, and understand this.
Mark 7,15 Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.'"
St. Peter calls Jesus a liar : Jesus has never said we could eat unclean meats:
Acts 10:14 "Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."
St. Paul tells us that true believers only eat meat
Romans 14,2 One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.
Finally Allah explains that it was all a joke - and that it only applies to Jewish people:
al-An'am, 146 And to those who were Jews We made unlawful every animal having claws, and of oxen and sheep We made unlawful to them the fat of both, except such as was on their backs or the entrails or what was mixed with bones: this was a punishment We gave them on account of their rebellion, and We are surely Truthful.
The moral is: Religion will fry your noodle.
If you believe in the history of the Bible, not even going to argue the miracles etc. But the history tells us that the descedants of Ishmael were obliterated and none survived when Joshua entered Israel (the Promised Land). But the Muslims claim to be sons of Ishmael so they can take the title of prohpet for Mohhamed. It is interesting to me that it says the sons of Ishmael will be the bane of the world, causing pain, and strife. One day political correctness will evaporate and the world will choose sides. I fear that day...
"Honest person" - come off it! The reason that papers don't print much of the stuff you are ranting about is because it never happened."
******If you believe what you have written above then I really do pity you. Never happened?? do you live in this planet?? Have you heard the term "Zionism"?? Do you even know that there was a piece of land on this earth called Palestine?? Do you know that it was taken by force and occupied by the Israelis?? Where do the Israeli tanks and colonies stand and exist now?? and what are the Israeli troops practicing right now this very moment on the Palestinian soil?? but no...! no one acknowledges what these troops do... they only insist on showing what the Palestinians do in defense... ! In fact the reason I feel sorry for you the most is that YOU should know what really happens, but you don't due to the "free press and advertisement" you are so keen on defending . I'm sorry to tell you but we are here... we are living it every moment and every day... ! but no please don't believe us.... take the word of you so claimed honest press...
"If the Arab street spent its time learning the difference between what really happens in the world and the infantile conspiracy theories to which the street appears addicted then the world would be a safer place."
****I understand perfectly well...all the world's streets ( not ours) will be safer when the atrocities and the aggression of the western powers and the Zionist controlled governments in your so called "great free west" stop and be really civilized, free human societies.
"To those of you slinging vulgar and plain nasty insults at Muslims in general, you are just being biggoted and crass - you do no service to civilised western values, so please pipe down."
*****well said... this shows that you find many sick ill minded and distorted people in ALL CULTURS who reflect bad impressions about their nations when they do such actions... this shows that we cannot judge based on the ill actions of these few.
"What type of religion is this?
1- His founder, Mohammed was a warrior, (killed human beings, this is a fact),"
*******This is a fact?? Based on what?? On you deep study of Islamic history and its principles? For your information... the FACT is that Mohammed was a Sheppard , turned merchant . He brought a message and defended it against people who attacked him. He tried to spread the word of God which calls for equality, justice, and believe it or not... PEACE!!... Please do not talk about things you don't know... you will only embarrass yourself and show your ignorance by stating such statements.
2- "Suferred of a neurological disorder (epilepsy) at that time -7th century- no treatment for him (this is a fact, actually there is enough evidence of suffering of severe headaches and perceptual disturbances, aggravated if acohol was used, so finally he stopped and prohibited his use).
3-Used to take drugs (hasis) under which had his "revelations" from God .(this is a fact too,known today by any psychiatrist as visual hallucinations)."
******hehehehe this really made me laugh. Do you know the name of the doctor who diagnosed him at that time?? This is absurd... I don't know why I'm answering it.
as for the drugs part... at that time, drugs or (hashish) as you mention were not available for the fact that it can not grow in deserts...this shows how low you would sink to prove a false point with lies and reflect how shallow minded and ignorant you are.
"4-Was a paedophile(read de Q'ran,
a 6-year-old girl was one of his "wives")"
******you read the Koran upside down... what you mentioned does not exist... the youngest of his wives was "aisha" , and she had hit puberty way before they got married her.... and generally women in Arabia mature much earlier than in the west due to local climatic differences.
"5-Now, why the muslims don't eat pig? Simple. At that time was a sanitary measure, to avoid possilbe deseases and infections (fact:a bacteria that was in the pork meat)like today cow deasease.
******Well..a fake prophet, and a religion that soon o later will disappear. due to sociological and economical reasons, like many other religions in the past have disappeard, this religion is only one more, and a dysfunctional one.
have little or no rights. I am a Christian and my family supports a missionary in indonesia."
as for the pig part... may i know the source of your information??? and if it was a fact then why didn't the west stop eating it as well??
a fake prophet and a religion the soon will disappear... well, it has been more than 1400 years and we are still standing strong and GROWING! even in the west... if that doesn't tell you something... please go research and read some real information... don't believe anything the media says... our religion CONDEMS terrorisim... and is calls for anything but brainwashing... it is based on justice, equality, protection of human values and valuable... it doesn't belittle women... on the contrary... it also RESPECTS and ACKNOWLEDGES christianity and Jewidisim. Please don't mix up COUNTRIES traditions (indonisia, india... etc) with muslim rules... this is a common mistakes.
"Do you see my point? Christians can take criticism - Muslims can't."
*****There is a major difference between criticizing and OFFENDING other... Religions are personal beliefs... they are private. and should not be tampered with... if it was just criticism for the sake of a joke we wouldn't mind that much... what pisses us off is that what was put in your paper was evil, untrue and gave people the impression that the Muslim religion called for terrorism which is totally the opposite.. Educated people might know that but the majority of masses will form the idea that this is the religion of terrorism in their heads.
"> In fact this is full hipocracy because this claimed "freedom of press" is not practiced when it comes to zionests....
The 12 drawings appeared in a single Danish paper September 30th.
Are you saying that in the mean time there hasn't been a single pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli article in a Danish newspaper??
Because if *that's* what you're saying, I'll call you an idiot and a liar........etc"
****You totally missed the point... !I meant that in the WEST freedom of press isn't practiced as freely as you think... but i will level with you... give me proof that you have printed the claimed articles often... and about the rubbish of mixing you up with Germany... tell me the truth.. Can anybody in Denmark give a lecture or a print about what really happened at the so called holocaust you think you know?? I have tried that and have been called anti Semitic (stereotype defense) and was forbidden from saying anymore...
"What rot. If you don't like a newspaper article - turn the page. If the paper repeatedly offends you - cancel your subscription. Grow up - get a life."
*****well we did turn the page and move on.... but the offense is worth mentioning as to clear up the wrong image you gave about us and to show that its nobody's right to offend others. (is this civilized enough for you?) And as for the growing up part... we are not the ones printing offensive CARTOONS for a laugh.
"Fuck Islam - Burn in hell you pedophile praising infidels. Your god ...."
******what you said reflects how low and an ill-minded person you are ... you are sick and distorted... i can sit here all day and think of nasty words i can say back to you but my culture and religion prevent me from that... what can i say?? people are a reflection of their societies and civilizations... i get a perfectly clear picture of yours..
"do something useful…."
*****I'm glad that this is what you call useful… ! It shows that we are much more civilized than you are… I feel sorry for you
******If you believe what you have written above then I really do pity you. Never happened?? do you live in this planet?? Have you heard the term "Zionism"?? Do you even know that there was a piece of land on this earth called Palestine?? Do you know that it was taken by force and occupied by the Israelis?? Where do the Israeli tanks and colonies stand and exist now?? and what are the Israeli troops practicing right now this very moment on the Palestinian soil?? but no...! no one acknowledges what these troops do... they only insist on showing what the Palestinians do in defense... ! In fact the reason I feel sorry for you the most is that YOU should know what really happens, but you don't due to the "free press and advertisement" you are so keen on defending . I'm sorry to tell you but we are here... we are living it every moment and every day... ! but no please don't believe us.... take the word of you so claimed honest press...
"If the Arab street spent its time learning the difference between what really happens in the world and the infantile conspiracy theories to which the street appears addicted then the world would be a safer place."
****I understand perfectly well...all the world's streets ( not ours) will be safer when the atrocities and the aggression of the western powers and the Zionist controlled governments in your so called "great free west" stop and be really civilized, free human societies.
"To those of you slinging vulgar and plain nasty insults at Muslims in general, you are just being biggoted and crass - you do no service to civilised western values, so please pipe down."
*****well said... this shows that you find many sick ill minded and distorted people in ALL CULTURS who reflect bad impressions about their nations when they do such actions... this shows that we cannot judge based on the ill actions of these few.
"What type of religion is this?
1- His founder, Mohammed was a warrior, (killed human beings, this is a fact),"
*******This is a fact?? Based on what?? On you deep study of Islamic history and its principles? For your information... the FACT is that Mohammed was a Sheppard , turned merchant . He brought a message and defended it against people who attacked him. He tried to spread the word of God which calls for equality, justice, and believe it or not... PEACE!!... Please do not talk about things you don't know... you will only embarrass yourself and show your ignorance by stating such statements.
2- "Suferred of a neurological disorder (epilepsy) at that time -7th century- no treatment for him (this is a fact, actually there is enough evidence of suffering of severe headaches and perceptual disturbances, aggravated if acohol was used, so finally he stopped and prohibited his use).
3-Used to take drugs (hasis) under which had his "revelations" from God .(this is a fact too,known today by any psychiatrist as visual hallucinations)."
******hehehehe this really made me laugh. Do you know the name of the doctor who diagnosed him at that time?? This is absurd... I don't know why I'm answering it.
as for the drugs part... at that time, drugs or (hashish) as you mention were not available for the fact that it can not grow in deserts...this shows how low you would sink to prove a false point with lies and reflect how shallow minded and ignorant you are.
"4-Was a paedophile(read de Q'ran,
a 6-year-old girl was one of his "wives")"
******you read the Koran upside down... what you mentioned does not exist... the youngest of his wives was "aisha" , and she had hit puberty way before they got married her.... and generally women in Arabia mature much earlier than in the west due to local climatic differences.
"5-Now, why the muslims don't eat pig? Simple. At that time was a sanitary measure, to avoid possilbe deseases and infections (fact:a bacteria that was in the pork meat)like today cow deasease.
******Well..a fake prophet, and a religion that soon o later will disappear. due to sociological and economical reasons, like many other religions in the past have disappeard, this religion is only one more, and a dysfunctional one.
have little or no rights. I am a Christian and my family supports a missionary in indonesia."
as for the pig part... may i know the source of your information??? and if it was a fact then why didn't the west stop eating it as well??
a fake prophet and a religion the soon will disappear... well, it has been more than 1400 years and we are still standing strong and GROWING! even in the west... if that doesn't tell you something... please go research and read some real information... don't believe anything the media says... our religion CONDEMS terrorisim... and is calls for anything but brainwashing... it is based on justice, equality, protection of human values and valuable... it doesn't belittle women... on the contrary... it also RESPECTS and ACKNOWLEDGES christianity and Jewidisim. Please don't mix up COUNTRIES traditions (indonisia, india... etc) with muslim rules... this is a common mistakes.
"Do you see my point? Christians can take criticism - Muslims can't."
*****There is a major difference between criticizing and OFFENDING other... Religions are personal beliefs... they are private. and should not be tampered with... if it was just criticism for the sake of a joke we wouldn't mind that much... what pisses us off is that what was put in your paper was evil, untrue and gave people the impression that the Muslim religion called for terrorism which is totally the opposite.. Educated people might know that but the majority of masses will form the idea that this is the religion of terrorism in their heads.
"> In fact this is full hipocracy because this claimed "freedom of press" is not practiced when it comes to zionests....
The 12 drawings appeared in a single Danish paper September 30th.
Are you saying that in the mean time there hasn't been a single pro-Palestinian / anti-Israeli article in a Danish newspaper??
Because if *that's* what you're saying, I'll call you an idiot and a liar........etc"
****You totally missed the point... !I meant that in the WEST freedom of press isn't practiced as freely as you think... but i will level with you... give me proof that you have printed the claimed articles often... and about the rubbish of mixing you up with Germany... tell me the truth.. Can anybody in Denmark give a lecture or a print about what really happened at the so called holocaust you think you know?? I have tried that and have been called anti Semitic (stereotype defense) and was forbidden from saying anymore...
"What rot. If you don't like a newspaper article - turn the page. If the paper repeatedly offends you - cancel your subscription. Grow up - get a life."
*****well we did turn the page and move on.... but the offense is worth mentioning as to clear up the wrong image you gave about us and to show that its nobody's right to offend others. (is this civilized enough for you?) And as for the growing up part... we are not the ones printing offensive CARTOONS for a laugh.
"Fuck Islam - Burn in hell you pedophile praising infidels. Your god ...."
******what you said reflects how low and an ill-minded person you are ... you are sick and distorted... i can sit here all day and think of nasty words i can say back to you but my culture and religion prevent me from that... what can i say?? people are a reflection of their societies and civilizations... i get a perfectly clear picture of yours..
"do something useful…."
*****I'm glad that this is what you call useful… ! It shows that we are much more civilized than you are… I feel sorry for you
Why do some people think that they can defend God from insults?
It must be a very weak god with negative emotions that we despise in human beings such as anger, hatred, jealousy, insecurity. What kind of a god is that? It does not deserve my esteem. Mohammed was a homicidal asshole. If you Moslems keep this up, the rest of the world might have to destroy the whole lot of you in self defence. Is that not the Islamicist program? To kill anyone who does not consent to pay homage to mecca? Well, go to hell.
I am from Africa and I hate the destruction that you idiots have done there over the centuries. MORE CARTOONS PLEASE!
Why do some people think that they can defend God from insults?
It must be a very weak god with negative emotions that we despise in human beings such as anger, hatred, jealousy, insecurity. What kind of a god is that? It does not deserve my esteem. Mohammed was a homicidal asshole. If you Moslems keep this up, the rest of the world might have to destroy the whole lot of you in self defence. Is that not the Islamicist program? To kill anyone who does not consent to pay homage to mecca? Well, go to hell.
I am from Africa and I hate the destruction that you idiots have done there over the centuries. MORE CARTOONS PLEASE!
I despise Christianity just as much. So much foolishness and irrationality, but at least they do not react in homicidal rage. Moslems need to floss their brains of that stink.
They do know how elevating it is not to depend on heavenly rewards or punishments to do the right thing. It is a lot more noble.
They do know how elevating it is not to depend on heavenly rewards or punishments to do the right thing. It is a lot more noble.
Hmmm... this debate is definately going wrong. Basically the depicting of religious figures (mohammed, Jesus etc.) is legal under Danish law.
Religion is considered a private thing.
Now, I am aware that, that not necessarily is the case in other countries. That's just too bad, there is really nothing we can do about it in Denmark.
However, Denmark is one of the prime contributors to the Palestinians in Gaze and on the West Bank, and has been for more that 20 years.
How dare you question our right to free speech? We have ALWAYS been on your side, in the proces of building a free and independant Palestine. And now this!
We should definately stop the flow of money in that direction, you people (islamists) are just plain sick in your heads...
Religion is considered a private thing.
Now, I am aware that, that not necessarily is the case in other countries. That's just too bad, there is really nothing we can do about it in Denmark.
However, Denmark is one of the prime contributors to the Palestinians in Gaze and on the West Bank, and has been for more that 20 years.
How dare you question our right to free speech? We have ALWAYS been on your side, in the proces of building a free and independant Palestine. And now this!
We should definately stop the flow of money in that direction, you people (islamists) are just plain sick in your heads...
I sleep well thinking that the Prophet Mohammed-the warrior-, and his terrorists are in hell.
Thank you Saint Peter, my friend!
Thank you Saint Peter, my friend!
sneaking viper, I'm a muslim woman living in Jordan & unfortunately, I agree with you that this whole issue has been blown out of proportion. I think its outrageous that some people have burned down embassies and burned down flags. Although, I really do think that you guyz could have prevented all of this easily....!! I mean we are the THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES HERE. You surely could've handled us. If there is so many that would take it personally you might have taken the hint. This subject is really sensitive to some people here but there was no need for all of the fuss... I just want you to know that there are people here who think this way, although we don't agree that this is right but we agree that this is your opinion and you are free to express it... we don't have to agree with you!!... many people actually, almost all of the students at my university and many more who think this is stupid... don't judge the islamic world upon what you see and upon the actions of these extremests...! In my opinion, the issue could be handled really modernly and maturely... You guyz have the right to publish wutever you want... but you must acknowledge that many here have the right to PURCHASE the products they want.. so if you want to stick to your rights they will stick to theirs...! don't you agree?? (ps : I don't agree that was have been published isn't offensive its just that I don't care what your opinion of our religion is. I know what I am. This is how most of us feel here.)
*To Honest Man:
> Honest Man: if it was just criticism for the sake of a joke we wouldn't mind that much
If was no joke. Danish people are (literally) scared to death because many Muslim immigrants are extremely violent
You can't have a democratic society when violent thugs are making their own laws.
> Honest Man: what pisses us off is that what was put in your paper was evil, untrue and gave people the impression that the Muslim religion called for terrorism which is totally the opposite..
Allow me to respectfully quote a brave Muslim, Mr. Jihad Momani, "What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?".
> Honest Man: give me proof that you have printed the claimed articles often...
We don't have articles about Zionists plots that only exist in your imagination, but I'll mention three incidents that may surprise you.
1) In Norway, Mullah Krekar, has declared war against Norway (link) saying "The war has begun, [. . .] It does not matter if the governments of Norway and Denmark apologize, the war is on.”
Let me repeat. A refugee who has lived in Norway for 15 years under Norwegian protection has declared war on Norway, and nothing can be done. Read the article and weep.
2) A similar thing happened in Denmark, when a prisoner was released from the Guantanamo base, after which the Danish Taliban warrior declared a war against our Prime Minister and our Foreign Minister.
Again nothing was ever done. link
3) On a more positive note: Last summer (2004) at Denmark's largest rock festival they build a copy of the new wall between Israel and Palestine. The copy was 5 meter broad and 8 meter tall, and guests at the festival were urged to write their names to show resistance against the wall being build in Israel: article with images
> Honest Man: and about the rubbish of mixing you up with Germany...
Germany have laws against the Holocaust-lie - Denmark doesn't
> Honest Man: tell me the truth.. Can anybody in Denmark give a lecture or a print about what really happened at the so called holocaust you think you know?? I have tried that and have been called anti Semitic (stereotype defense) and was forbidden from saying anymore...
I think you are confusing two concepts: The right to free speech and the right to a platform.
If you make your own newspaper, homepage or university, you'll have a platform.
Let me warn you though: Denmark has laws against racism, blasphemy, slander and inciting to crime.
> *****well we did turn the page and move on..
Good. That was four months ago. Did you also cancel your subscription to JyllandsPosten?
So why are people still torching the embassies in Damascus and Beirut?
> Honest Man: if it was just criticism for the sake of a joke we wouldn't mind that much
If was no joke. Danish people are (literally) scared to death because many Muslim immigrants are extremely violent
You can't have a democratic society when violent thugs are making their own laws.
> Honest Man: what pisses us off is that what was put in your paper was evil, untrue and gave people the impression that the Muslim religion called for terrorism which is totally the opposite..
Allow me to respectfully quote a brave Muslim, Mr. Jihad Momani, "What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?".
> Honest Man: give me proof that you have printed the claimed articles often...
We don't have articles about Zionists plots that only exist in your imagination, but I'll mention three incidents that may surprise you.
1) In Norway, Mullah Krekar, has declared war against Norway (link) saying "The war has begun, [. . .] It does not matter if the governments of Norway and Denmark apologize, the war is on.”
Let me repeat. A refugee who has lived in Norway for 15 years under Norwegian protection has declared war on Norway, and nothing can be done. Read the article and weep.
2) A similar thing happened in Denmark, when a prisoner was released from the Guantanamo base, after which the Danish Taliban warrior declared a war against our Prime Minister and our Foreign Minister.
Again nothing was ever done. link
3) On a more positive note: Last summer (2004) at Denmark's largest rock festival they build a copy of the new wall between Israel and Palestine. The copy was 5 meter broad and 8 meter tall, and guests at the festival were urged to write their names to show resistance against the wall being build in Israel: article with images
> Honest Man: and about the rubbish of mixing you up with Germany...
Germany have laws against the Holocaust-lie - Denmark doesn't
> Honest Man: tell me the truth.. Can anybody in Denmark give a lecture or a print about what really happened at the so called holocaust you think you know?? I have tried that and have been called anti Semitic (stereotype defense) and was forbidden from saying anymore...
I think you are confusing two concepts: The right to free speech and the right to a platform.
If you make your own newspaper, homepage or university, you'll have a platform.
Let me warn you though: Denmark has laws against racism, blasphemy, slander and inciting to crime.
> *****well we did turn the page and move on..
Good. That was four months ago. Did you also cancel your subscription to JyllandsPosten?
So why are people still torching the embassies in Damascus and Beirut?
To Honest Man
If you're interested in knowing "the truth" about Denmark and Palestine, you could ask Danish Palestinian Friendship Association.
I hope they'll agree with what I said. ;-)
If you're interested in knowing "the truth" about Denmark and Palestine, you could ask Danish Palestinian Friendship Association.
I hope they'll agree with what I said. ;-)
How come some people think they have the right not to be insulted?
Besides, can't they let God be the judge? Why must blasphemers be beaten? Isn't it enough that they go to hell when they die?
Besides, can't they let God be the judge? Why must blasphemers be beaten? Isn't it enough that they go to hell when they die?
> I sleep well thinking that the Prophet Mohammed-the warrior-, and his terrorists are in hell.
> Thank you Saint Peter, my friend!
sorry folks, there is no god, whichever side of the debate you are on.
it is interesting if the 3 pictures were added, as that would suggest deliberate incitement, but at the end of the day, it doesnt matter. your god doesn't exist. their god doesnt exist. nothing to see here, move along
> Thank you Saint Peter, my friend!
sorry folks, there is no god, whichever side of the debate you are on.
it is interesting if the 3 pictures were added, as that would suggest deliberate incitement, but at the end of the day, it doesnt matter. your god doesn't exist. their god doesnt exist. nothing to see here, move along
******TO ATEIST:
I appreciate wut you have said regarding the points raised about palestine. It shows that you are a highly civilized person.
but I have some comments:
"If was no joke. Danish people are (literally) scared to death because many Muslim immigrants are extremely violent
You can't have a democratic society when violent thugs are making their own laws."
all the muslim populations living denmark are considered DANISH CITIZENS as other citizens living in DENMRAK. you have violent people from other religions and they should all be subjected to the danish law regardless of their religion. right??
"Allow me to respectfully quote a brave Muslim, Mr. Jihad Momani, "What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"."
I agree with Mr. Jihad, but BOTH should be condemned. Offending people in their beliefs by publishing offending caricatures is damaging to the people of the whole islamic nation , and their feelings while the action of blowing up civilians will be damaging also and will be condemned by the whole nation and all the world. Ofcourse the damage caused by the blowup is much greater than these caricatures but both actions are the nonetheless harmful and condemned.
"We don't have articles about Zionists plots that only exist in your imagination, but I'll mention three incidents that may surprise you."
Again zionesm does not exist in my imagination... and its my right "free press" to say that Israel is the child of the zionism movement which has started 300 years ago.. its practices and atrocties and war crimes comitted have not found their way into your free press... and i would happily oblige by sending hyperlinks to many websites that would support my point.
"3) On a more positive note: Last summer (2004) at Denmark's largest rock festival they build a copy of the new wall between Israel and Palestine. The copy was 5 meter broad and 8 meter tall, and guests at the festival were urged to write their names to show resistance against the wall being build in "
well I didn't know that, and its absoulety great that some Danish people think this way, but my point is that this wall is resting on PALASTINIAN CONFISCATED LAND and it prevents the palestinian people from seeing their family and relatives who have been cut to 2 sides by this wall and Israel has illlegaly built this wall as an occupation action on the palastinian land as demonstrated of the decision of the international justic court in lahigh (holland) where it clearly stated in its decision about the disputed wall that it is illlegal and its an act of AGGRESSION.
sorry to tell you that you don't know the
real aims and real goals of zionesm, in addition to the creation of the so-called Isreal. May we ask you how was Isreal to be created and where?? All the information you mentioned is FALSE and defies history majorly and the real facts.
Palestine was NOT owned by England. It was under british mandate as a part of the british colonial empire. It was FULLY ENHABITED by the palestinian people who had many cities and villages with a total active community. The Jewish agency started sending ill-legal immegrants to palestine to enhibit it. So the arabs didn't try to take the LAND FOR THEMSELVES, IT WAS ALREADY THEIRS. We may have to remind you that when the crusades tried to take jerusalem whom were they fighting?? can you remember?? try watching the movie "kingdom of heaven". The zionest immigrants supported by the colonial west raged a war to take the land from its rightful owners. That wasn't a CIVIL WAR, it was an OCCUPATIONAL / COLONIAL WAR with jewish terrorists (HAGANA/ SHTERN..ETC.) who introduced acts of terrorisim in the whole middleeast area which were unkown before. Examples :(blowing kind david's hotel in Jerusalem/ assisinating and killing Count Bernadot the representative of the UN to the area) is this all an illusion or fantasy in my mind or is it simply facts?? (THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION)
FYI, Israel airraids and bombing of palestinian cities results in killing civilians mainly children and women. The israeli troops practices collective punishment against CIVILIANS only. The prevent children from attending school, prevent sick and injured civilians from reaching hospitals by preventing the ambulances from reaching them. Many civilian palestinians died on the ground and couldn't reach hospitals to be treated there.
check out the story of "MOHAMED DURRA". and others.
I reapet fully... our RELIGION condems TERRORISIM... but it can't retain people from defending themselves agains occupation and state terrorisim. and have you heard the saying " an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"?? So if u wish to call the people who defend themselves as terrorist i'm dam well intrested what you call the occupation forces and their terrorist actions.
80% of the moslem population is living on the scraps??? well 100 % of the WESTERN WORLD IS LIVING ON THE STOLEN OIL FROM THE ARAB AND MOSLEM COUNTRIES. No people are beheaded under any civil laws in arab countires nor stoned nor gang raped. Actually these are FANTASIES created by your so called free press.
"Well thats because the thing you think "really" happened in holocaust (being one of the bastards that was allied to them) is a bit off the board. your reality of the holocaust is as little as your respect of democracy. So yes your arab nazi beliefs would be considered Anti-semitic and not welcome."
answering this way clearly supports my point that you don't have free press as called and you have double/triple standards. even if you think its bullshit, i should have the right to say my opinion not to mention real historical facts which were blown and twisted and exaggerated by the zionest movement to use its action and for its interest and its evil goals. Btw the zionest movements hasn't ENDED... it started 300 years ago and had many goals which you should research and study to really understand what is that movement and what is its aims. WE ARE NOT NAZIS, THIS IS THE STEREOTYPE USED BY THE MERE ZIONISTS THEMSELVES TO PREVENT PEOPLE FROM STATING THE REAL FACTS AND THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SITUATION. YOU ARE NOT IN A POSITION TO SAY ITS WELCOME OR NOT WELCOME... ARE YOU THE THE REPRESENTITVE OF THE DANISH PEOPLE?? people should be give a chance to hear all sides and facts...
I appreciate wut you have said regarding the points raised about palestine. It shows that you are a highly civilized person.
but I have some comments:
"If was no joke. Danish people are (literally) scared to death because many Muslim immigrants are extremely violent
You can't have a democratic society when violent thugs are making their own laws."
all the muslim populations living denmark are considered DANISH CITIZENS as other citizens living in DENMRAK. you have violent people from other religions and they should all be subjected to the danish law regardless of their religion. right??
"Allow me to respectfully quote a brave Muslim, Mr. Jihad Momani, "What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"."
I agree with Mr. Jihad, but BOTH should be condemned. Offending people in their beliefs by publishing offending caricatures is damaging to the people of the whole islamic nation , and their feelings while the action of blowing up civilians will be damaging also and will be condemned by the whole nation and all the world. Ofcourse the damage caused by the blowup is much greater than these caricatures but both actions are the nonetheless harmful and condemned.
"We don't have articles about Zionists plots that only exist in your imagination, but I'll mention three incidents that may surprise you."
Again zionesm does not exist in my imagination... and its my right "free press" to say that Israel is the child of the zionism movement which has started 300 years ago.. its practices and atrocties and war crimes comitted have not found their way into your free press... and i would happily oblige by sending hyperlinks to many websites that would support my point.
"3) On a more positive note: Last summer (2004) at Denmark's largest rock festival they build a copy of the new wall between Israel and Palestine. The copy was 5 meter broad and 8 meter tall, and guests at the festival were urged to write their names to show resistance against the wall being build in "
well I didn't know that, and its absoulety great that some Danish people think this way, but my point is that this wall is resting on PALASTINIAN CONFISCATED LAND and it prevents the palestinian people from seeing their family and relatives who have been cut to 2 sides by this wall and Israel has illlegaly built this wall as an occupation action on the palastinian land as demonstrated of the decision of the international justic court in lahigh (holland) where it clearly stated in its decision about the disputed wall that it is illlegal and its an act of AGGRESSION.
sorry to tell you that you don't know the
real aims and real goals of zionesm, in addition to the creation of the so-called Isreal. May we ask you how was Isreal to be created and where?? All the information you mentioned is FALSE and defies history majorly and the real facts.
Palestine was NOT owned by England. It was under british mandate as a part of the british colonial empire. It was FULLY ENHABITED by the palestinian people who had many cities and villages with a total active community. The Jewish agency started sending ill-legal immegrants to palestine to enhibit it. So the arabs didn't try to take the LAND FOR THEMSELVES, IT WAS ALREADY THEIRS. We may have to remind you that when the crusades tried to take jerusalem whom were they fighting?? can you remember?? try watching the movie "kingdom of heaven". The zionest immigrants supported by the colonial west raged a war to take the land from its rightful owners. That wasn't a CIVIL WAR, it was an OCCUPATIONAL / COLONIAL WAR with jewish terrorists (HAGANA/ SHTERN..ETC.) who introduced acts of terrorisim in the whole middleeast area which were unkown before. Examples :(blowing kind david's hotel in Jerusalem/ assisinating and killing Count Bernadot the representative of the UN to the area) is this all an illusion or fantasy in my mind or is it simply facts?? (THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION)
FYI, Israel airraids and bombing of palestinian cities results in killing civilians mainly children and women. The israeli troops practices collective punishment against CIVILIANS only. The prevent children from attending school, prevent sick and injured civilians from reaching hospitals by preventing the ambulances from reaching them. Many civilian palestinians died on the ground and couldn't reach hospitals to be treated there.
check out the story of "MOHAMED DURRA". and others.
I reapet fully... our RELIGION condems TERRORISIM... but it can't retain people from defending themselves agains occupation and state terrorisim. and have you heard the saying " an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"?? So if u wish to call the people who defend themselves as terrorist i'm dam well intrested what you call the occupation forces and their terrorist actions.
80% of the moslem population is living on the scraps??? well 100 % of the WESTERN WORLD IS LIVING ON THE STOLEN OIL FROM THE ARAB AND MOSLEM COUNTRIES. No people are beheaded under any civil laws in arab countires nor stoned nor gang raped. Actually these are FANTASIES created by your so called free press.
"Well thats because the thing you think "really" happened in holocaust (being one of the bastards that was allied to them) is a bit off the board. your reality of the holocaust is as little as your respect of democracy. So yes your arab nazi beliefs would be considered Anti-semitic and not welcome."
answering this way clearly supports my point that you don't have free press as called and you have double/triple standards. even if you think its bullshit, i should have the right to say my opinion not to mention real historical facts which were blown and twisted and exaggerated by the zionest movement to use its action and for its interest and its evil goals. Btw the zionest movements hasn't ENDED... it started 300 years ago and had many goals which you should research and study to really understand what is that movement and what is its aims. WE ARE NOT NAZIS, THIS IS THE STEREOTYPE USED BY THE MERE ZIONISTS THEMSELVES TO PREVENT PEOPLE FROM STATING THE REAL FACTS AND THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SITUATION. YOU ARE NOT IN A POSITION TO SAY ITS WELCOME OR NOT WELCOME... ARE YOU THE THE REPRESENTITVE OF THE DANISH PEOPLE?? people should be give a chance to hear all sides and facts...
It is heart wrenching to see what is happening. Muslim leaders are cashing in at the expensive of other peace loving Muslims. We the majority against violents. We even disagree our so called Muslims leaders who have successfully stirred unrest among the fanatics muslims who is a minority to the billion Muslims around the world. I'll be honest... I was offended by the pictures, but that doe not mean I must impose my disapproval to all. I love the freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion and free to be yourself.
That is something lacking in Muslim countries. Tyrants rulers who have ruled the countries for centuries has imposed rules for their own gain. Many of the things that the extremist claim or practised are not found in our holy Koran. Things are manipulated for their gain. We the small players and yet the majority are been suppressed. We had to accept the ideas of follow or die. There is no choice or freedom. We envy the Westerners. The freedom they have. We love USA president, Mr. Bush. To many, he is a Hero. The media never ask us how we feel. They only publish the minority outspoken fanatics. These extremists doesn't voice the majority. We hope Mr. Bush will bring freedom to our country like he is doing to Iraq. We women have no rights. Even now I had to ask my friend to pose my opinion fear someone might find out that I was writing this. We live in fear. Sometimes, no all the times we had to live by the minority influential ideas than our own. We are hiding in the name of religion. There is no freedom in middle east.
That is something lacking in Muslim countries. Tyrants rulers who have ruled the countries for centuries has imposed rules for their own gain. Many of the things that the extremist claim or practised are not found in our holy Koran. Things are manipulated for their gain. We the small players and yet the majority are been suppressed. We had to accept the ideas of follow or die. There is no choice or freedom. We envy the Westerners. The freedom they have. We love USA president, Mr. Bush. To many, he is a Hero. The media never ask us how we feel. They only publish the minority outspoken fanatics. These extremists doesn't voice the majority. We hope Mr. Bush will bring freedom to our country like he is doing to Iraq. We women have no rights. Even now I had to ask my friend to pose my opinion fear someone might find out that I was writing this. We live in fear. Sometimes, no all the times we had to live by the minority influential ideas than our own. We are hiding in the name of religion. There is no freedom in middle east.
I hope the Danish government will prosecute the Danish imams who traveled around the Middle East inciting hatred and violence against Denmark. The hysterical Muslim mobs attacking and burning Danish embassies and forcing Danish people to flee these countries are the ugly proof of what their incitement has done. It makes me laugh to hear Muslims justify this epidemic of hateful violence by saying that the cartoons hurt their dignity. The rioters and their apologists have hurt their own dignity by what they have done.
Honest man...
do you have an explanation as to why there is rioting now when these were published 4 months ago?
I'll save you some trouble. The Saudi Arabian government is instigating this to throw off attention from the fact that 351 people died in a stampede on their way to Mecca during their Haj. The main reason they died (and this has happened for many years) is because of S.A's incompetence. So the government controlled papers, rather than focus on this incident decided to drag back this story (which honest to pete, I saw maybe 3 images that are possibly offensive, but many of them were not at all offensive) to take the heat off of them. The Muslim world (which I know is actually all over the world) is being manipulated by the same people who conspired with Bush and brought us 9/11. If anyone is an enemy of peace, it's the Saudi royal family. I hope that people will calm down and stop getting agitated over a piece of paper! Images of Mahamoud have been made since Islam began, and there's not real rule about it in the Koran, merely a rule that Idolatry was a sin. The people who really are idolaters, the Christians and in particular, the Catholics, also have a rule against idolatry. They have images of Jesus, and of the crucifixion, which I personally find offensive, all over the place!
Here's the Saudi link: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/2/5/13149/60748
And to that anonymous woman from a middle eastern country somewhere...
You said: "We hope Mr. Bush will bring freedom to our country like he is doing to Iraq. We women have no rights. Even now I had to ask my friend to pose my opinion fear someone might find out that I was writing this. We live in fear."
I don't know what planet you are living on my friend, but for Bush, bringing freedom to Iraq = killing innocent Iraqis. I don't think it's working very well as a democracy either. Iraq is a disaster. Iraq is in ruins. Bush is a war criminal and now he is violating our constitution. Don't wish him upon yourself. He's created rape rooms in Iraq, as well, and has directed that innocent people be tortured. Sometimes children are tortured or raped in front of their parents, or
women are raped in front of their husbands. This is not a man who is granting "The Freedom". Bush is a horrifying example of what can happen in a democracy when they can fix the elections. Everything he has done in his own country, every single thing, has hurt the people of America. He is illegally spying on us, he is directing that "detention camps" be built, he is "disappearing " people. In fact he's doing a lot of what the Saudi royal family does! And they are buddies. Hmmmm.
As to religion, it's gonna be the death of all of us. The thing that really is stupid though is that all three of the major monotheistic religions worship the same mythical God! And they can't get along. All of them need to GROW UP.
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
- Denis Diderot
do you have an explanation as to why there is rioting now when these were published 4 months ago?
I'll save you some trouble. The Saudi Arabian government is instigating this to throw off attention from the fact that 351 people died in a stampede on their way to Mecca during their Haj. The main reason they died (and this has happened for many years) is because of S.A's incompetence. So the government controlled papers, rather than focus on this incident decided to drag back this story (which honest to pete, I saw maybe 3 images that are possibly offensive, but many of them were not at all offensive) to take the heat off of them. The Muslim world (which I know is actually all over the world) is being manipulated by the same people who conspired with Bush and brought us 9/11. If anyone is an enemy of peace, it's the Saudi royal family. I hope that people will calm down and stop getting agitated over a piece of paper! Images of Mahamoud have been made since Islam began, and there's not real rule about it in the Koran, merely a rule that Idolatry was a sin. The people who really are idolaters, the Christians and in particular, the Catholics, also have a rule against idolatry. They have images of Jesus, and of the crucifixion, which I personally find offensive, all over the place!
Here's the Saudi link: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/2/5/13149/60748
And to that anonymous woman from a middle eastern country somewhere...
You said: "We hope Mr. Bush will bring freedom to our country like he is doing to Iraq. We women have no rights. Even now I had to ask my friend to pose my opinion fear someone might find out that I was writing this. We live in fear."
I don't know what planet you are living on my friend, but for Bush, bringing freedom to Iraq = killing innocent Iraqis. I don't think it's working very well as a democracy either. Iraq is a disaster. Iraq is in ruins. Bush is a war criminal and now he is violating our constitution. Don't wish him upon yourself. He's created rape rooms in Iraq, as well, and has directed that innocent people be tortured. Sometimes children are tortured or raped in front of their parents, or
women are raped in front of their husbands. This is not a man who is granting "The Freedom". Bush is a horrifying example of what can happen in a democracy when they can fix the elections. Everything he has done in his own country, every single thing, has hurt the people of America. He is illegally spying on us, he is directing that "detention camps" be built, he is "disappearing " people. In fact he's doing a lot of what the Saudi royal family does! And they are buddies. Hmmmm.
As to religion, it's gonna be the death of all of us. The thing that really is stupid though is that all three of the major monotheistic religions worship the same mythical God! And they can't get along. All of them need to GROW UP.
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
- Denis Diderot
Islam is a religion for dogs in third world countries, if only they had no oil, then no one would give a fuck about these animals.
danish people u are pigs, and u know nothing about human rights, fuck your country, God is justing leaving u to laugh and enjoy your useless lives, but very soon god will teach u a lessaon that u will never forget, i not sad of what u are doing cause once you die u are in heal, hasbia allah wa ne3ma el wakeel,........... we will see who will laugh at who at last, the begininning is not important , the end is more important, one day we will pull u as dogs and dirty pigs.
But you muslims have to recognize that we westerns have good sense of humor!
I was looking at one of the cartoons and it shows Mohammed saying to a group of female muslims suicide bombers:
LOF !!!!
I was looking at one of the cartoons and it shows Mohammed saying to a group of female muslims suicide bombers:
LOF !!!!
I have spent the good part of an hour reading everyone's comments.
I think it is really neat to see everyone's opinion on such a complex situation. Some things that people said absolutely make me cringe though... and I am astonished that people can actually say these things in good conscience. Proud of their words no less... how strange.
Religion is very strange, how we can all get so fundamental attached to the archaic ways of life. I feel like religion caters to making sense of the world for the time period that it is being developed.
Personally, I was raised as a Christian, however, in my youth I developed independence from it. But in no way do I hate religion. It certainly can be frustrating at times though.
Religion throughout our history has been very crucial to our development as a species. To say that Christianity or Islam has been around for 2000 years is really not that significant. That is as though to say that Judaism is more important because it has been around far longer. The point is that for specific societies, it has been necessary to have different rules to govern a people.
As civilization has advanced, we are constantly seeing a division between the spiritual leadership, and the government. Although this is not always a linear process, and we still see hiccups from the past, looking back throughout our history this is very clear. In time, this will become more apparent in the Arabian world as well. Turkey is a great example of this, and I am sure will continue to see development in the future.
I think Arab viewpoints in this thread, particularly "Honest Person" are not too distant from the truth. Western media (including where I am from), are very biased, and certainly does not give an accurate portrayal about what is really happening around the world. The main idea is give an insufficient amount of information about an event so that people don't begin to question why things like this are going on.
Media companies make their profit strictly from advertising products. What kind of corporation is going to want to advertise on news station that is saying, "Due to our excessive use of energy, we must invade Iraq to supply the oil we need for our SUVs."
Sales would drop.
This of course leads to media stations broadcasting the most pro-consumeristic views, such that the viewers never question the impacts of the products that they are buying. That is western media.
However, I don't want to criticize only western media. Clearly totalitarian media is not much better. But what it really comes down to, is that we are being fed information that is biased one way or the other. The key has to be reading between the lines.
The majority of our civilizations and cultural heritage holds vast periods of time where women did not have rights. In most countries, women recieved the right to vote only within the last 100 years. The USA didn't allow women to vote until 1920, not to mention land rights, divorce rights, etc.
And yet, I've read so many "holier than thou" posts about how Arab women have no rights, as though it is something that has been exclusive to their religion.
Christianity, and Judaism have also both been extremely violent in their histories. Take for example the Spanish Inquistition, or the Crusades in general.
And we even discredit or forget the great achievements of the Arabs in the past... further development of math and science while Europe was in the midst of their dark ages. But who ever thinks of Al'Jabr when they are learning math?
Midevil crucades sanctioned by the papacy, with aims to overtake Jerusalem is certianly the Zionism that we have been refering to here. This of course is still happening within political ideals, and I am with "Honest Person" when he says zionism is still going on to this day. Perhaps more subtle, but fundamental christians believe that the Jews must rebuild a temple in Jerusalem before Christ will return. So there is still some religious Zionism going on, let alone the fight politically.
For myself, I am not sure if there is a god, and if there is... which religion is right? I don't know the answer to this.
What I do know, is that the more you rip someone off, the more resent is going to develop. Not a good thing when nuclear programs are popping up all over the map.
Maybe we should try to be a little less at each others throats, and not further taunt each other on with childish name calling.
Again, this is a simplistic view of what is going on, and to be honest, I truly believe that the Arab people have a pretty good reason to be upset. Maybe not over these cartoons, but rather the perpetuation of Arabaphobia. And yet, it is the picture that Muslimism is painting in the western world. Suicide bombing is very radical, courageous, and extremely terrifying. Due to little exposure of Islam in the western world, Terrorism is the image that is being painted by these radicals.
And that is clearly what those cartoons depicted. I don't think that they were suggesting that every Islamic person is a terrorist, but rather that is the mosiac that is being created with every new suicidal bombing.
We need to think about everything. Imagine what it must be like in the other persons shoes. This is cliche to say, but it is so important. There isn't evil lurking... it is just the actions of a desperate voice.
Maybe we should listen to it.
I think it is really neat to see everyone's opinion on such a complex situation. Some things that people said absolutely make me cringe though... and I am astonished that people can actually say these things in good conscience. Proud of their words no less... how strange.
Religion is very strange, how we can all get so fundamental attached to the archaic ways of life. I feel like religion caters to making sense of the world for the time period that it is being developed.
Personally, I was raised as a Christian, however, in my youth I developed independence from it. But in no way do I hate religion. It certainly can be frustrating at times though.
Religion throughout our history has been very crucial to our development as a species. To say that Christianity or Islam has been around for 2000 years is really not that significant. That is as though to say that Judaism is more important because it has been around far longer. The point is that for specific societies, it has been necessary to have different rules to govern a people.
As civilization has advanced, we are constantly seeing a division between the spiritual leadership, and the government. Although this is not always a linear process, and we still see hiccups from the past, looking back throughout our history this is very clear. In time, this will become more apparent in the Arabian world as well. Turkey is a great example of this, and I am sure will continue to see development in the future.
I think Arab viewpoints in this thread, particularly "Honest Person" are not too distant from the truth. Western media (including where I am from), are very biased, and certainly does not give an accurate portrayal about what is really happening around the world. The main idea is give an insufficient amount of information about an event so that people don't begin to question why things like this are going on.
Media companies make their profit strictly from advertising products. What kind of corporation is going to want to advertise on news station that is saying, "Due to our excessive use of energy, we must invade Iraq to supply the oil we need for our SUVs."
Sales would drop.
This of course leads to media stations broadcasting the most pro-consumeristic views, such that the viewers never question the impacts of the products that they are buying. That is western media.
However, I don't want to criticize only western media. Clearly totalitarian media is not much better. But what it really comes down to, is that we are being fed information that is biased one way or the other. The key has to be reading between the lines.
The majority of our civilizations and cultural heritage holds vast periods of time where women did not have rights. In most countries, women recieved the right to vote only within the last 100 years. The USA didn't allow women to vote until 1920, not to mention land rights, divorce rights, etc.
And yet, I've read so many "holier than thou" posts about how Arab women have no rights, as though it is something that has been exclusive to their religion.
Christianity, and Judaism have also both been extremely violent in their histories. Take for example the Spanish Inquistition, or the Crusades in general.
And we even discredit or forget the great achievements of the Arabs in the past... further development of math and science while Europe was in the midst of their dark ages. But who ever thinks of Al'Jabr when they are learning math?
Midevil crucades sanctioned by the papacy, with aims to overtake Jerusalem is certianly the Zionism that we have been refering to here. This of course is still happening within political ideals, and I am with "Honest Person" when he says zionism is still going on to this day. Perhaps more subtle, but fundamental christians believe that the Jews must rebuild a temple in Jerusalem before Christ will return. So there is still some religious Zionism going on, let alone the fight politically.
For myself, I am not sure if there is a god, and if there is... which religion is right? I don't know the answer to this.
What I do know, is that the more you rip someone off, the more resent is going to develop. Not a good thing when nuclear programs are popping up all over the map.
Maybe we should try to be a little less at each others throats, and not further taunt each other on with childish name calling.
Again, this is a simplistic view of what is going on, and to be honest, I truly believe that the Arab people have a pretty good reason to be upset. Maybe not over these cartoons, but rather the perpetuation of Arabaphobia. And yet, it is the picture that Muslimism is painting in the western world. Suicide bombing is very radical, courageous, and extremely terrifying. Due to little exposure of Islam in the western world, Terrorism is the image that is being painted by these radicals.
And that is clearly what those cartoons depicted. I don't think that they were suggesting that every Islamic person is a terrorist, but rather that is the mosiac that is being created with every new suicidal bombing.
We need to think about everything. Imagine what it must be like in the other persons shoes. This is cliche to say, but it is so important. There isn't evil lurking... it is just the actions of a desperate voice.
Maybe we should listen to it.
I appreciate your thoughtful and calming post. Would that more voices like you were in this blog!
And you are right, Zionism is still alive and well, and I think we can see that in Paul Wolfowitz and other members of PNAC who are also extremists in their Judaism, as well as the coordinating between those people and those on the Christian far right. I think a few people here need to realize that the ideology of Zionism is alive and well...It didn't "disappear" when Israel becamse a nation.
That being said, most Jews are not Zionists, and I know many Jews who are as appalled by Zionism, as I am appalled by the KKK. Extremism is in every contingent in our society, in almost every religion, in almost every nation. Fundamentalism is probably the biggest danger to peace and a sane world that exists in the world, whether that be a fundamentalist Christian or a fundamentalist Muslim, or a someone whose who's ideology makes them a Fascist (like Bush).
Fundamentalists, at their core, cannot critically think and must rely on an authority to tell them what to believe and how to think. Their world view is based on fear, and they fear anything different from themselves. If you wanna see scary, type in your google search "dominionists". These folks are the American taliban. They believe in executing anyone that doesn't adhere to their point of view, want to re-instate slavery, want to do away with public education, want to make all women submissive to men, and take away their ability to work, and want to place judicial power in the hands of ministers and clerics. oh, and anyone that isn't white and anglo? they want to enslave them. These people have an agenda and they are key elements in the base that support the Bush campaign.
In the US, they are really people to watch, especially now that we have a far right influence on the Supreme Court.
I pray, and I mean that metaphorically, because the only deity I acknowledge is Gaia, the planet that is, and the collective divinity that we all are, that the light will be cast on the Saudi government who is instigating this chaos through their lies and their planted photos. Let the Muslim world see who their real enemy is here, and it's not Denmark. It's the Saudi Arabian royal family, and it's their government. Considering how they treat their own people, and the fundamentalist Wahabaism they promote, which encourages such things as suicide bombings, which only gains those who do, the enmity of the world, and fear from those who are naive to the machinations of those in power. And I include Bush in that cabal.
Please people protest all you like, but know who your enemy is and stop the violence!
I appreciate your thoughtful and calming post. Would that more voices like you were in this blog!
And you are right, Zionism is still alive and well, and I think we can see that in Paul Wolfowitz and other members of PNAC who are also extremists in their Judaism, as well as the coordinating between those people and those on the Christian far right. I think a few people here need to realize that the ideology of Zionism is alive and well...It didn't "disappear" when Israel becamse a nation.
That being said, most Jews are not Zionists, and I know many Jews who are as appalled by Zionism, as I am appalled by the KKK. Extremism is in every contingent in our society, in almost every religion, in almost every nation. Fundamentalism is probably the biggest danger to peace and a sane world that exists in the world, whether that be a fundamentalist Christian or a fundamentalist Muslim, or a someone whose who's ideology makes them a Fascist (like Bush).
Fundamentalists, at their core, cannot critically think and must rely on an authority to tell them what to believe and how to think. Their world view is based on fear, and they fear anything different from themselves. If you wanna see scary, type in your google search "dominionists". These folks are the American taliban. They believe in executing anyone that doesn't adhere to their point of view, want to re-instate slavery, want to do away with public education, want to make all women submissive to men, and take away their ability to work, and want to place judicial power in the hands of ministers and clerics. oh, and anyone that isn't white and anglo? they want to enslave them. These people have an agenda and they are key elements in the base that support the Bush campaign.
In the US, they are really people to watch, especially now that we have a far right influence on the Supreme Court.
I pray, and I mean that metaphorically, because the only deity I acknowledge is Gaia, the planet that is, and the collective divinity that we all are, that the light will be cast on the Saudi government who is instigating this chaos through their lies and their planted photos. Let the Muslim world see who their real enemy is here, and it's not Denmark. It's the Saudi Arabian royal family, and it's their government. Considering how they treat their own people, and the fundamentalist Wahabaism they promote, which encourages such things as suicide bombings, which only gains those who do, the enmity of the world, and fear from those who are naive to the machinations of those in power. And I include Bush in that cabal.
Please people protest all you like, but know who your enemy is and stop the violence!
I'm sorry I meant "planted images", not "planted photos". And I'm refering to the 3 extra ones that the Imams are carrying.
I can't work out what religion these violent dickheads are practising or why they’re getting so worked up about a bunch of cartoons. Mohammed is open to public ridicule just like any other celeb, so get a grip. Imagine if supporters of Tom & Katie went nuts every time the media poked fun at them.
to the last anonymous:
Fundamentalists don't have an "ideology" that really adheres to their original religion. All Fundamentalists believe anything different is to be feared and any criticism is to be reacted to with violence or with an authoritarian iron clad boot. Fundamentalists are brainwashed ideologues who NEVER follow the original tenets of their original religion, instead they focus on the superstitious and hateful tenets of whatever their religion is and then claims those are the true tenets of that religion, and this is true across the board.
That being said, the fundamentalists are the ones reacting and setting fires, not the majority of Muslims. A majority of Muslims may be angry over a moderate issue that has been egged on by the Saudi government to cover their asses for the deaths of so many on the Haj, but most will not be inflamed to violence unless pressed against the wall by a "crusade" by the west.
Right now it is time to COOL temperatures, not incense them. Don't add to the hate. Chill out.
Fundamentalists don't have an "ideology" that really adheres to their original religion. All Fundamentalists believe anything different is to be feared and any criticism is to be reacted to with violence or with an authoritarian iron clad boot. Fundamentalists are brainwashed ideologues who NEVER follow the original tenets of their original religion, instead they focus on the superstitious and hateful tenets of whatever their religion is and then claims those are the true tenets of that religion, and this is true across the board.
That being said, the fundamentalists are the ones reacting and setting fires, not the majority of Muslims. A majority of Muslims may be angry over a moderate issue that has been egged on by the Saudi government to cover their asses for the deaths of so many on the Haj, but most will not be inflamed to violence unless pressed against the wall by a "crusade" by the west.
Right now it is time to COOL temperatures, not incense them. Don't add to the hate. Chill out.
Blu, Fancy pan...! I'm RELIEVEDDDD to see some westerns who are educated and know what's going on around them!!! I thought no1 know what's really going on here (MIDDLEEAST) but i'm really glad to see people like you!! I'm always prepared to hear what the other side has to say and its nice some others are too..
Hi people.
I'm danish - And I am truly sorry for the distress thise drawings cost.
Here is a link to the original pictures: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons_controversy
I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive, even the people that distribute the three pictures above - I am a lawfull GOD-loving man, whom is sorry for the intolerant extremistic people - both ours and yours - the three above pictures are offensive and they have never beein publiched in any danish paper.
I truthly hope you will understand that most danes is NOT like that, we have children, jobs and wifes like any other good men - and dispice violence.
I pray that nobody will get hurt on either side in this dispute.
In the love of GOD - A distressed Dane.
I'm danish - And I am truly sorry for the distress thise drawings cost.
Here is a link to the original pictures: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons_controversy
I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive, even the people that distribute the three pictures above - I am a lawfull GOD-loving man, whom is sorry for the intolerant extremistic people - both ours and yours - the three above pictures are offensive and they have never beein publiched in any danish paper.
I truthly hope you will understand that most danes is NOT like that, we have children, jobs and wifes like any other good men - and dispice violence.
I pray that nobody will get hurt on either side in this dispute.
In the love of GOD - A distressed Dane.
Some of the writer's make much out of the fact that Palestine at the time of the British Mandate was occupied by Muslims. However, there were also, at that time, a sizeable number of Jews there. In 1917, the British, in recognition that there were both Jews and Arab inhabitants, adopted the Balfour Declaration which said there would be a division of Palestine between Arabs and Jews when they left. It s also incontrovertible that the Jews were the majority in Palestine during the Roman era and occupation, at a time when there waws no Moslem religion. So I guess the Muslim position is that once they conquor an area, it is theirs forever. Actually, I was once told, while visiting Beruit, Lebanon,when I asked an Islamic professor at the American University, "Why can't the Arabs come to some political arrangement with the Jews?" that, "Once Islamic, always Islamic!" Thus, the Moslem belief seems to be that once they occupy an area and impose their religion, no other entity is allowed to recapture or reoccupy it and impose their beliefs. That belief is at odds with both history and reality.
The best thing to do would be if we all stop eating cows because in India is sanctified and they have the nuclear weapon. (Muslims are just mockering themselves right now; the only thing they will obtain will be more hate toward their religion)
To the muslim that critisized everybody elses comments and opinions on this page....
You are a very SICK man and so is your culture!
I got as far as your explanation about who aisha was - mohameds child bride. I stopped reading and disregarded everything else you had said as total rubbish! PERVERTS DON'T DESERVE ANY UNDERSTANDING FROM ANYONE. ANYBODY, ANYWHERE that can condone sex with a child is the sickest most vile person there is. INCLUDING MOHAMED!
Even if it is 'thought' that arabian women mature quicker in body, THERE IS NO WAY THEY HAVE MATURED BRAINS AND MINDS TO COPE WITH WHAT IS BEING DONE TO THEM AND THE WAY THEY ARE USED BY SELFISH, EGOTISTIC PIGS! Especially as women are treated like second class citizens and education is not freely available to them. They have to take what is given to them by men and that is that. My sister lives in saudi - so i know!
And anyway, the average age of puberty in the west is 12 years old. If you are saying that arabian women mature quicker, you are saying that she was younger than 12!!!! That is so disgusting to think that you muslims think that's ok. YOU ARE SICK AND EVEN SICKER TO SPEAK PROUDLY OF IT! YOU ARE ALL PERVERTED PEDOPHILES! NOT ONE OF YOU CAN PROBALY DENY IT EITHER!
You are a very SICK man and so is your culture!
I got as far as your explanation about who aisha was - mohameds child bride. I stopped reading and disregarded everything else you had said as total rubbish! PERVERTS DON'T DESERVE ANY UNDERSTANDING FROM ANYONE. ANYBODY, ANYWHERE that can condone sex with a child is the sickest most vile person there is. INCLUDING MOHAMED!
Even if it is 'thought' that arabian women mature quicker in body, THERE IS NO WAY THEY HAVE MATURED BRAINS AND MINDS TO COPE WITH WHAT IS BEING DONE TO THEM AND THE WAY THEY ARE USED BY SELFISH, EGOTISTIC PIGS! Especially as women are treated like second class citizens and education is not freely available to them. They have to take what is given to them by men and that is that. My sister lives in saudi - so i know!
And anyway, the average age of puberty in the west is 12 years old. If you are saying that arabian women mature quicker, you are saying that she was younger than 12!!!! That is so disgusting to think that you muslims think that's ok. YOU ARE SICK AND EVEN SICKER TO SPEAK PROUDLY OF IT! YOU ARE ALL PERVERTED PEDOPHILES! NOT ONE OF YOU CAN PROBALY DENY IT EITHER!
A muslim banging on about human rights!!! What a laugh!!! You have no ideas about human rights!! You kill, you murder, you maim. All in the name of Islam. You have no free thoughts of your own as you are brain washed from an early age. Therefore you have no ideas of your own and your brain is not used for free thinking!
You make out that you dont drink alcahol but I have first hand experience of Muslim brothers heading in to town for a night on the beer and to go whoring. Typical of the dual standards of the muslim faith! You make out that we in the west dont respect women. You deface any advertising hoarding that show a partially clad woman. Why?? Because you dont know how to control yourselves! Not because its disrespectful! Your males(I wont use the word 'men' because you are not worthy of the word!) make your own women walk behind you. Why? because you believe they are inferior! Great human rights there!
And as for the nation of Islam......It does not exsist! The Turks have dammed one of the few rivers that runs through the middle east depriving the next nation down stream of water! That country is also a Muslim country! Very thoughtful of them! Very considerate! Shia murder Sunni and vice versa.
You are all vermin of the very worst kind. I sincerely believe that the time is approaching when the rest of the world have simply had enough of your filthy ways. You will pay with your lives. I hope I am around to see it happen.
You make out that you dont drink alcahol but I have first hand experience of Muslim brothers heading in to town for a night on the beer and to go whoring. Typical of the dual standards of the muslim faith! You make out that we in the west dont respect women. You deface any advertising hoarding that show a partially clad woman. Why?? Because you dont know how to control yourselves! Not because its disrespectful! Your males(I wont use the word 'men' because you are not worthy of the word!) make your own women walk behind you. Why? because you believe they are inferior! Great human rights there!
And as for the nation of Islam......It does not exsist! The Turks have dammed one of the few rivers that runs through the middle east depriving the next nation down stream of water! That country is also a Muslim country! Very thoughtful of them! Very considerate! Shia murder Sunni and vice versa.
You are all vermin of the very worst kind. I sincerely believe that the time is approaching when the rest of the world have simply had enough of your filthy ways. You will pay with your lives. I hope I am around to see it happen.
> Honest man: all the muslim populations living denmark are considered DANISH CITIZENS as other citizens living in DENMRAK. you have violent people from other religions and they should all be subjected to the danish law regardless of their religion. right??
Right, but often immigrants form a society within the society, where nobody co-operates with the police.
The Danish no-go areas are not nearly as bad as the ones in France, but we have areas where the police won't come before they have packed at least 8 policemen into their van.
And even when the criminal has been arrested - a few years in prison with television, plat-station, gym etc. etc., is easy compared to a victim that may be crippled for life.
To clarify: We have had some violent episodes, but only one of them was related to religion. The rest (and worst) are violent thugs who are reacting to what a Dane would consider a trifle.
> Honest man: well I didn't know that, and its absoulety great that some Danish people think this way,
Many Danes have a positive attitude towards Palestine - and many Danes are positive towards Israel.
I have to tell you, that Danish Jews (like Victor Borge) are model citizens.
> Honest man: but my point is that this wall is resting on PALASTINIAN CONFISCATED LAND
Yes, sorry, it was a mistake to write Israel.
Anyway, if you have a story to tell (like that of Folke Bernadotte) there's nobody stopping you from going to the top is this page and click "Get your own Blog". ;)
There's free speech on the Internet, but don't use the word "Zionist" - it means too many different things to too many people.
Right, but often immigrants form a society within the society, where nobody co-operates with the police.
The Danish no-go areas are not nearly as bad as the ones in France, but we have areas where the police won't come before they have packed at least 8 policemen into their van.
And even when the criminal has been arrested - a few years in prison with television, plat-station, gym etc. etc., is easy compared to a victim that may be crippled for life.
To clarify: We have had some violent episodes, but only one of them was related to religion. The rest (and worst) are violent thugs who are reacting to what a Dane would consider a trifle.
> Honest man: well I didn't know that, and its absoulety great that some Danish people think this way,
Many Danes have a positive attitude towards Palestine - and many Danes are positive towards Israel.
I have to tell you, that Danish Jews (like Victor Borge) are model citizens.
> Honest man: but my point is that this wall is resting on PALASTINIAN CONFISCATED LAND
Yes, sorry, it was a mistake to write Israel.
Anyway, if you have a story to tell (like that of Folke Bernadotte) there's nobody stopping you from going to the top is this page and click "Get your own Blog". ;)
There's free speech on the Internet, but don't use the word "Zionist" - it means too many different things to too many people.
I can not belive what I just read! What have happened to respecting all humanbeings regardless religion or ethnical background? How can some of us use words and sentenses like "Fuck you all, hope you burne in hell" etc. I am a muslim, raised in europe. I love my religion and im proud of being a muslim AND I respect everyone REGARDLESS OF RELIGION! When it comes to free speech one should still be carefull what they write or say. I have seen the pictures, and it breaks my heart that they where even printed. We should respect religions and NOT do things that upset some ppl. We are all citizens of the world and we were all given life from Allah all mighty. Respect eachother!!! In the end Allah is the one to judge not us judging eachother!
I'm a 52 year old white european male. I am proud not to be a racsist. I'm proud that I am prepared to open my mind to other nationalities ways, cultures and and to allow other nationalities to live amoungst us. Chinese, Jews, Germans, French, Spanish Indians never a problem! Muslims however are not a race......they never will be. They kill anyone. Even their own kind in an attempt to get their own way. Nobody elses ways or beliefs are given due consideration or respect. Why the hell do we bother to listen to them and why should we respect their warped ways ? Screw them!
They are not a race. They are just another sick religion and as I am a citizen of a free thinking and free speaking society I should have the freedom to dislike (or hate) who ever I want to. I hate murderers. I hate gypsies. I hate layabouts. I hate muslims!
The muslim demonstrators have called for violence and murder I think 'we'(meaning absolutely anyone who is not a muslim)should oblige! Lets..... do unto others as others would do unto us.
They are not a race. They are just another sick religion and as I am a citizen of a free thinking and free speaking society I should have the freedom to dislike (or hate) who ever I want to. I hate murderers. I hate gypsies. I hate layabouts. I hate muslims!
The muslim demonstrators have called for violence and murder I think 'we'(meaning absolutely anyone who is not a muslim)should oblige! Lets..... do unto others as others would do unto us.
To all those decrying the offense of someone's religion: Where, exactly, does it say that you have a right to go through life unoffended? And moreover, if Muslims are so concerned about this, why is it that editorial cartoons of hook-nosed Jews are so prevalent in their own newspapers? Can dish it but can't take it?
you say that islam is terrorism, and we kill people. but u have to look at your selves, you viloated all human rights, look in iraq the usa and british are thiefs they went to stole our oil, by saying that they want to go iraq to liberize iraqi people from the tyrant presdient saddam, but u are liers they went to iraq they committed terrible things aganists human rights, they rapped women and killed children, the treated men in prison terribly they made them appear in pictures with no cloth and ddi them things that were totally aganist twhat the misson they claimed was , liers u came to destory iraq which has alot of innocents. look in palestain hundred killed everyday and thouhsand becaome homeless isreal destroyed their lives they cant go to schools and cant live a secure life. then u say we are terrorists how come, we dont go to an innocent people in a certain country and destroy thier hopes, kill their children, rape their women and take men and put them in prison abu graib and publish pictures of them in a sitiuation that totally is aganist human rights.
i think u nonmuslims are more terror, without calling u u come and destroy a whole country full of innocents and calim that u are in favor of human rights....shame on u ..but u have to know that evil never keeps alive it has one day disappear.
u steelers of our oil....thiefs not more not less with out our oil u cant live we do a great favor for u all europeans and americans u have to keep praying day and night that we supply u with oil....
i think u nonmuslims are more terror, without calling u u come and destroy a whole country full of innocents and calim that u are in favor of human rights....shame on u ..but u have to know that evil never keeps alive it has one day disappear.
u steelers of our oil....thiefs not more not less with out our oil u cant live we do a great favor for u all europeans and americans u have to keep praying day and night that we supply u with oil....
Muslims, Jews, and Christians are all the same... STUPID. God is a fairytale, so, just shut up please.
After reading through about 30 posts I have to say that I am truly terrorfied. The language, abuse and downright disrespect we all seem to have for one another is discracful. I am a strong beleiver of live and let live but it seems to me that all people of strong religion have to deal with the fact that there are extremists capable of murder and pure hatred within their choice of belief. Wether Muslim, Jewish, Christian or other.
I my self have no religious beliefs, neither does my wife. And we aim to not avoid an education of the religions of the world but to teach our child to be mindful of what each religion stands for and how beleivers of each religion behave towards others. Non capatalists may believe money is the route of all evil. This is not true and has probably never has been true although it can bring people to do some fairly hoirrible things. At this point in time no matter what side you think you are on it is becoming more and more apparent that religion is the route of all evil. Infact looking back in time there have only been a few occasions when religion has not been the primary reason for men killing other men, women and children.
I plead to everyone. Stop this nonsense, get a sense of humour, stop being so sensitive, stop being so racist and prejudice and above all get along. It's not hard. I don't hate anyone and never have. I dont care what you think, believe, eat, shit, or when, where or which direction you choose to pray. I will give you leave for your own requirements and in return I ask you do the same for me and my family.
I my self have no religious beliefs, neither does my wife. And we aim to not avoid an education of the religions of the world but to teach our child to be mindful of what each religion stands for and how beleivers of each religion behave towards others. Non capatalists may believe money is the route of all evil. This is not true and has probably never has been true although it can bring people to do some fairly hoirrible things. At this point in time no matter what side you think you are on it is becoming more and more apparent that religion is the route of all evil. Infact looking back in time there have only been a few occasions when religion has not been the primary reason for men killing other men, women and children.
I plead to everyone. Stop this nonsense, get a sense of humour, stop being so sensitive, stop being so racist and prejudice and above all get along. It's not hard. I don't hate anyone and never have. I dont care what you think, believe, eat, shit, or when, where or which direction you choose to pray. I will give you leave for your own requirements and in return I ask you do the same for me and my family.
Just another case of religion being the biggest destroyer of lives. Maybe one day people will learn not to rely on story books. What else do people rely on from the "beginning of time"? I might as well go part the red sea, and look for some mermaids on the way, to the end of our flat world, that is the center of the universe...ughhhh, it will never change.
Muslim fundamentalists applaud the images of westerners being executed with graphic detail on the internet, but a tongue-in-cheek cartoon turns them into raving lunatics...I wish their fingers turn into fish hooks and their testicles begin to itch feverently
well first one simple thing, there are countries there are laws and you follow the ones that are in that country, well not all do but most try to, thats how a country works and survives.
Some people in here attacks islam other the danes some one even dispites christians but the point still remains.
12 drawings (of a man that no one have seen) so how do they know its him?
1 of the drawings doesnt even show a man but "something" well criticims towards islam isnt allowed either?
about the pigs and why its forbidden to eat them well its a writen fact from before islam was even invented people who ate pigs got sick and died thats why Judes doen eat pigs either. in the west we didnt have this propblem back then mainly due to the weather condition... it rains here (that was sarcasm kill me).
Does the name iskandere say anything to you ? if it does then explain to me what the hell Alexander the great hade to do with islam? hes freaking greek, well was hes dead now.
But you see now what happend, to make a point that there are stuff in the koran that dont add up I forgott the real issue, 12 pictures!
And I have seen the news..... 12 drawings..... I repeat 12 DRAWINGS!!! nothing any one can say or do will in any way give those people the right to put any one else in danger due to 12 DRAWINGS!!! and why does people in Iran react to what 12 drawings in denmark say or do? because there religion?!?!
The main question is (so all of you brain dead people might wake up and realise this) who told them and why did they do this?!?
It hase nothing what so ever to do with these 12 drawings, its a political gambling that was set inmotion by some one somewere to gain something,
and for you that think that a 40 year old women in iraq at this moment would get to an internet cafe to look up what the danish papers print and write about islam, when she propably is trying to stay alive.... well to you I can say nothing you are of course right in what ever you say.
So one more time, this hase nothing to do with Denmark the EU or any stupid suicide bomber in the US that will freak out due to 12 DRAWINGS!!
It hase only to due to the fact that when this is over, alot of people, politicians will have gained alot of power, and you will se in denmark a new group of politicians. And no one will remember the 12 drawings.
Some people in here attacks islam other the danes some one even dispites christians but the point still remains.
12 drawings (of a man that no one have seen) so how do they know its him?
1 of the drawings doesnt even show a man but "something" well criticims towards islam isnt allowed either?
about the pigs and why its forbidden to eat them well its a writen fact from before islam was even invented people who ate pigs got sick and died thats why Judes doen eat pigs either. in the west we didnt have this propblem back then mainly due to the weather condition... it rains here (that was sarcasm kill me).
Does the name iskandere say anything to you ? if it does then explain to me what the hell Alexander the great hade to do with islam? hes freaking greek, well was hes dead now.
But you see now what happend, to make a point that there are stuff in the koran that dont add up I forgott the real issue, 12 pictures!
And I have seen the news..... 12 drawings..... I repeat 12 DRAWINGS!!! nothing any one can say or do will in any way give those people the right to put any one else in danger due to 12 DRAWINGS!!! and why does people in Iran react to what 12 drawings in denmark say or do? because there religion?!?!
The main question is (so all of you brain dead people might wake up and realise this) who told them and why did they do this?!?
It hase nothing what so ever to do with these 12 drawings, its a political gambling that was set inmotion by some one somewere to gain something,
and for you that think that a 40 year old women in iraq at this moment would get to an internet cafe to look up what the danish papers print and write about islam, when she propably is trying to stay alive.... well to you I can say nothing you are of course right in what ever you say.
So one more time, this hase nothing to do with Denmark the EU or any stupid suicide bomber in the US that will freak out due to 12 DRAWINGS!!
It hase only to due to the fact that when this is over, alot of people, politicians will have gained alot of power, and you will se in denmark a new group of politicians. And no one will remember the 12 drawings.
voxre publications... i'm sorry to tell you that YOU are the idiot and the lier... i'm an iraqi woman who was forced to leave the country due to the ruins it became...! Fancy pants has got the idea WAY BETTER than you have.. she has more sense than any1 i read in this page... and i'm not only sure... i'm POSITIVE that bush is a terrorist that has conspired to bring 9/11 and to invade iraq due to your excesseve necessity of oil.. please don't defend him, as i said you did not see whap happened here.. american soldiers raping, killing inocent people... men raping MEN... can u believe that... GANG RAPING... ! in the end YOU are the one who needs to GROW UP AND OPEN YOUR EYES TO WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOU.
> Iraqi Immigrant i'm POSITIVE that bush is a terrorist that has conspired to bring 9/11 and to invade iraq due to your excesseve necessity of oil..
This blog is about Danish cartoons so allow me to point out that:
o Denmark does not want Iraqi oil. Denmark is a net exporter of oil. If Saddam had refused to sell oil, prices would go up, and it would have been a good thing for Denmark.
o Danish people do not hate Iraqi people - in fact before the war, most people would be hard put to tell the difference between Iraq and Iran.
o Denmark joined the forces to rid the world of a tyrant, Saddam Hussein.
I'm truly sorry if Muslim terrorists are making life hard in Iraq today, but you can't blame Bush nor Denmark for the actions of Muslim terrorists.
We are doing our best to help your government - the government that you yourself have voted for.(just in case you forgot ;-) )
I would also like to voice my disgust over the actions in Abu Ghraib. I'm also disappointed that the legal system doesn't go to the top (Rumsfield) in order to find the responsible people. This is certainly not the system Denmark wanted to fight for - but an ineffective legal system is still light years better than the old one.
Calling Bush a terrorist is stupid - and using Iraq as an excuse to burn down Danish embassies show the hypocrisy of the Islamists.
This blog is about Danish cartoons so allow me to point out that:
o Denmark does not want Iraqi oil. Denmark is a net exporter of oil. If Saddam had refused to sell oil, prices would go up, and it would have been a good thing for Denmark.
o Danish people do not hate Iraqi people - in fact before the war, most people would be hard put to tell the difference between Iraq and Iran.
o Denmark joined the forces to rid the world of a tyrant, Saddam Hussein.
I'm truly sorry if Muslim terrorists are making life hard in Iraq today, but you can't blame Bush nor Denmark for the actions of Muslim terrorists.
We are doing our best to help your government - the government that you yourself have voted for.(just in case you forgot ;-) )
I would also like to voice my disgust over the actions in Abu Ghraib. I'm also disappointed that the legal system doesn't go to the top (Rumsfield) in order to find the responsible people. This is certainly not the system Denmark wanted to fight for - but an ineffective legal system is still light years better than the old one.
Calling Bush a terrorist is stupid - and using Iraq as an excuse to burn down Danish embassies show the hypocrisy of the Islamists.
Wonderful display of conspiracy theories and the successful implementation of propaganda. (by both sides) Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle?
American soldiers systematically gang raping anything that walks? purposely killing civilians? Hardly (not sayng that a couple of soldiers from a platoon haven't, but US forces? right...)
American soldiers only shooting when being shot at declarations? Hardly. Only interrogation practises used in the US are used on terror suspects? Hardly (not saying that the US systematically breaks people's bones, but it is not like their hasn't been cases of dubious interegation methods/practises of he type illegal within the USA borders)
All these arguments remind me of the time when the coalition patrolled the Iraqi no fly zone (right or wrong).
EVERY TIME a bomb was dropped:
Iraqi gov't: Lots of (and only) civilians were killed. No military installation destroyed.
US gov't: Military installation targetted (didn't miss) possible one or two civilians killed.
Soo.. either the US pilots are capable of missing 100% or are capable of 100% accuracy with weapons and conditions which are not 100% accurate (thing Gulf War 1 precision, precision, precsion yet only 15% or so were guided hmm)...
Both sides claimed the halo, yet neither were right.
The USA, champions of world freedom/human rights (missing in 1939, 1940 just made 1941 (not by choice))and democracy (actually it's a republic) is a nation that is strangely quite fearful. Post 9/11 many polls showed people worried about terrorism in their schools and such (even when asked in small towns in the middle of Idaho or some such non iconic large place - forget NY) So you get the patriot law and such... Which its only accomplishment is to perpetuate the fear, coupled with frequent media reports of sucicide bombers, continues the cycle...strange for such a powereful nation isn't it? (for those in the US here's an interesting exercise, track the news.. how many are about you should fear X? (discount the sports)...(sort of like count the times western media reports on middle eastern media reporting you should hate X)
As for the Danish cartoons well..
Of all the countries in Europe that the extremists shouldn't try and blow something (no pun intended) out of proportion...
IMHO it is a case of people hearing hate rhetoric loudly over and over again until they believe it. A Danish (non gov't affiliated) cartoon equates to a burnt embassy yet an Iranian presidents call for the wholesale destruction/slaughter of a nation equates to? (are these comparable?
American soldiers systematically gang raping anything that walks? purposely killing civilians? Hardly (not sayng that a couple of soldiers from a platoon haven't, but US forces? right...)
American soldiers only shooting when being shot at declarations? Hardly. Only interrogation practises used in the US are used on terror suspects? Hardly (not saying that the US systematically breaks people's bones, but it is not like their hasn't been cases of dubious interegation methods/practises of he type illegal within the USA borders)
All these arguments remind me of the time when the coalition patrolled the Iraqi no fly zone (right or wrong).
EVERY TIME a bomb was dropped:
Iraqi gov't: Lots of (and only) civilians were killed. No military installation destroyed.
US gov't: Military installation targetted (didn't miss) possible one or two civilians killed.
Soo.. either the US pilots are capable of missing 100% or are capable of 100% accuracy with weapons and conditions which are not 100% accurate (thing Gulf War 1 precision, precision, precsion yet only 15% or so were guided hmm)...
Both sides claimed the halo, yet neither were right.
The USA, champions of world freedom/human rights (missing in 1939, 1940 just made 1941 (not by choice))and democracy (actually it's a republic) is a nation that is strangely quite fearful. Post 9/11 many polls showed people worried about terrorism in their schools and such (even when asked in small towns in the middle of Idaho or some such non iconic large place - forget NY) So you get the patriot law and such... Which its only accomplishment is to perpetuate the fear, coupled with frequent media reports of sucicide bombers, continues the cycle...strange for such a powereful nation isn't it? (for those in the US here's an interesting exercise, track the news.. how many are about you should fear X? (discount the sports)...(sort of like count the times western media reports on middle eastern media reporting you should hate X)
As for the Danish cartoons well..
Of all the countries in Europe that the extremists shouldn't try and blow something (no pun intended) out of proportion...
IMHO it is a case of people hearing hate rhetoric loudly over and over again until they believe it. A Danish (non gov't affiliated) cartoon equates to a burnt embassy yet an Iranian presidents call for the wholesale destruction/slaughter of a nation equates to? (are these comparable?
How many THOUSANDS of years are going to pass before humanity wakes up and stops killing each other becuase some of us happen to believe in a different god?
Read some Sam Harris, he is a lot better with words then I am. The simple point is that all of this nonsense has to fucking stop sometime, if we expect the human race to surrive. This is the only time in history where the SAME OLD SHIT is seriousally a threat to our continued existance -- thanks to weapon technology advancements.
Fucking insanity. Plain and simple. I find it so hard to beleive that people are killing each other based off two thousand year old literature. Get with the times. Think for yourself and you might be amazed to see that we don't need a god to live a good moral life and to be good to the people around us. I really don't want to die becuase of something as fucking stupid as shit like this, you know?
And what the hell is up with this crap, Muslims? As a proud athiest, i'm attacked often and told that i'm immoral, evil, wicked, going to hell, etc etc etc...I laugh and go find intelligent people to talk with. You can attack any belief I have, with any language you choose, and it means NOTHING to me. So what if someone makes a cartoon showing the face of the Prophet Mohammed? Does that force you to reject your own religion? Are you SO FUCKING WEAK that you can't stand other points of view? Wait, stupid question, I already know the answer to that one.
It takes a bigger, stronger, and BETTER man to be resonable and logical then to resort to violence.
How many THOUSANDS of years are going to pass before humanity wakes up and stops killing each other becuase some of us happen to believe in a different god?
Read some Sam Harris, he is a lot better with words then I am. The simple point is that all of this nonsense has to fucking stop sometime, if we expect the human race to surrive. This is the only time in history where the SAME OLD SHIT is seriousally a threat to our continued existance -- thanks to weapon technology advancements.
Fucking insanity. Plain and simple. I find it so hard to beleive that people are killing each other based off two thousand year old literature. Get with the times. Think for yourself and you might be amazed to see that we don't need a god to live a good moral life and to be good to the people around us. I really don't want to die becuase of something as fucking stupid as shit like this, you know?
And what the hell is up with this crap, Muslims? As a proud athiest, i'm attacked often and told that i'm immoral, evil, wicked, going to hell, etc etc etc...I laugh and go find intelligent people to talk with. You can attack any belief I have, with any language you choose, and it means NOTHING to me. So what if someone makes a cartoon showing the face of the Prophet Mohammed? Does that force you to reject your own religion? Are you SO FUCKING WEAK that you can't stand other points of view? Wait, stupid question, I already know the answer to that one.
It takes a bigger, stronger, and BETTER man to be resonable and logical then to resort to violence.
(quote)Honest Man: what pisses us off is that what was put in your paper was evil, untrue and gave people the impression that the Muslim religion called for terrorism which is totally the opposite..(/quote)
Well, if you Muslim assholes would stop killing other people over your fucking silly religion, maybe we would not make these sterotypes. I'm not saying any other religion is better, they are all fucked up, outdated, and have no place in a modern world. Wake the fuck up and smell the coffee, human race. This is what happens when silly assholes that are stupid enough to beleive in the invisible pink unicorns in the sky come into possession of any sort of power whatsoever: They use it to bring misery and suffering to the lives of as many people as they possibly can.
For fucks sake, people are born, they grow old, and THEN THEY DIE. It's okay to die, you don't need to be so fucking afraid of it that you believe in silly things and take other people to the grave on your way out. Wake up, grow a fucking pair of balls, and face your fears. Takes a lot of fucking courage to be part of of 1% of this planet that is not fucking stupid, for lack of a better word.
Sorry, world, this shit really pisses me off. Thousands of years of time pass, we're still killing each other over THE SAME OLD LAME SHIT. Maybe it's time for a better idea? Just a sugesstion.
Well, if you Muslim assholes would stop killing other people over your fucking silly religion, maybe we would not make these sterotypes. I'm not saying any other religion is better, they are all fucked up, outdated, and have no place in a modern world. Wake the fuck up and smell the coffee, human race. This is what happens when silly assholes that are stupid enough to beleive in the invisible pink unicorns in the sky come into possession of any sort of power whatsoever: They use it to bring misery and suffering to the lives of as many people as they possibly can.
For fucks sake, people are born, they grow old, and THEN THEY DIE. It's okay to die, you don't need to be so fucking afraid of it that you believe in silly things and take other people to the grave on your way out. Wake up, grow a fucking pair of balls, and face your fears. Takes a lot of fucking courage to be part of of 1% of this planet that is not fucking stupid, for lack of a better word.
Sorry, world, this shit really pisses me off. Thousands of years of time pass, we're still killing each other over THE SAME OLD LAME SHIT. Maybe it's time for a better idea? Just a sugesstion.
I do not understand what the meaning is about all this.
Some Muslims in Denmark was angry that they did not get money for their Church(Moskee) and could not afford it.
The fact is that there were no burning women in the newspaper. This picture came from the same Islamic society.
There was in fact none of the pictures on this site in the media in Denmark! they is probably produce by this organization...
These pictures are made by the Islamic people to makeup this conflict.
To my concern it is the Islamic that owes to apologies every one, to the people they made angry, to the whole world.
In the newspaper there seems to be a border of what they do and public; At the Islamic society there seems to be no such border at all. True seem to something they do not know what are.
The same leak of border you see at many other Islamic organizations, when it comes to terror etc.
We has prove that the same society sending SMS to the Middle East about the burning of the Koran. Believe me if that ever happens here there would had been pictures everywhere.
The problem in this conflict is not a newspaper but an organization with have the Danish version FBI in the back all the time.
Just to mention the people in Denmark is most Angry is the moderate Muslims. They do not like the picture in the newspaper, but they are angry on those Imams of the Islamic society, for public even worse pictures.
muslim said...
We will gladly take responsibility to what we did. But how can you complain about the pictures showing Islamic society as terrorism. I only hear Muslims being happy when the terrorist has done those actions.
I know that Islam says it is not legal. However is that the practice of Islam in this world?
But I think you Muslims shall start to clean in front of your own doors. The drawings you here complain about is made by the Islamic Society that claims to be offended. Not by Danes, even that the Islamic society claims so. I do not know what they want to reach by this? You ask them!
But if you can find a newspaper with those drawing you are welcome to tell where. If you can find ever dense of the burning of the Koran, as I can find ever dense of the burning of the Bible in Saudi Arabia, then I will like to know where to find it.
I believe that we shall keep to the fact. Those picture is not OK to public, if it was not you own people that public them. However it what you self: who started this conflict, by publishing things in the name of a Danish Newspaper. Things that the newspaper did not public or even had the hands on.
Therefore I believe that is the Islamic world that need to apologize to us.
you can find the newspaper site at this address http://www.zombietime.com/mohammed_image_archive/
But please to not blame me for doing this I did not. Do not blame the newspaper for do things they did not.
Some Muslims in Denmark was angry that they did not get money for their Church(Moskee) and could not afford it.
The fact is that there were no burning women in the newspaper. This picture came from the same Islamic society.
There was in fact none of the pictures on this site in the media in Denmark! they is probably produce by this organization...
These pictures are made by the Islamic people to makeup this conflict.
To my concern it is the Islamic that owes to apologies every one, to the people they made angry, to the whole world.
In the newspaper there seems to be a border of what they do and public; At the Islamic society there seems to be no such border at all. True seem to something they do not know what are.
The same leak of border you see at many other Islamic organizations, when it comes to terror etc.
We has prove that the same society sending SMS to the Middle East about the burning of the Koran. Believe me if that ever happens here there would had been pictures everywhere.
The problem in this conflict is not a newspaper but an organization with have the Danish version FBI in the back all the time.
Just to mention the people in Denmark is most Angry is the moderate Muslims. They do not like the picture in the newspaper, but they are angry on those Imams of the Islamic society, for public even worse pictures.
muslim said...
We will gladly take responsibility to what we did. But how can you complain about the pictures showing Islamic society as terrorism. I only hear Muslims being happy when the terrorist has done those actions.
I know that Islam says it is not legal. However is that the practice of Islam in this world?
But I think you Muslims shall start to clean in front of your own doors. The drawings you here complain about is made by the Islamic Society that claims to be offended. Not by Danes, even that the Islamic society claims so. I do not know what they want to reach by this? You ask them!
But if you can find a newspaper with those drawing you are welcome to tell where. If you can find ever dense of the burning of the Koran, as I can find ever dense of the burning of the Bible in Saudi Arabia, then I will like to know where to find it.
I believe that we shall keep to the fact. Those picture is not OK to public, if it was not you own people that public them. However it what you self: who started this conflict, by publishing things in the name of a Danish Newspaper. Things that the newspaper did not public or even had the hands on.
Therefore I believe that is the Islamic world that need to apologize to us.
you can find the newspaper site at this address http://www.zombietime.com/mohammed_image_archive/
But please to not blame me for doing this I did not. Do not blame the newspaper for do things they did not.
These comments are perhaps the most freightening things I have ever read. They smack of intolerance and ignorance. Written entirely by people with no understanding of knowledge of either side and ready to use their own prejudices. It hardly bodes well for evidence of a mature civilisation.
Can one of you (pathetically outraged) muslims please explain to me how a convicted drug dealer (omar khayam) can dress as a suicide bomber and protest about cartoons of mohamed?
It is totally hypocritical! He thinks he has the right to protest and protect islam when he is breaking one of its fundamental rules - DRUGS! His friend even went on national television to say he was a nice person (did he think we would believe that?!)and was only expressing the way he feels! What a joke! I hope that idiotic man feels really stupid and has disgraced his whole family as they have both disgraced muslims. I hope omar enjoys the rest of his prison sentence now and maybe learned not to express himself in such a manner that offends us! HYPOCRITE!!!! And don't say he isn't one of you or a true islamic. He thinks he is and none of you would even know he was a CONVICTED DRUG DEALER if you met him on the street or during prayer! How many people are there like this amongst you???? Who will ever really know? It's people like this you should be condemning not a funny cartoon!
Look to your own people before insulting law abiding people for sharing a joke and their free speech.
To the person above me : We live in a society that enables us to voice opinions and predudices, as musims do and as you have voiced yours. That's the whole idea of this blog. Nobody made you read it but you were compelled to comment....just like the rest of us. I personally am totally against pedophiles. That is my predudice and i'm proud of it and to say so.
It is totally hypocritical! He thinks he has the right to protest and protect islam when he is breaking one of its fundamental rules - DRUGS! His friend even went on national television to say he was a nice person (did he think we would believe that?!)and was only expressing the way he feels! What a joke! I hope that idiotic man feels really stupid and has disgraced his whole family as they have both disgraced muslims. I hope omar enjoys the rest of his prison sentence now and maybe learned not to express himself in such a manner that offends us! HYPOCRITE!!!! And don't say he isn't one of you or a true islamic. He thinks he is and none of you would even know he was a CONVICTED DRUG DEALER if you met him on the street or during prayer! How many people are there like this amongst you???? Who will ever really know? It's people like this you should be condemning not a funny cartoon!
Look to your own people before insulting law abiding people for sharing a joke and their free speech.
To the person above me : We live in a society that enables us to voice opinions and predudices, as musims do and as you have voiced yours. That's the whole idea of this blog. Nobody made you read it but you were compelled to comment....just like the rest of us. I personally am totally against pedophiles. That is my predudice and i'm proud of it and to say so.
Some of these posts are quite disheartening, while some give me some hope for humanity. I hope Lara L's post was more representative of most Muslims than some of the more inflamatory posts.
I think the first thing we all need to realize is that, underneath, we are not all that different. Do you love your family? So do I. Do you love your friends and your nation? So do I. Do you have your own beliefs about god and religion? So do I.
Should your beliefs be questioned, even criticized, in a respectful manner? As should mine be. If not, how else will you learn anything?
Humor and satire are ways to make people think. If you find something offensive, then condemn it. If you want to mount a political movement or a boycott, you should feel free to do so. But by engaging in acts of violence and vandolism, you do more harm to your position than good. People will pay less attention to the political or religious point you are trying to make and more attention to the criminal acts that you are committing. Also, even if your message was correct, it will be stained by your misdeeds.
The next thing we all need to understand is that we don't really know all that much. If you hold a grain of sand over a dark piece of night sky, do you know what is behind that grain of sand? Thousands of galaxies, each with billions of stars.
So it seems to me that perhaps humanity is not quite so important as our religions tend to make us out to be. To claim to understand God's wishes or his true faith seems to me to be the height of arrogance and foolishness.
I think almost all of the earth's religions are perfectly acceptable ways to touch the divine spark that many of us feel we have. However, using religion to descriminate, persecute or as a political weapon (as Christians, Jews and Muslims have all done many times) is not acceptable.
Too many people treat their religion like an exclusive club that will get THEM into heaven and send everyone who is not in their club to hell. I sincerely doubt that there is a hell, since the whole concept is pointless, unless you make God as spiteful and vindictive as humanity can be at times. But I freely admit that I don't KNOW if there is one or not. It's just a belief that I have.
As to the Israel/Palastinian dispute, I have to admit that I don't what the best answer is. My country (USA) and Britian decided to recreate Israel as an independent nation in its traditional location after the end of World War II. Was this a good decision? Probably not. But it was made and the Israelis have certainly made the most of it. I trying to now "undo" Israel would be a serious mistake. My hope is that Israel and its neighbors can learn to live together peacefully. We have millions of Muslims, Jews and Christains here in the Unnited States and we are able to live together peacefully (for the most part). So I don't understand why it seems so hard to do so in the middle east.
Although I have problems with all of the major religions, I probably have more problems with Islam than I do with Christianity or Judaism. Here are my problems with Islam. Some of them may be based on ignorance, and I welcome corrective instruction.
1. Islam seems to blend church and state together to a greater degree than I am comfortable with. Perhaps this is partly explained by the fact that Mohammed was a political authority as well as a religious authority. It seems that many Islamic countries are theocracies or have a political movement inside of them to form a theocracy. Theocracies are inherently intolerant of other religious viewpoints, and therefore would not be my preferred form of government.
2. While I believe that Islam actually enhanced the rights of women as they were at the time of Islam's creation, I believe that it can be interpreted to restrict the modern rights of women to an extent that I find unacceptable. Saudi Arabia and would be a good example of an Islamic country that does not (in my opinion) afford enough rights to women.
3. While I believe that much of the Koran is based on moral, ethical and peaceful principals, I believe there are also certain passages that are more ambiguous on whether or not it is acceptable to use the force of arms in the defense of Islam. I believe that the suicide bombers have misread and perverted their own religion. I am pretty sure that the Koran promises that Allah will punish anyone who commits suicide. I am also pretty sure that the Koran forbids making war on women and children. I do not understand how the terroists think they are acting righteously when they both kill themselves (suicide) and kill women and children. So while I agree that the vast majority of Muslims are good, ethical people, a small minority of Muslims seem to using their religion as a justification for terrorist acts.
4. This is a key problem I have with Islam. What is the worst thing you can be under Islam? Is it a rapist? A murderer? A child molester? No. The worst thing you can be is an apostate, and I believe being an apostate is punishable by death (according to the Koran). That means that if I read the Koran and decide to become a Muslim, and later I read the Bible and decide that the message of Christianity appeals to me more, then I have become the worst thing humanly possible just by exercising my own free will. In my opinion, this problem is connected to Islam's apparent difficulty in thinking critically about itself. It is also related, again, in my opinion, to what I consider to be an overreaction to the Danish cartoons. It is particularly problematic when combined with politics (see issue #1), in that claims of apostasy become political weapons.
Well, I think I have written enough for now. If anyone wants to respond to my comments, am posting anonymously, but my name is Hugh.
I think the first thing we all need to realize is that, underneath, we are not all that different. Do you love your family? So do I. Do you love your friends and your nation? So do I. Do you have your own beliefs about god and religion? So do I.
Should your beliefs be questioned, even criticized, in a respectful manner? As should mine be. If not, how else will you learn anything?
Humor and satire are ways to make people think. If you find something offensive, then condemn it. If you want to mount a political movement or a boycott, you should feel free to do so. But by engaging in acts of violence and vandolism, you do more harm to your position than good. People will pay less attention to the political or religious point you are trying to make and more attention to the criminal acts that you are committing. Also, even if your message was correct, it will be stained by your misdeeds.
The next thing we all need to understand is that we don't really know all that much. If you hold a grain of sand over a dark piece of night sky, do you know what is behind that grain of sand? Thousands of galaxies, each with billions of stars.
So it seems to me that perhaps humanity is not quite so important as our religions tend to make us out to be. To claim to understand God's wishes or his true faith seems to me to be the height of arrogance and foolishness.
I think almost all of the earth's religions are perfectly acceptable ways to touch the divine spark that many of us feel we have. However, using religion to descriminate, persecute or as a political weapon (as Christians, Jews and Muslims have all done many times) is not acceptable.
Too many people treat their religion like an exclusive club that will get THEM into heaven and send everyone who is not in their club to hell. I sincerely doubt that there is a hell, since the whole concept is pointless, unless you make God as spiteful and vindictive as humanity can be at times. But I freely admit that I don't KNOW if there is one or not. It's just a belief that I have.
As to the Israel/Palastinian dispute, I have to admit that I don't what the best answer is. My country (USA) and Britian decided to recreate Israel as an independent nation in its traditional location after the end of World War II. Was this a good decision? Probably not. But it was made and the Israelis have certainly made the most of it. I trying to now "undo" Israel would be a serious mistake. My hope is that Israel and its neighbors can learn to live together peacefully. We have millions of Muslims, Jews and Christains here in the Unnited States and we are able to live together peacefully (for the most part). So I don't understand why it seems so hard to do so in the middle east.
Although I have problems with all of the major religions, I probably have more problems with Islam than I do with Christianity or Judaism. Here are my problems with Islam. Some of them may be based on ignorance, and I welcome corrective instruction.
1. Islam seems to blend church and state together to a greater degree than I am comfortable with. Perhaps this is partly explained by the fact that Mohammed was a political authority as well as a religious authority. It seems that many Islamic countries are theocracies or have a political movement inside of them to form a theocracy. Theocracies are inherently intolerant of other religious viewpoints, and therefore would not be my preferred form of government.
2. While I believe that Islam actually enhanced the rights of women as they were at the time of Islam's creation, I believe that it can be interpreted to restrict the modern rights of women to an extent that I find unacceptable. Saudi Arabia and would be a good example of an Islamic country that does not (in my opinion) afford enough rights to women.
3. While I believe that much of the Koran is based on moral, ethical and peaceful principals, I believe there are also certain passages that are more ambiguous on whether or not it is acceptable to use the force of arms in the defense of Islam. I believe that the suicide bombers have misread and perverted their own religion. I am pretty sure that the Koran promises that Allah will punish anyone who commits suicide. I am also pretty sure that the Koran forbids making war on women and children. I do not understand how the terroists think they are acting righteously when they both kill themselves (suicide) and kill women and children. So while I agree that the vast majority of Muslims are good, ethical people, a small minority of Muslims seem to using their religion as a justification for terrorist acts.
4. This is a key problem I have with Islam. What is the worst thing you can be under Islam? Is it a rapist? A murderer? A child molester? No. The worst thing you can be is an apostate, and I believe being an apostate is punishable by death (according to the Koran). That means that if I read the Koran and decide to become a Muslim, and later I read the Bible and decide that the message of Christianity appeals to me more, then I have become the worst thing humanly possible just by exercising my own free will. In my opinion, this problem is connected to Islam's apparent difficulty in thinking critically about itself. It is also related, again, in my opinion, to what I consider to be an overreaction to the Danish cartoons. It is particularly problematic when combined with politics (see issue #1), in that claims of apostasy become political weapons.
Well, I think I have written enough for now. If anyone wants to respond to my comments, am posting anonymously, but my name is Hugh.
what makes you muslims so darn special??
i think you all are a bunch of cry
do you all gripe and complaint when you send your sons and daughters to die!?!
if islam tell you all that doing
humanity such terrorism then its
time to rethink your murderous
i think you all are a bunch of cry
do you all gripe and complaint when you send your sons and daughters to die!?!
if islam tell you all that doing
humanity such terrorism then its
time to rethink your murderous
Hi Hugh....
lovely calm reading. I can't claim to be politically or religiously knowledgeable but can relate to all you've said, thanks.
On how women in Saudi are treated....UNBELIEVALBE! PREHISTORIC! Women are not even allowed to drive a car and my sister is not even allowed to leave her house alone(without a man).
lovely calm reading. I can't claim to be politically or religiously knowledgeable but can relate to all you've said, thanks.
On how women in Saudi are treated....UNBELIEVALBE! PREHISTORIC! Women are not even allowed to drive a car and my sister is not even allowed to leave her house alone(without a man).
Why did it take 4 months from this was published untill all hell broke loose? Someone had to come up with the plan...
Read this and weep; all of you!
It's all a setup, staged by our new "Lord" Mr. G.W.Bush.
Shame on you all; media, christians and muslims.
How easy is it to screw you all, as long as there is a masterplan to direct the focus away from yourself (USA).
Just wondering what's in the coming from the yanks now?
Are they going to save the Christian World, the Danes, exterminate the muslims?
Only our new "Lord" knows or rather Donald knows, because Georgie boy does not have the capability to think such grand thoughts by himself.
Have a smashing day ;-)
Read this and weep; all of you!
It's all a setup, staged by our new "Lord" Mr. G.W.Bush.
Shame on you all; media, christians and muslims.
How easy is it to screw you all, as long as there is a masterplan to direct the focus away from yourself (USA).
Just wondering what's in the coming from the yanks now?
Are they going to save the Christian World, the Danes, exterminate the muslims?
Only our new "Lord" knows or rather Donald knows, because Georgie boy does not have the capability to think such grand thoughts by himself.
Have a smashing day ;-)
Just a quick one!
Doesn't it show how well developed muslim countries are when it takes nearly 5 months for the news about these cartoons to reach those parts of the world?
Just asking...
Doesn't it show how well developed muslim countries are when it takes nearly 5 months for the news about these cartoons to reach those parts of the world?
Just asking...
I don't see anything wrong if the US government setup/staged the current fiasco to win the war on terror. In the battle field you need to use whatever works. There is nothing wrong with using fire to fight fire. The US didn't invite radical Muslims to fly 2 planes into the World Trade buildings killing thousands of innocent people and ruining hundred of thousands of lives. If it was me instead of President Bush I would do more than just take over Afghanistan and Iraq. Sadam wouldn't be sitting pretty in a jail cell right now wasting tax payers' money. Any Muslim nation (Saudi Arabia and Iran) who is assisting the terrorism needs to be taught a lesson as well. Once I'm done with the Arab nations then I'll take care of business in Chile and Korea. Anyone else?
I have been reading this blog for a short time but ive come to a quick conclusion that there are 2 types of people who have posted comments, and im NOT reffering to muslim and non-muslim, i am however reffering to people who are part of the problem we have on our hands right now and those who are open enough to find a solution (if it is possible).
The problem consists of people who are untolerant of others ideas and beliefs, going on here and typing "***K ALL MUSLIMS!" makes you just as bad and as ignorant as the fundamentalists who fuel your anger, not to mention it makes the rest of us non-muslims look like asses.
those who are part of the solution understand 1 basic principle, treat others how you want to be treated.
this applies to all things in life and i am not hear to support muslim, christian or jew. there should be no label applied to others, it shouldn't matter what, who, where, why, when, you treat them the same way.
personally i was raised as a christian but have no such label on myself, i am a man who has formed my own ideas, and to behonest i dont mean to offend anyone in particular but i beleive religion has become and always was a crutch for mankind to get through horrible circusatances (famine, war, ect.) wich is understandable, but from a non religious point of view it looks like utter stupidity, like watching children argue over what the name of their imaginary freind is.
which is fine to do, beleive what you want to, infact i may be wrong and burn in hell (or any other religious name for it is) but once you impose your thoughts and actions on others you have crossed a line that is not in your right to cross.
keep in mind i dont fully understand what the chemistry of your situation over their is both in europe and in the middle-east, but both have to look in the mirror and be accoutable for your county's and you religion's actions.
The problem consists of people who are untolerant of others ideas and beliefs, going on here and typing "***K ALL MUSLIMS!" makes you just as bad and as ignorant as the fundamentalists who fuel your anger, not to mention it makes the rest of us non-muslims look like asses.
those who are part of the solution understand 1 basic principle, treat others how you want to be treated.
this applies to all things in life and i am not hear to support muslim, christian or jew. there should be no label applied to others, it shouldn't matter what, who, where, why, when, you treat them the same way.
personally i was raised as a christian but have no such label on myself, i am a man who has formed my own ideas, and to behonest i dont mean to offend anyone in particular but i beleive religion has become and always was a crutch for mankind to get through horrible circusatances (famine, war, ect.) wich is understandable, but from a non religious point of view it looks like utter stupidity, like watching children argue over what the name of their imaginary freind is.
which is fine to do, beleive what you want to, infact i may be wrong and burn in hell (or any other religious name for it is) but once you impose your thoughts and actions on others you have crossed a line that is not in your right to cross.
keep in mind i dont fully understand what the chemistry of your situation over their is both in europe and in the middle-east, but both have to look in the mirror and be accoutable for your county's and you religion's actions.
Trading insults won't solve any thing. Sure there are many misguided muslims as there are misguided ppl from all walks of life. The problem is deeply rooted in history. Clash of civilizations.. or what ever you wanna call it. Muslims world wife feel that west continueously interferes in their affairs to when its suits their desires. Oppressive regimes are supported (Egypt and such so called moderates). When democratic reforms start to take place and if the result doesn't match what the west has envision, then those reforms are quickly replaced (case in point Alegria 91). So there's a deep rooted hatard that probably goes back to the early 1100s. I pray that Allah (swt) help guide to the right path. We (muslims) have neglected our duty to our religion. We have become dependant on what our imams tells as it is the word of Allah. We have failed on doing what Allah (swt) and His messanger (peace be upon him) ordered us to do "to become scholars in our deen". I'm just a guilty.. We simply become like the ppl of Ibrahim (peace upon him) "we just follow the religion of our parents". We are first to blame. But that doesn't justify in any way the cartoons.
The Creator of heaven and earth is the protector of his deen and his prophets (peace upon them all).
The Creator of heaven and earth is the protector of his deen and his prophets (peace upon them all).
What a bunch of hypocrites. They are offended by satirical cartoons but don't care that Americans are offended that they want to kill us.
I have lived with muslims for close to six years. generally a kind race, but have never been able to understand their extreme sensitivity to perceived slights against their beliefs etc.so much so that even the most learned professors in secular subjects like engineering or science refuse to entertain anything that clashes with them. Not even in the friendliest of gatherings!
So I say screw them all. Like they screw within the family! That they marry their uncle's daughters is common knowledge. Isn't there a genetic disadvantage in reproduction within the family? Food for thought.
So I say screw them all. Like they screw within the family! That they marry their uncle's daughters is common knowledge. Isn't there a genetic disadvantage in reproduction within the family? Food for thought.
I think the Laws in Denmark should take care of the Imam who started all this nonsense.He should be put on trial as a traitor.
For a change do not prosecute him.
For a change do not prosecute him.
Once again another Muslim is misguided, "prostitute him... remove his eyes... make him beg on the streets..."? Let's look at the cartoons Muslim people drawn to date to see how the world can punish you. You people are insane...
as weel as the newspaper was free to post the pictures in denmark so is the imam free to say what he wants and post what he wants, we do not prosecute anybody for what they think. To honest person,,, yes everybody is free to tell what they believe in a danish newspapers, u can do so by sending them a mail or a letter
neka vam je sa srecom......
.. jednima, i drugima...
I live in Bosnia...
....just wishing good luck to both Westerns and Muslims...
.. jednima, i drugima...
I live in Bosnia...
....just wishing good luck to both Westerns and Muslims...
What's the big deal... If you were at a family celebration and your grandmother didn't like death metal music, you wouldn't put it on? You would not harp on about freedom of speech and other such rubbish. It's about respect. It is quite clear that the negative impact that these cartoons are having on the Muslim community far outweighs any petty amusement that could be derived from them. I implore you to be rational. I do not support censorship in any guise but will someone please, PLEASE consider the bigger issue here. If you do something that offends someone, anyone, what do you do? You at least acknowledge their position and perhaps respect it, or you ignore it, deny their objection, with an implication of disrespect. Lets be honest here, it can’t be all that easy to be a Muslim in today’s climate. – Surely you can appreciate that their feeling a little persecuted. Let’s be reasonable about this and consider offering the courtesy that anyone who is upset deserve; the right to object, to be heard, and the minimal amount of respect that you would afford anyone who has taken offence to your actions. Is there no longer any room for compassion?
Some Anonymous said the Danish Imam should be punished by pulling out his eyes as per the laws of Quran.Seems a good idea.Why can't Western governments bring a law seperately for its muslim population.That way you can use the barbarous laws of Quran to keep muslims under check.
Some Anonymous said the Danish Imam should be punished by pulling out his eyes as per the laws of Quran.Seems a good idea.Why can't Western governments bring a law seperately for its muslim population.That way you can use the barbarous laws of Quran to keep muslims under check.
First of all, the debate is good for all of us. We're angry now, but we're gaining a greater understanding of one another.
My prediction: The islamic world will eventually accept and desire free speech; as it matures, it will learn to do what westerners do, avoid purchasing media that they do not like.
Democracy is a social contract. Freedom of the press is an essential ingredient in providing public accountability to all. An educated population increases the chance of a succesful Democracy. Unfortunately, the greater part of the islamic world has poor education and the result is unfortunate: deaths in Afghanistan during cartoon protests.
I am an American. My amazing wife is a minority from a moderate islamic country. As a young woman, she lived in Europe and moved to the USA and thrives in western freedom where she is now a wonderful mother of our daughter, with another on the way. She describes the west as the most just area of the world and holds deep appreciation for the fairness and equality that the USA and Europe provide their people and immigrants. Freedom of expression and Freedom of religion involve toleration. Toleration involves tolerating other religions' blasphemies. This is done well in the USA and Europe where at one time Christian sects were at each others throats. The Americans and Europeans truly tolerate and accept each others differences in free societies.
The Danes did nothing wrong. They did not hurt anyone. It was just one newspaper. The Danish Imams who lied did the damage through their lies in the middle east. Moslems of strong character can forgive the newspaper and the innocent, ever thoughful, respectful, brave, and sensitive Danish people. I can only hope these Danish Imams eventually receive the respect that they deserve.
My prediction: The islamic world will eventually accept and desire free speech; as it matures, it will learn to do what westerners do, avoid purchasing media that they do not like.
Democracy is a social contract. Freedom of the press is an essential ingredient in providing public accountability to all. An educated population increases the chance of a succesful Democracy. Unfortunately, the greater part of the islamic world has poor education and the result is unfortunate: deaths in Afghanistan during cartoon protests.
I am an American. My amazing wife is a minority from a moderate islamic country. As a young woman, she lived in Europe and moved to the USA and thrives in western freedom where she is now a wonderful mother of our daughter, with another on the way. She describes the west as the most just area of the world and holds deep appreciation for the fairness and equality that the USA and Europe provide their people and immigrants. Freedom of expression and Freedom of religion involve toleration. Toleration involves tolerating other religions' blasphemies. This is done well in the USA and Europe where at one time Christian sects were at each others throats. The Americans and Europeans truly tolerate and accept each others differences in free societies.
The Danes did nothing wrong. They did not hurt anyone. It was just one newspaper. The Danish Imams who lied did the damage through their lies in the middle east. Moslems of strong character can forgive the newspaper and the innocent, ever thoughful, respectful, brave, and sensitive Danish people. I can only hope these Danish Imams eventually receive the respect that they deserve.
Richard Plantagenet said...
Just a very quick note to say..... I agree with the person known as FUCKRELIGION.
Spot on!!!
Atleast there's one person with a brain on this blog.
Although alot of the replies that i've read so far have some intelligence behind it i just don't see the point of arguing over something as bizarre as 'religion'
I hope you (all you believers) realise that you are arguing over something that does not exist, there is no god, there is no higher being whatsoever.
We came into existence by PURE CHANCE, PURE LUCK. If anything,the slightest atom would've been different oh so many million years ago mankind would never have existed.
Haven't you heard of 'evolution'
yeah,thats where we came from.
So is evolution god? No, evolution is something we do all the time.
Give it a rest, go back to bed and burn all your dumbass religious books as they bring nothing but malice and war.
(most wars fought in the past were religious wars)
Just a very quick note to say..... I agree with the person known as FUCKRELIGION.
Spot on!!!
Atleast there's one person with a brain on this blog.
Although alot of the replies that i've read so far have some intelligence behind it i just don't see the point of arguing over something as bizarre as 'religion'
I hope you (all you believers) realise that you are arguing over something that does not exist, there is no god, there is no higher being whatsoever.
We came into existence by PURE CHANCE, PURE LUCK. If anything,the slightest atom would've been different oh so many million years ago mankind would never have existed.
Haven't you heard of 'evolution'
yeah,thats where we came from.
So is evolution god? No, evolution is something we do all the time.
Give it a rest, go back to bed and burn all your dumbass religious books as they bring nothing but malice and war.
(most wars fought in the past were religious wars)
Hey guys, take it easy with criticism, or kind and peaceful muslims are gonna kill you a bit =))
What respect they want if they disrespect any other?
An interesting discussion I found on one of islamic forums (not extremists): the discussion was about that case of murder of a christian priest in turkey by an islamic lunatic. So, people on that forum condemn (of course!) the murder, but seriously believe that those miserable cartoons are a WORSE crime. Our non-muslims lifes cost less than fucking drawings to them!
I wonder why you europeans let them come and live in your countries, raise crimes and terrorism. Think of your children =)
What respect they want if they disrespect any other?
An interesting discussion I found on one of islamic forums (not extremists): the discussion was about that case of murder of a christian priest in turkey by an islamic lunatic. So, people on that forum condemn (of course!) the murder, but seriously believe that those miserable cartoons are a WORSE crime. Our non-muslims lifes cost less than fucking drawings to them!
I wonder why you europeans let them come and live in your countries, raise crimes and terrorism. Think of your children =)
Fucking muslims, stupid motherfuckers. Because of your fucking religion you live in shit, and you will always be garbage of the world. If you want fucking peace in the world just kill yourself fucking donkeyfuckers!
Why would they want 72 virgins after blowing themselves up. I'd want one dirty girl from Vegas.
What would really stink for them is after blowing themselves up ...
thinking they are going heaven for the 72 virgins just to find out that they are actually in hell with 72 virgins and their private parts are still missing from the explosion.
The most important fact of all the fuss the muslims go though on a daily basis is...
Once the oil is gone, we're not going to care. And their mothers can go back to sucking camel pensis for hydration in the desert.
What would really stink for them is after blowing themselves up ...
thinking they are going heaven for the 72 virgins just to find out that they are actually in hell with 72 virgins and their private parts are still missing from the explosion.
The most important fact of all the fuss the muslims go though on a daily basis is...
Once the oil is gone, we're not going to care. And their mothers can go back to sucking camel pensis for hydration in the desert.
I doubt any girls in hell would still be a virgin. If there is truly a god then the all mighty would turn the suicide bombers into virgins for other men to enjoy.
Considering there are extremists in any religion, the amount of protests/protestors ( mostly including the non radical ones ) shows how the Muslims condemn the pictures depicting Islamic believes and if radical individual actions are accepted by Islam (Muslim protestors),
or in another way it shows the amount of misbelieves and misunderstandings about Islam that exists in the (so called) west that when it was placed on the judgment while it is considered inevitable by one side but unacceptable by the other side how the conflicts started to show up.
Yet some people do not want to open their eyes on the reason of the protests and try to justify their blindness with some actions of extremists that started to occur after the continuation of ignorance of this matter.
When the whole religion (any religion) is accused as a result individual actions to show the truth about that religion, there are not so many outcomes that can be expected.
For instance, if for example an offensive Christian picture (eg. Jesus to be Gay) is published lets say on Times Magazine, and it continues to be ignored by everybody else to be considered as the truth, then I would want to see what some extremists on Christianity will do,
(though theoretically this should also provoke Muslim actions and comments, cause Islam believes, there is no difference between Mohammad, Jesus and Moses and they all should have absolutely the same value for the Muslims)
or in another way it shows the amount of misbelieves and misunderstandings about Islam that exists in the (so called) west that when it was placed on the judgment while it is considered inevitable by one side but unacceptable by the other side how the conflicts started to show up.
Yet some people do not want to open their eyes on the reason of the protests and try to justify their blindness with some actions of extremists that started to occur after the continuation of ignorance of this matter.
When the whole religion (any religion) is accused as a result individual actions to show the truth about that religion, there are not so many outcomes that can be expected.
For instance, if for example an offensive Christian picture (eg. Jesus to be Gay) is published lets say on Times Magazine, and it continues to be ignored by everybody else to be considered as the truth, then I would want to see what some extremists on Christianity will do,
(though theoretically this should also provoke Muslim actions and comments, cause Islam believes, there is no difference between Mohammad, Jesus and Moses and they all should have absolutely the same value for the Muslims)
""And their mothers can go back to sucking camel pensis for hydration in the desert. ""
Harry Cusik, I assure you, when your oil finishes, your mothers r gonna be the ones sucking our penises,,,
Harry Cusik, I assure you, when your oil finishes, your mothers r gonna be the ones sucking our penises,,,
A question to fuck religion and others of likemind.
You say "There is no God!" and "All these problems come from religious fighting." etc etc.
I have a question, then. If there is no God, then why is it "better" to live in peace and show respect? If there is no God, then there is only what I want, and fuck what you want. If there is no God, then if I have the power, why should I not murder anyone, religious or
irreligious, who gets in my way? If the religious were to punish you for not believing, you would screech at the top of your lungs about how "wrong" it is.
You folks who deny God and then rant about how people "should" live are a real trip. Both feet planted firmly in the air.
You say "There is no God!" and "All these problems come from religious fighting." etc etc.
I have a question, then. If there is no God, then why is it "better" to live in peace and show respect? If there is no God, then there is only what I want, and fuck what you want. If there is no God, then if I have the power, why should I not murder anyone, religious or
irreligious, who gets in my way? If the religious were to punish you for not believing, you would screech at the top of your lungs about how "wrong" it is.
You folks who deny God and then rant about how people "should" live are a real trip. Both feet planted firmly in the air.
To the previous post refrencing how a person without religion can still be moral...
this statement in it's self freightens me, to think that if there were no higher power to threaten you with abandonment from heaven you feel that you would be compelled to do acts of terrible deeds? i am NOT a follower of any religion but to watch a man, women or child murdered still greatly effects me, it is still possible to have compation and integredy without the threat of going to hell.
Simply put, just because im not a follower of one type of religion or another it is not necessarily true that thier is no belief in a higher power of some sort. this universe is imense to say the lest and i have no idea who, or what created us and life in general but i think it does us all a disservice to suggest mankind would have no remorse if it wern't for religion and thier ideologies.
this statement in it's self freightens me, to think that if there were no higher power to threaten you with abandonment from heaven you feel that you would be compelled to do acts of terrible deeds? i am NOT a follower of any religion but to watch a man, women or child murdered still greatly effects me, it is still possible to have compation and integredy without the threat of going to hell.
Simply put, just because im not a follower of one type of religion or another it is not necessarily true that thier is no belief in a higher power of some sort. this universe is imense to say the lest and i have no idea who, or what created us and life in general but i think it does us all a disservice to suggest mankind would have no remorse if it wern't for religion and thier ideologies.
Come my way sometimes, I'll send your religious ass to where ever your god is. You religious people rely on a non-existing being for guidance and you kill/deceive in the name of your god. This proves to me you are weak minded. If you are an educated person then you can think for yourself and be self reliant instead of believing in something that doesn't exist. In this world there are a lot of con artists so you all may very well have been con in believing there is a god. If there is a god then I rather go to hell because I wouldn't want to follow the gods you all follow. Why would I want to follow a god that teaches his followers to rape young boys or to kill innocent people in his name. To date most wars in history started from religious conflicts. Look it up...
To those who want me follow islamic rules, as well as to those who advises to burn religious literature: DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, AND I DON'T TELL YOU WHERE TO GO. As simple as this.
Let's respect each other. As simple as this, again.
Let's respect each other. As simple as this, again.
> Allahu Akbar!!
> # posted by Anonymous : 12:37 AM
Aha, but keep akbar as far as you're far. We don't need it, just believe.
> # posted by Anonymous : 12:37 AM
Aha, but keep akbar as far as you're far. We don't need it, just believe.
With a warm heart I offer my help,, and my greetings..
I hope that you recieve this letter in a suitable time.....
4 month ago
Jyllands-Posten news ridiculing Mohammed ,the messenger of Islam in caricatures.
and all muslims all over the world get angry about it..
do you want to know who is Mohammed.. and what he did to make all this people love him ?
please..visit this sites..
hope that now you will know what a great hero was our prophet -peace upon him-
my kind regard
I hope that you recieve this letter in a suitable time.....
4 month ago
Jyllands-Posten news ridiculing Mohammed ,the messenger of Islam in caricatures.
and all muslims all over the world get angry about it..
do you want to know who is Mohammed.. and what he did to make all this people love him ?
please..visit this sites..
hope that now you will know what a great hero was our prophet -peace upon him-
my kind regard
Islam is not the only religion of etremism and violence. Christianity has been the worst culprits in my opinion. From the crusades to the inquisitions and the concordat with Hitler. People have been burnt alive for looking suspicious and their Bible is filled with gross indecencies such as the condoning and encouraging of rape and murder of infedels and the stoning of poor rape victims (Deuteronomy 22:23-24, Exodus 21:20-21, Numbers 31:17-18, and much much more)
It is true that a few Muslims have acted tainted a respectable religion, but the heads of The Church are the ones who instigated all the crap endured by Europeans and Turks, and Muslims, anyone who was unfortunate enough to come into contact with them.
It is true that a few Muslims have acted tainted a respectable religion, but the heads of The Church are the ones who instigated all the crap endured by Europeans and Turks, and Muslims, anyone who was unfortunate enough to come into contact with them.
every man have a choice how to answer on this pictures. someone like tatarstan in russia made it in calm way, had considered that it could not be more harmful then vodka in shops. arabian world began to do what they want to: distroying, burning and other usuall things that we got used to. the moral: if these pictures would not exist, muslims will think it out.
I am amazed at the reaction that the Muslim's have had to these cartoons. I know many people from many religions, most of them have the ability to have a good laugh at themselves. The ones that don't normally just walk away. Unfortunately this is all changing because they now they just laugh at Muslim's. Why can't you stop reacting to something you have brought on yourselves. The only reason that cartoonists are making fun of you is because there is an element of truth about it. If Muslim's pledge allegiance to Mohammad then he MUST be a violent man, have the majority of Muslim condemned the 9/11 attacks - NO!! Do they react violently, YES!! Therefore their spiritual leaders must teach them that killing another human is acceptable. Why don't you step down and allow this majority peaceful world continue. Why can't you understand that diversity, freedom of speech and unique individuals make this world a great place - don't try to change that.
Those images were produced and distributed by the Danish imams. Why don't you ask them (and post the answer here)? This is their address: www.wakf.com
*sigh* These three images were produced by the imams - do you get it now?
If you have a problem - take it out with the imams - and leave us infidels alone.
Those images were produced and distributed by the Danish imams. Why don't you ask them (and post the answer here)? This is their address: www.wakf.com
*sigh* These three images were produced by the imams - do you get it now?
If you have a problem - take it out with the imams - and leave us infidels alone.
The imams took a picture from a French pig calling competition.
They claimed it was Danish. It was not.
They claimed is was a picture of Mohammed. It was not.
They reproduced and spread it over the Middle East in order to offend millions of Muslims.
The imams are the true blasphemers.
The imams took a picture from a French pig calling competition.
They claimed it was Danish. It was not.
They claimed is was a picture of Mohammed. It was not.
They reproduced and spread it over the Middle East in order to offend millions of Muslims.
The imams are the true blasphemers.
You hypocrite!
You don't mock Jesus - because he's also holy to your own religion where he's known as Isa. But you mock Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Americans and so on.
And you make drawings that are 100 times worse than anything published in any Western media.
Take a look at these Arabic racist drawings of Jewish people".
If JýllandsPosten had posted these drawings they'd be in jail by now.
You hypocrite!
You don't mock Jesus - because he's also holy to your own religion where he's known as Isa. But you mock Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Americans and so on.
And you make drawings that are 100 times worse than anything published in any Western media.
Take a look at these Arabic racist drawings of Jewish people".
If JýllandsPosten had posted these drawings they'd be in jail by now.
> American First of all, I can't believe that the conversation of mere cartoons deteriorated to such commentary!
Here's another unbelievable thing: If you're American you can't see the 12 drawings that is supposedly at the center of this controversy - unless you have access to the Internet.
Very few (single digit) American papers or TV channels have published one or maybe two of the cartoons (usually the worst ones) - but as an American (without access to the Internet) you have no way of knowing that most of the 12 cartoons are totally harmless.
The same thing is true for the UK. Imams are allowed to declare death threats on the BBC - but nobody is allowed to see the harmless drawings.
Here's another unbelievable thing: If you're American you can't see the 12 drawings that is supposedly at the center of this controversy - unless you have access to the Internet.
Very few (single digit) American papers or TV channels have published one or maybe two of the cartoons (usually the worst ones) - but as an American (without access to the Internet) you have no way of knowing that most of the 12 cartoons are totally harmless.
The same thing is true for the UK. Imams are allowed to declare death threats on the BBC - but nobody is allowed to see the harmless drawings.
I can see the headline news now "Funny Cartoons Caused World War III". Everyone needs to back down before this gets out of control. It will not benefit anyone to have this war. Regardless of who is right or wrong, swallow your pride and get over it.
Why is it that people from some communities and certain parts of the world always jump in at the deep end without thinking. Why can't everyone be a bit calmer and more collected.
If you look back at the deepest history of all of the world's current religions, there are similarities. There is the possibility that they all started from the same happening, ideal, or even a visitation from another planet many centuries ago.
So why all the jealousy and bitterness now? If you feel that you need to follow a religion, then do so. Keep your mind focussed on that, and leave everyone else to make their own choice.
Just think of that old saying "Turn the other cheek".
Life's too short. Just get on with it in your own way and don't interfere with anyone else.
From "Caveman"
If you look back at the deepest history of all of the world's current religions, there are similarities. There is the possibility that they all started from the same happening, ideal, or even a visitation from another planet many centuries ago.
So why all the jealousy and bitterness now? If you feel that you need to follow a religion, then do so. Keep your mind focussed on that, and leave everyone else to make their own choice.
Just think of that old saying "Turn the other cheek".
Life's too short. Just get on with it in your own way and don't interfere with anyone else.
From "Caveman"
I think this whole thing is ridiculous. I came online just so I could see the cartoons....it was nothing, they were nothing. I agree with some posts that we (civilized people with human rights including free speech) shouldn't have these cartoons censored because of what the muslim community thinks. They don't care what we think. I shouldn't have had to come to the internet to see the cartoons, they should have been on CNN or in the newspapers in my area. By censoring this information we are allowing a break down in our rights. The right to make our own choices. And in another way I can see why muslims are crying out so badly (not the violence) because to them we (America--American ways--"The Great Satan")did wage war on what they see as the muslim way (not the dictatorship of Sadam)forcing our way of life upon them. Even though for the most part a little over half of us thought it was to liberate the East (the little less then half of us knew if Brush got in office we were in for it)...and not to get off track but now our Vice President shot an innocent man while bird hunting....this whole thing is laughable! Makes me want to move to Canada....they're so incognito aren't they? And in response to some of the posts, a little less then half of us Americans know very well we don't get the full story from our press and media, not all of us are stupid. However, in the end, it is nice to have the heat lifted a little from the backs of Americans and placed on the Danes...not that you deserve it, but we needed a little break.
> Another American However, in the end, it is nice to have the heat lifted a little from the backs of Americans and placed on the Danes...not that you deserve it, but we needed a little break.
Unfortunately that seems to be the attitude of the American leaders. They ignore that this is a battle for free speech in the Western world (not just Denmark) and that this battle seems to be lost already in the UK and the USA.
No cartoons if you're British or American
Unfortunately that seems to be the attitude of the American leaders. They ignore that this is a battle for free speech in the Western world (not just Denmark) and that this battle seems to be lost already in the UK and the USA.
No cartoons if you're British or American
I think that too many ppl in this world have a serious like of humor.
Religion is about tolerance so please show us (both christians muslims Jews buddist) that you are able to do so, to tolerate, to have peace word in your mouth.
At the very first moment when you start to shout and say bad words ... You are no longer a believer of any religion.
Religion is about tolerance so please show us (both christians muslims Jews buddist) that you are able to do so, to tolerate, to have peace word in your mouth.
At the very first moment when you start to shout and say bad words ... You are no longer a believer of any religion.
This is a battle of FREE SPEECH?!... if this is a battle of free speech please make sure that you get to EXPRESS your opinion about all people not just about MUSLIMS... if someone just starts to express their opinion about the holocaust they might as well have their throats cut off!! YES IN THE WEST... so if it is a battle of free speech make sure that you can express yourselves freely about any1, every1, and EVERYWHERE. And make sure that your PRESS and MEDIA are not biased...
> if this is a battle of free speech please make sure that you get to EXPRESS your opinion about all people not just about MUSLIMS
Don't blame me. Blame the lying imams who made the three disgusting pictures. The 12 Danish ones are quite innocuous by comparison.
Nobody is preventing you from expressing your opinion. Go to the top of this page and click "Get your own blog".
Don't blame me. Blame the lying imams who made the three disgusting pictures. The 12 Danish ones are quite innocuous by comparison.
Nobody is preventing you from expressing your opinion. Go to the top of this page and click "Get your own blog".
Muslim? Terrorists? On 9-11 they were the same people! We are fighting a world wide problem stemming from evil Muslims. Soon they will all be quiet. They world tires of the terror and problems the false prophet Mohamed caused. But that is ok. When the arabs have caused their extinction the world will be better off.
Organized religion of any faith is for the weak. Allah is made up just like the Christian god. If all of you followers of organized religion would focus on killing each other and let the more intelligent members society be, we would all be better off.
As Robert Heinlein once wrote, "Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up gods superior to themselves. Most have the manners and morals of a spoiled child."
As Robert Heinlein once wrote, "Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up gods superior to themselves. Most have the manners and morals of a spoiled child."
I just have one request of anyone who posts: PLEASE REREAD WHAT YOU TYPE! What bothers me more than this pointless arguement is the lack of proof reading your comments. I know your all angry and got a lot to say, hey that's great, but please check what you type before you post. Nothing kills a written argument more than poor grammer and spelling errors.
Peace Out!
Peace Out!
> I just have one request of anyone who posts: PLEASE REREAD WHAT YOU TYPE!
I couldn't agree more.
And try to stay on the subject - I just had to delete another gigantic cut-n-paste job (this time it was anti-Muslim).
I couldn't agree more.
And try to stay on the subject - I just had to delete another gigantic cut-n-paste job (this time it was anti-Muslim).
To voxrepublicanis : who said that the USA is not spying on people...
Have you ever heard of the "PATRIOT ACT"? I sugest you read it.
After you do, ask yourself why it's there!.
Have you ever heard of the "PATRIOT ACT"? I sugest you read it.
After you do, ask yourself why it's there!.
Lara, who is depicted as being a moderate muslim, is the poster that really shows muslims for what they are. She advocates boycotting Danish products sold in the middle east because of what some random newspaper published. In other words, if you don't think how she thinks, she wants to punish you.
Freedom of religion? Not in the muslim world. Not even from moderate muslims. Since muslims do not agree with freedom of religion and wish to punish people who do not agree with them, non-muslims must act in self-defense and punish muslims first.
[An atheist who does right with no hope of reward is more moral than a christian who does no wrong for fear of punishment.]
Freedom of religion? Not in the muslim world. Not even from moderate muslims. Since muslims do not agree with freedom of religion and wish to punish people who do not agree with them, non-muslims must act in self-defense and punish muslims first.
[An atheist who does right with no hope of reward is more moral than a christian who does no wrong for fear of punishment.]
"Lara, who is depicted as being a moderate muslim, is the poster that really shows muslims for what they are. She advocates boycotting Danish products sold in the middle east because of what some random newspaper published."
well excuse me for trying to be honest here. I am NOT advocating anything. All i said is that if you excpect to express your opinions freely about our religion some people (who are offended or feel disrespected by it) can express their RIGHT OF FREE CHOICE FREELY and choose the products they wanna buy freely. You can't force people who are angry or hurt to buy ur products. They are FREE to buy wutever they want just as you are FREE to write wutever you want.
"Punish muslims..."
I hope that u don't reflect the opinion of most MODERATE westerns.
well excuse me for trying to be honest here. I am NOT advocating anything. All i said is that if you excpect to express your opinions freely about our religion some people (who are offended or feel disrespected by it) can express their RIGHT OF FREE CHOICE FREELY and choose the products they wanna buy freely. You can't force people who are angry or hurt to buy ur products. They are FREE to buy wutever they want just as you are FREE to write wutever you want.
"Punish muslims..."
I hope that u don't reflect the opinion of most MODERATE westerns.
Ignorance, intolerance, fanaticism, perverted religious fundamentalism, misinformation, prejudice, anger, fear are all mixed up in this entire foolishness. Where is the warmth, the underlying feeling of humanity and brotherhood and sisterhood and the respect for each other in all of this?
Where in all of this is the intent to build greater tolerance and understanding? Instead of issuing fatwas and rewards for murder that offend all laws, religions and all humanity would it not do more for the good of all if the persons who drew and published the original cartoons should be visited by some learned and peace loving imams and mullahs and educated as to why they should have had more sense and respect for their islamic brothers beliefs?
Where in all of this is the intent to build greater tolerance and understanding? Instead of issuing fatwas and rewards for murder that offend all laws, religions and all humanity would it not do more for the good of all if the persons who drew and published the original cartoons should be visited by some learned and peace loving imams and mullahs and educated as to why they should have had more sense and respect for their islamic brothers beliefs?
I think basically its down to ignorance on most parts. You cannnot tar all muslims with the same brush. Not every muslim is a radical extremist just like not all americans are obese and live in trailor parks! (yes, the two images differ but stereotyping just the same.) Basically we do live in a society where freedom of speech is and should be a blessing but we have a moral responsibility to be aware of things that may ignite conflict. It is almost like saying the holocaust did not exsist.an offensive atatement too many thousands of jews. Its ignorance and a like of human respect that is why the world is in conflict. Regardless of wether you are religious or not you should still respect other peoples views and feelings. Yes there are radicals who wish to cause the world pain but by reacting and publishing anti-semitic and offensive material you are only adding to the fodder of these extremists. What would the extremists do if they had no bate? If the world,instead of showing fear and hatred showed pity and strength? What if, for once, istead of thinking that there is a set 'moral code' we just lived our lives to the best we can and considered others beliefs and feelings...?
Fuck Mohammed, Fuck Islam, Fuck the terrorists. It is time for the world to kill all Muslims. They don't deserve to breathe the same air. How about a little dose of their own medicine, let's start with the innocent people in market or during the mecca. It would be very efficient, one bomb could kill thousands.
If you ragheads want to believe in a retarded, brain-scrambled, spastic paedophile who claimed half of hie revelations were from Satan, go right ahead. Excuse me for laughing at you. If you eant to live in the first century AD, go ahead. Excuse me for not regressing. If you want to kill YOUR own people, go ahead. Excuse the rest of the world for nuking you into oblivion for trying to push your backward values onto us.
Here are some funny cartoons about Mohammad (piss be upon him).
Here are some funny cartoons about Mohammad (piss be upon him).
Some people really got it wrong..! These drawings were NOT a critisiscm of Islam - it was the opening of a debat, of wheither or not "muhammed" or "islam" was a rightious reason for violence or crime. Danish muslims know that this was not an insult, and in Denmark danish muslims are demonstrating AGAINST the islamic world - they're demonstrating for a non-violence solution.. the problem in this discussion are the imams in Denmark - they are ALWAYS tryin' to make the danish goverment look bad, when in fact this has NOTHING to do with neither the goverment nor the danish people - also the Imams have now bin known to have agressiv behaviour - recently an imam was fired because he ripped a little guy's ear apart - another imam has bin known to sell smugling goods - so wheither you like it or not - the discussion was RIGHT!! These imams are setting bad examples by "calling the wrath of muhammed opun Denmark" when infact THEY are the cause of all this wrath!! THEY lied to the arabic world and THEY are the cause of this conflict!! I agree that drawing muhammed with a bomb in his turban wasn't really that cool - but that's the thing about free press - not everybody has to like what is printed, and we as danes LOVE our free press!!! People get insulted all the time - so what?? Our goverment and our primeminister is insulted every single day - and he can do NOTHING about it at all..!! So just because WE don't get an AK47 stuck to our heads whenever we try to be critical against the goverment you shouldn't blaime the danish people - instead, follow our example.. If people can't say whatever they want, they are suppressed! If we nolonger can say or draw what we want because of the fear of some extremists commin' to blow us up, those extremists win.. and hell, I don't want to live in that country.. besides - the islamic world boycutting Denmark?? It really meens nothing because Denmark is selfsupporting.. we make our own oil and our own food - when the islamic world is boycutting Denmark, they're really just hurting the islamic people in Denmark!! So just stop this ridicilous debat and get on with your lives, cause all of you extremist muslims - you would be suprized how many people who doesn't give a fuck about religion at all.. and when they see you freak like that, they don't see muslims, they see jerks and psychoes!! And I know, 'cause some of my best friends are muslims, and they sure as hell aren't cryin' like babies or cursing danes!!
So make love not war - danes still are!!
So make love not war - danes still are!!
whats really messed up is christians get steped on and humiliated every damn day by muslums and you dont see christains cry'n like little pussys and go arownd kill'n people for it. think about it muslums are dumbasses, reason why there are so many crazy ass muslums are because as children they watch people get their hands choped off for stealing , or their heads choped off for some other stupid ass reason
screw a damn dune coon. rag head backwards ass dips need another swift kick in thier dress wearing assses. down with mohamed. he like to scerw goats anyway. raghead wearin ass munchers.
If you respect other human beings, then why did you cheer in the streets when The States got attacked..?? Why is it you can post innocent people getting their heads hacked off on the internet and your TV's (for the lucky ones who know what one is)but, the rest of the world can't draw cartoons and laugh with lifes imperfectness?
I am from the above comment... I just wanted to remind all of the fellow yanks in here, that, we were attacked by a faction of muslim called the Wassabe. But, the rest of the muslim world cheered, so, fuck them. :) Say, anybody noticed how Michael Jackson is in the United Arab Emeriates?? Coincidence?? I think not.. He probably a student of ole' pedofile Mohammed himself!
"muslim said... God is justing leaving u to laugh and enjoy your useless lives, but very soon god will teach u a lessaon that u will never forget"
Mohammed is a false prophet of a false god, a murderer, rapist and pediophile.
Jesus Christ is the Son of the I AM, eternally God of very God.
I am an American who believes STRONGLY in the 2nd Amendment, declare your frickin fatwa, I and my American and Jewish families will defend ourselves.
Jesus Christ is the Son of the I AM, eternally God of very God.
I am an American who believes STRONGLY in the 2nd Amendment, declare your frickin fatwa, I and my American and Jewish families will defend ourselves.
Muslims in general, to someone on the outside looking in , are prone to VIOLENCE, you want to prove all the rest of us wrong ? Then AMEND the Quran and STOP KILLING PEOPLE, the rest of the world will GLADLY LEAVE YOU ALONE IF YOU LEAVE US ALONE. Christians and Jews get insulted DAILY and you dont see them rioting , LIGHTEN UP ! They were CARTOONS , if you are Muslim and NOT violent, then STAND UP to the violence in your own religion and CLEAN IT UP !!!! You say "Religion of Peace" ? Then ACT LIKE ONE !!!!!
Thank you for reproducing the original 12 cartoons with English translation and Danish context. The American media has reported reactions and riots, but has been too timid to publish the original cartoons, therefore denying the American public the ability to reach its own conclusions. You have provided an important service that I am grateful for and I have distributed your link to many friends in the United States.
All of you religion fanatics -- you are so weak and unclever to invent a god for yourself and worship to him.
Your stupid superstitions and prohibitions prevent us, healthy sane people, from the normal living.
Your stupid superstitions and prohibitions prevent us, healthy sane people, from the normal living.
Danish people i do not know why most of you talks in an unpolite way on islam and our beloved prophet,it is not free speach it must not exceed to insultaton.
insulting our prophet means insulting all muslims on earth.
so please if u want to talk about islam it is ok but donot say wrong things ,so u must read about islam before talking to make the debates usefull.
insulting our prophet means insulting all muslims on earth.
so please if u want to talk about islam it is ok but donot say wrong things ,so u must read about islam before talking to make the debates usefull.
> "insulting our prophet means insulting all muslims on earth."
So you are saying that the Danish imams who made the three blasphemous cartoons on this page have insulted all Muslims on Earth.
Why then are you burning embassies instead of mosques? You hypocrite.
So you are saying that the Danish imams who made the three blasphemous cartoons on this page have insulted all Muslims on Earth.
Why then are you burning embassies instead of mosques? You hypocrite.
Need there be a vicious argument of this size over a couple cartoons? In essence, we all worship the same god and carry out things much the same! The only difference between Islam and Christianity is that the Muslims worship Mohammed whereas the Christians don't. But, hasn't it ever appeared to anyone that religion is just full of shit and contradicts itself? For example, the bible was produced in a DEAD language that is VERY open for interpretation, THUS you could argue that Hitler was justified in killing the millions that he did because the writing is so vague. Above that, the bible was written centuries after Christ died making a HELL OF ALOT of room for ERROR! And Islam is the exact same way, along with EVERY OTHER RELIGION THAT EXISTS! So the idea of killing or writing letters filled to the brim with malice over an idea that most definatly doesn't exist is MADDENING!! So here's what I say, I'd invite anyone who doesn't agree with me to a civilized chat in my backyard over a nice fat joint. If there's anything we should be worshipping, it's BC bud.
Brillant. I've spent an hour reading the dialouge; long-live free speech, free press and the courage it takes to tell the not-so amuzing Arab world "go fuck yourslef". As one blogger said, "at least in the western world, we have a sense of humor".
this shit is funny. im an AMERICAN and damn i just cant stop laughing. betweent the ideas that some have and the spelling (humanbeans..lol...try human being).this shit is funny. you muslim motherfuckers you just wish you were important enough for the west to give two shits about you. but you know what?? we dont. in fact the only thing we want from your bitch asses is your oil. you spit on us you try to kill us, but time to face it. if it wasnt for our money you would be looking like africa. a bunch homeless, aids infested, murderous rapers. you have the balls (that would be your nutsack) to say that we are inhumane. sorry we dont cut peoples heads off because they have different religion. we dont kick women in the butt for not wearing thier turbons. i say to all muslims go fuck yourself and learn some motherfucking
T O L E R A N C E !!!
face facts who dont know who is controlling shit anymore than any other religous group. i really got a lot more to say. but i faced facts along time ago. and i realize muslims are ignorant and will always be ignorant. so till next time from one AMERICAN to the rest of this crazy fucked up world
T O L E R A N C E !!!
face facts who dont know who is controlling shit anymore than any other religous group. i really got a lot more to say. but i faced facts along time ago. and i realize muslims are ignorant and will always be ignorant. so till next time from one AMERICAN to the rest of this crazy fucked up world
1) Praying 5 times in a day? In a certain direction?
Why must you face a certain direction? Are you actually praying to God or to his "Ka'bah"??
I didnt know God was faced in that direction and he can only see you in that direction isit? Shouldnt you be able to pray anytime and anywhere and whenever you feel like praying asking God for help?
2) Every religion on earth here as his own main depiction of its religion, eg: Jesus, Budha... even though P.Mohammed is just a prophet shouldnt there be proper depictions of him? why do they put cloth to cover his face and some fiery fire in some paintings??... its like he never existed and this was made up by some guy.
3) In your Quran you mentioned the word "infidels" what is it to you? To what we know "infidel" labels the other ppl who are not islam. And what does the Quran tell you to do about infidels? IT says Kill them rite?
Does your God Practice Double Standards to others? I will be scared to ever eat or have a drink with any of my moslem friends due to this, because he can just stab me behind the back and say its okay for me to kill you cause you are an infidel, and the quran says its OK to do it...
4) What is the punishment for leaving the Islam religion? Did you guys know it means stoning to death?? WOW what a great religion to do away with the ex-islam believers.... Why is there no choice of leaving freely? after all it is a religion? and it is suppose to make you into a better person... not turn you into a stone thrower and a killer? Id really be scared and confused now if God told me to stone a person to death... seems like the devils work though..
5) The DOG? What could be so possibly be so wrong to play with a DOG? or even touch it? Cats are OKAY in your book right? Why is that? Again Double Standards by GOD/ALLAH? God/Allah created dogs for what? spare materials??
6) The Pig? Same as the Dog? Again double standards? Wow imagine this scenario... God tells you the Pig and Dog are dirty animals... I made a mistake in creating them...
Summary : Dont you guys and girls think that this religion is so weird and it contradicts itself over and over again? There are too many noticeable flaws and that it is why only a MAN can have these great MAN-MADE errors...
1) Praying 5 times in a day? In a certain direction?
Why must you face a certain direction? Are you actually praying to God or to his "Ka'bah"??
I didnt know God was faced in that direction and he can only see you in that direction isit? Shouldnt you be able to pray anytime and anywhere and whenever you feel like praying asking God for help?
2) Every religion on earth here as his own main depiction of its religion, eg: Jesus, Budha... even though P.Mohammed is just a prophet shouldnt there be proper depictions of him? why do they put cloth to cover his face and some fiery fire in some paintings??... its like he never existed and this was made up by some guy.
3) In your Quran you mentioned the word "infidels" what is it to you? To what we know "infidel" labels the other ppl who are not islam. And what does the Quran tell you to do about infidels? IT says Kill them rite?
Does your God Practice Double Standards to others? I will be scared to ever eat or have a drink with any of my moslem friends due to this, because he can just stab me behind the back and say its okay for me to kill you cause you are an infidel, and the quran says its OK to do it...
4) What is the punishment for leaving the Islam religion? Did you guys know it means stoning to death?? WOW what a great religion to do away with the ex-islam believers.... Why is there no choice of leaving freely? after all it is a religion? and it is suppose to make you into a better person... not turn you into a stone thrower and a killer? Id really be scared and confused now if God told me to stone a person to death... seems like the devils work though..
5) The DOG? What could be so possibly be so wrong to play with a DOG? or even touch it? Cats are OKAY in your book right? Why is that? Again Double Standards by GOD/ALLAH? God/Allah created dogs for what? spare materials??
6) The Pig? Same as the Dog? Again double standards? Wow imagine this scenario... God tells you the Pig and Dog are dirty animals... I made a mistake in creating them...
Summary : Dont you guys and girls think that this religion is so weird and it contradicts itself over and over again? There are too many noticeable flaws and that it is why only a MAN can have these great MAN-MADE errors...
You have allowed terrorism to hyjack your religion and now you cannot deal with the consequences. ALL YOU MUSLIMS, around the world, STAND UP PULBLICLY AGAINST the extrememistS among you, and you will see the difference that will make in the way the rest of the world percevies your religion.
What kind of religion is so peaceful that it will readily kill anyone just for saying something against it?
Now It Is Enough
It is understandable that many of our practices and beliefs may seem strange to those in the West, just as the practices of many Westerners seem strange to us.
While many Muslims have benefited from an exposure to Western civilization and formed more nuanced views as a result, likewise some in the West who studied our civilization and our religious belief became more appreciative of them, and friendlier towards Muslims.
In this spirit, we invite you to read this message for Truth, Justice and Peace.
Mohamed (peace be upon him ). If I want to tell you about him all the paper of the world will not be enough to write about HIS characteristics and his behavior, HE didn't wrong any body HE was kind, honest, faithful. It is better you to read about HIM and if you find that HE deserves all the bad and impolite campaigns that some Danish did against HIM and against ISLAM, they can go on but all the MUSLIMS in all the countries will not stand and watching them insulting our religion and our Prophet. Our reply will not be by insult or killing. NO we will boycott them by every means and they can't ignore our power in their economy and at last ALLAH will be with us because they started that. I want you also to know that THE PROPHET did not teach hatred, violence, or bloodshed. He taught us about human brotherhood and he stood firmly against prejudice. He loved children, their hands he’d hold. He taught his followers to respect the old. So would he allow the murder of an innocent child? No... I don't know why others are trying to spread lies about him and about Islam??? If you come to realize you will find that we are despising Bloodshed according to the instructions of our holy book QURAAN and also to our PROPHET MOHAMED (peace be upon him) So please try to think with your mind. WE respect all the religions because ALLAH and our PROPHET ordered us to be like that. Try to respect us and remember that the Muslims are not less but we are great number and we also are part of the world. We want to live in peace so leave us and try to be our friends not enemies.
We believe the importance of discussion and dialogue, but we think that prophet Mohamed cartoons was a provocation which make us feel deep sadness ,anger ,disappointment ...
It is understandable that many of our practices and beliefs may seem strange to those in the West, just as the practices of many Westerners seem strange to us.
While many Muslims have benefited from an exposure to Western civilization and formed more nuanced views as a result, likewise some in the West who studied our civilization and our religious belief became more appreciative of them, and friendlier towards Muslims.
In this spirit, we invite you to read this message for Truth, Justice and Peace.
Mohamed (peace be upon him ). If I want to tell you about him all the paper of the world will not be enough to write about HIS characteristics and his behavior, HE didn't wrong any body HE was kind, honest, faithful. It is better you to read about HIM and if you find that HE deserves all the bad and impolite campaigns that some Danish did against HIM and against ISLAM, they can go on but all the MUSLIMS in all the countries will not stand and watching them insulting our religion and our Prophet. Our reply will not be by insult or killing. NO we will boycott them by every means and they can't ignore our power in their economy and at last ALLAH will be with us because they started that. I want you also to know that THE PROPHET did not teach hatred, violence, or bloodshed. He taught us about human brotherhood and he stood firmly against prejudice. He loved children, their hands he’d hold. He taught his followers to respect the old. So would he allow the murder of an innocent child? No... I don't know why others are trying to spread lies about him and about Islam??? If you come to realize you will find that we are despising Bloodshed according to the instructions of our holy book QURAAN and also to our PROPHET MOHAMED (peace be upon him) So please try to think with your mind. WE respect all the religions because ALLAH and our PROPHET ordered us to be like that. Try to respect us and remember that the Muslims are not less but we are great number and we also are part of the world. We want to live in peace so leave us and try to be our friends not enemies.
We believe the importance of discussion and dialogue, but we think that prophet Mohamed cartoons was a provocation which make us feel deep sadness ,anger ,disappointment ...
wow i just read the
from anonymous.. its unbelieveable these facts.. it really does contradict everything... This is definitely common sense and logic.. wonder what kind of replies they have for this? From all angles i see no answers..
*I will be very afraid tooo when i next eat to another Islam religion guy beside me in any restaurant.
from anonymous.. its unbelieveable these facts.. it really does contradict everything... This is definitely common sense and logic.. wonder what kind of replies they have for this? From all angles i see no answers..
*I will be very afraid tooo when i next eat to another Islam religion guy beside me in any restaurant.
All I have to say is if some of you are going to post a comment, make sense. If you can't even type English words correctly, don't type at all.
I don't get most of the pictures anyway.
I think people are overreacting way too seriously. In the protests, some Islamic people had signs that said: "Behead those who insult Islam." If you ask me, that is a little extreme. If we can't even draw pictures, with no commentary, then why should they be able to protest the way they did.
That is very hypocritical.
The End.
I don't get most of the pictures anyway.
I think people are overreacting way too seriously. In the protests, some Islamic people had signs that said: "Behead those who insult Islam." If you ask me, that is a little extreme. If we can't even draw pictures, with no commentary, then why should they be able to protest the way they did.
That is very hypocritical.
The End.
Any extremist fundamental religion is dangerous. Spanish Inquisition anyone? There are some Christian preachers that would gladly stone blasphemous people to death if we here in America were a bit more puritan. Jerry Farwell anyone? Extremism can be found in all bodies of belief.
Christian unforgivable sin? Doubting the holy spirit.
According to Hugh (posted way up there somewhere) the worst thing a Muslim can be is an apostate (in other words, doubting the religion you once held true).
Do you think this is a coincidence that the biggest sin is doubt in both religions? Religion is about control - that doesn’t mean some good can’t come from it, but in the end it is about asking you not to think for yourself.
Why get in a killing frenzy over a handful of silly cartoons that 99.9 percent of the world would not have noticed, nor cared about? Control. And fear is one way to control people. You think I’m going to post my address here so some nut job can put me in the ground because I don’t believe in his or her God? You won’t find a serious open debate about the legitimacy of the Muslim religion where an extremist may hear for fear of retribution.
Remember Mohammed Bouyeri, who murdered the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh ? Theo’s crime, as you may know, was making a confrontational short film about the abuse of women in Islamic societies. The death penalty seems a bit extreme for having a different opinion - respectful or not.
Christian unforgivable sin? Doubting the holy spirit.
According to Hugh (posted way up there somewhere) the worst thing a Muslim can be is an apostate (in other words, doubting the religion you once held true).
Do you think this is a coincidence that the biggest sin is doubt in both religions? Religion is about control - that doesn’t mean some good can’t come from it, but in the end it is about asking you not to think for yourself.
Why get in a killing frenzy over a handful of silly cartoons that 99.9 percent of the world would not have noticed, nor cared about? Control. And fear is one way to control people. You think I’m going to post my address here so some nut job can put me in the ground because I don’t believe in his or her God? You won’t find a serious open debate about the legitimacy of the Muslim religion where an extremist may hear for fear of retribution.
Remember Mohammed Bouyeri, who murdered the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh ? Theo’s crime, as you may know, was making a confrontational short film about the abuse of women in Islamic societies. The death penalty seems a bit extreme for having a different opinion - respectful or not.
ISLAM a religion with ZERO TOLERANCE towards others who are not islam "Infidels" like me and others like me...
Prove me wrong and ill gladly convert into an Islamic person myself and ill be cleansed from the word "infidel" in just a matter of seconds! Even though i have eaten pork and played with dogs during my previous years as an infidel! wow! im the holliest man now!
Another Great exciting fact which has no answer to it and for everyone to think the logic and carefulness behind it... thus labeling it a MAN-MADE RELIGION again!...
Prove me wrong and ill gladly convert into an Islamic person myself and ill be cleansed from the word "infidel" in just a matter of seconds! Even though i have eaten pork and played with dogs during my previous years as an infidel! wow! im the holliest man now!
Another Great exciting fact which has no answer to it and for everyone to think the logic and carefulness behind it... thus labeling it a MAN-MADE RELIGION again!...
ohh hey what religion walks in circles round and round around a big black box?
If you get trampled on and die there you are guaranteed heaven even though you have murdered or done hideous things in life?
Its the only religion which teaches you about like throwing stones at people in some circumstances which religion is this?
If you get trampled on and die there you are guaranteed heaven even though you have murdered or done hideous things in life?
Its the only religion which teaches you about like throwing stones at people in some circumstances which religion is this?
Well this has been entertaining (if not terribly enlightening), better then TV even, but it's time to get back to work.
Ya know, this gives me an idea for a cartoon....
Ya know, this gives me an idea for a cartoon....
I believe the one thing I've learned from reading this blog is there will never be peace in our time because of...religion and ignorance.
I am an American who does not believe in religion. I'm sorry if the original (I thought this blog was about the 3 cartoons planted by muslims to incite violence) cartoons offended anyone, but to bad. If someone disagrees with you it is not the end of the world. Quite frankly, I find the death to American chants a little more offensive, but I don't overreact and hate all muslims.
As for the ignorant people, what can you do. I'm sure when they post their FUCK YOU MUSLIMS AND FUCK YOU NON-MUSLIMS comments it makes them feel like they have made some kind of point.
As a "non-believer", I wish everyone peace and happiness, I just don't expect to see it.
I am an American who does not believe in religion. I'm sorry if the original (I thought this blog was about the 3 cartoons planted by muslims to incite violence) cartoons offended anyone, but to bad. If someone disagrees with you it is not the end of the world. Quite frankly, I find the death to American chants a little more offensive, but I don't overreact and hate all muslims.
As for the ignorant people, what can you do. I'm sure when they post their FUCK YOU MUSLIMS AND FUCK YOU NON-MUSLIMS comments it makes them feel like they have made some kind of point.
As a "non-believer", I wish everyone peace and happiness, I just don't expect to see it.
I come from a religious family (not saying which religion, be it islam, christ, or jewish), and I would say that my community and my family are very peaceful people, at least in my opinion.
I think for all the people who say they love God, and who also fear God, should understand that if a person, or a group of people, offends God, it is quite clear that he does not need people rioting in the streets to punish the people he thinks offended God. If you read any of the religious scripts from the religions of Abraham (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Bahai'ism, and Mandaeism) you'll see that God rewards people the same he can punish people, and it is in no one's place to decide when right or wrong has been commited in reference to religion. Ofcourse, matters un-related to religion, such as racial problems or nationality issues, are something that people need to resolve, and should be outside the realm of religion.
I think that for anyone as religious as myself, it is QUITE clear that we should go on living according to our religions and just respect other culture or religions. And if we can't do that, then just IGNORE other cultures, mabye that is a little crude, but if it stops violence then it is a positive solution.
I think for all the people who say they love God, and who also fear God, should understand that if a person, or a group of people, offends God, it is quite clear that he does not need people rioting in the streets to punish the people he thinks offended God. If you read any of the religious scripts from the religions of Abraham (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Bahai'ism, and Mandaeism) you'll see that God rewards people the same he can punish people, and it is in no one's place to decide when right or wrong has been commited in reference to religion. Ofcourse, matters un-related to religion, such as racial problems or nationality issues, are something that people need to resolve, and should be outside the realm of religion.
I think that for anyone as religious as myself, it is QUITE clear that we should go on living according to our religions and just respect other culture or religions. And if we can't do that, then just IGNORE other cultures, mabye that is a little crude, but if it stops violence then it is a positive solution.
I really don't understand what the big deal is. The Muslims have elevated their so called prophet to the status of god-hood and are utterly devoted to that god. The same can be said of Catholics and their Mary-god, Baptists and their Billy Grahm god, the prosperity believers and their Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn gods. The point is that in all this bitchin about cartoons of this and threats from them to drive us into the sea and all that crap have caused us all to lose focus (and very cleverly I might add by the devil himself) that we are all human beings. We are all sinners. And none of us is deserving of Salvation. And only through the blood of Jesus Christ can we be saved. Who cares what a bunch of barbaians in need of salvation do to each other or think? We as Christians are obviously not doing our job and spreading the Salvation of Christ to our bretherin in sin. We are too busy bowing down before Mary, too busy being a good Christian only on Sunday, too busy trying to get rich off of Kenneth Copeland's magic genie god.
When I look across the ocean at the hell that has been created in the Middle East from the false prophet, I can only blame myself and others of the faith who have failed to reach out and say "Jesus Love You"
In loving kindness to all humanity, may you come to know Jesus Christ and salvation.
When I look across the ocean at the hell that has been created in the Middle East from the false prophet, I can only blame myself and others of the faith who have failed to reach out and say "Jesus Love You"
In loving kindness to all humanity, may you come to know Jesus Christ and salvation.
haleluja - long live the freedom of stupidity - does any of you loud-shouting fools, ´christian´ and ´moslim´, samesame, actally believe in killing ´the other´ 3-400 million people ? you are agitating for the biggest terrorist act in history of man -
not in my name, not in allahs, not in jesus´ name. Your god is hate, and we wont have it.
not in my name, not in allahs, not in jesus´ name. Your god is hate, and we wont have it.
now no need for insults.this is to to the danish citizens.I am a danish citizen.I regret the day my parents brought me to denmark.this country is the most racist country in the world.ok some will say they gave you shelter ,food etc.....believe me we pay aprice for this.our children go to school while the techears tell them they will never grow up to be anything.this not only because the children are muslims noo you just have to be different.you meet racism everyday in denmark .si I rather live in the USA,UK ETC THEN DENMARK.I AM MUSLIM.I LOVE MY RELIGION.SO YOU THINK YOUR LOWS AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ALL THE BULLSHIT SAFES US FROM YOU ALL TO KILL US?NOOO MY ALLAH COMMANDS YOU TO OBEY.ALLAH PROTECTS ME.
hello people.
i feel sad about the state of the world.
i want to paint a picture for you:
at first, it would be easier to see the following picture in your minds, if you could try and forget your name, your home address, your family, your friends and your possible religion. this might sound odd, but i assure you, it is essential for you to see the picture i am trying to paint here. it is not the truth nor is it even exceptional. but it is something i don't find harmful for anyone to see. it might even make you feel something. i don't know.
thank you.
imagine a person.
forget the genitals and everything that tries to make this person look like a man or a woman.
forget the color of this person's skin.
forget the color of it's eyes.
forget the hair on it's head.
forget the face.
just imagine, there is a person in the picture.
it's heart is pounding as it constantly keeps experiencing different kinds of emotions and learning through empiric methods, as well as collecting information via theoretic sciences publications, and all the medias, and all the advertisements.
this person molds it's personal vision of the world through it's own referencial frame. it is not right nor wrong. it is not complete but it necessarily isn't missing anything.
a person also wonders why it is in the world. a person is curious about other persons. about their views. about their habits. about their believes. about their genitals.
when there is a person living inside an animal, we call it a human being.
now, if you can see the picture, think about it. do you see yourself?
imagine there's 6,5 billion people who can see theirselves merely by imaging these things i've written.
imagine how similar to each other we are in the end.
imagine money.
imagine power.
imagine rules.
imagine regulations.
imagine religion.
imagine money.
imagine power.
imagine animals, fighting each other for someone else's sake. for the sake of someone else's fortune. for the sake of someone else's power.
can you see them same way i do?
i see them confused and not wanting to reclaim the person that lived inside them when they were born.
i see them forgetting who they are and concentrating on:
-how rich they can become - BY BEING SOMEONE'S WHORE IN A WORLD GONE INSANE!
-how famous and adorable they can become - BY BEING ON THE WINNERS SIDE, IF THEY ARE LUCKY. IF THEY ARE IN A HIGHER POWER'S FAVOUR. (can you really believe this!?)
it is sad, that i cannot see any winners in any of this, only losers. even the most rich, powerful and famous animals. are nothing more than animals.
are you a human being [an animal who has a personality and is considered as "a person"]?
or are you just an animal without a free will and uncapable to think for yourself and to form values based on how you feel and what you think you've learned?
okay, if you went through the steps, you probably wonder what was the point of all this?
and why would anyone want to write such things down and put them out into the internet for all the ~6,5 billion different PEOPLE to see?
P.S. Don't forget your freedom of THINKING FOR YOURSELF, it is not just your right as a human being, it IS YOUR OBLIGATION AS A HUMAN BEING!!!!
i feel sad about the state of the world.
i want to paint a picture for you:
at first, it would be easier to see the following picture in your minds, if you could try and forget your name, your home address, your family, your friends and your possible religion. this might sound odd, but i assure you, it is essential for you to see the picture i am trying to paint here. it is not the truth nor is it even exceptional. but it is something i don't find harmful for anyone to see. it might even make you feel something. i don't know.
thank you.
imagine a person.
forget the genitals and everything that tries to make this person look like a man or a woman.
forget the color of this person's skin.
forget the color of it's eyes.
forget the hair on it's head.
forget the face.
just imagine, there is a person in the picture.
it's heart is pounding as it constantly keeps experiencing different kinds of emotions and learning through empiric methods, as well as collecting information via theoretic sciences publications, and all the medias, and all the advertisements.
this person molds it's personal vision of the world through it's own referencial frame. it is not right nor wrong. it is not complete but it necessarily isn't missing anything.
a person also wonders why it is in the world. a person is curious about other persons. about their views. about their habits. about their believes. about their genitals.
when there is a person living inside an animal, we call it a human being.
now, if you can see the picture, think about it. do you see yourself?
imagine there's 6,5 billion people who can see theirselves merely by imaging these things i've written.
imagine how similar to each other we are in the end.
imagine money.
imagine power.
imagine rules.
imagine regulations.
imagine religion.
imagine money.
imagine power.
imagine animals, fighting each other for someone else's sake. for the sake of someone else's fortune. for the sake of someone else's power.
can you see them same way i do?
i see them confused and not wanting to reclaim the person that lived inside them when they were born.
i see them forgetting who they are and concentrating on:
-how rich they can become - BY BEING SOMEONE'S WHORE IN A WORLD GONE INSANE!
-how famous and adorable they can become - BY BEING ON THE WINNERS SIDE, IF THEY ARE LUCKY. IF THEY ARE IN A HIGHER POWER'S FAVOUR. (can you really believe this!?)
it is sad, that i cannot see any winners in any of this, only losers. even the most rich, powerful and famous animals. are nothing more than animals.
are you a human being [an animal who has a personality and is considered as "a person"]?
or are you just an animal without a free will and uncapable to think for yourself and to form values based on how you feel and what you think you've learned?
okay, if you went through the steps, you probably wonder what was the point of all this?
and why would anyone want to write such things down and put them out into the internet for all the ~6,5 billion different PEOPLE to see?
P.S. Don't forget your freedom of THINKING FOR YOURSELF, it is not just your right as a human being, it IS YOUR OBLIGATION AS A HUMAN BEING!!!!
> "this country is the most racist country in the world"
Please leve my country. Then there'll be one racist less.
> "I rather live in the USA,UK ETC THEN DENMARK."
Bon voyage.
Please leve my country. Then there'll be one racist less.
> "I rather live in the USA,UK ETC THEN DENMARK."
Bon voyage.
ateist funny man/women/something in between......I will leave your country.answer this question for me since you think I am the racist.how come 50 % the danish people support the racist pia kærsgård and stiil growing.denmark was hell after the sep 11and still is.USA was too but now I was there recently very friendly people.its like sep11 happened in copenhagen
> "answer this question for me since you think I am the racist.how come 50 % the danish people support the racist pia kærsgård and stiil growing.
It's 13%, not 50%.
Pia Kjærsgård is not racist. That's just a label the Islamofascists use for anyone they don't agree with.
> "denmark was hell after the sep 11and still is."
One of my first reactions after September 11, was that I felt for sorry for you Muslims because your religion had been hijacked by a handful of extremists.
Then it turned out that many Danish Muslims, who were born and raised in Denmark, actually supported the terrorists. Abu Laban had "no tears for the Americans" and there was even a Danish Taliban "warrior" in Afghanistan, who was willing to "defend his brothers" all over the world. This Taliban-warrior had been headhunted from Raed Hlayhel's mosque in Grimhøjvej, Århus.
Why have you, as a Muslim, allowed the extremists to hijack your religion?
I'm sure there are lot of nice people among the Muslims, but they need to speak up against the califascists - again and again. Otherwise the debate will be between Islamofascist and Danes.
It's 13%, not 50%.
Pia Kjærsgård is not racist. That's just a label the Islamofascists use for anyone they don't agree with.
> "denmark was hell after the sep 11and still is."
One of my first reactions after September 11, was that I felt for sorry for you Muslims because your religion had been hijacked by a handful of extremists.
Then it turned out that many Danish Muslims, who were born and raised in Denmark, actually supported the terrorists. Abu Laban had "no tears for the Americans" and there was even a Danish Taliban "warrior" in Afghanistan, who was willing to "defend his brothers" all over the world. This Taliban-warrior had been headhunted from Raed Hlayhel's mosque in Grimhøjvej, Århus.
Why have you, as a Muslim, allowed the extremists to hijack your religion?
I'm sure there are lot of nice people among the Muslims, but they need to speak up against the califascists - again and again. Otherwise the debate will be between Islamofascist and Danes.
the date: 9/11/2051. A father and his
small son are in NYC at the site of the WTC. The boy asks his father, "Daddy, what was the world trade center?"
The father said, "They were two tall buildings that you could see from all Manhattan. But they are gone now."
"What happened to them," asked the little boy.
"They were destroyed by Muslims," said the father.
The little boy thought about that for a moment and then looked up and asked his father, "What are Muslims.....?"
small son are in NYC at the site of the WTC. The boy asks his father, "Daddy, what was the world trade center?"
The father said, "They were two tall buildings that you could see from all Manhattan. But they are gone now."
"What happened to them," asked the little boy.
"They were destroyed by Muslims," said the father.
The little boy thought about that for a moment and then looked up and asked his father, "What are Muslims.....?"
All the comments so far either against muslims or other non muslims is showing that the world is fast losing humanity.
It should be understood that no religion has all perfect people in it.
9/11 was absolutely wrong your so called war is with US so have to fight US soldiers not kill innocent children, women, old people ISLAM FORBIDS IT....
Instead accusing IMAMS about paedophile which is not proven recall ur mice like memory what happened inside CHURCHES. PREISTS RAPING MOLESTING innocent CHILDREN, NUNS. Which is satisfactorily proved....
Take what happenen against muslims in (GUJRAT, MUMBAI, AYODHYA, BHAGALPUR)in INDIA
Palestianian presidential palaces are raided. Jails are broken and people killed. Small infants are killed in front of their parents.
The above things are just examples so stop thinking negatively and think about co existing peacefully
If US starts massacaring muslims. the muslims will also start killing US PEOPLE.
If MUSLIMS starts MASSACARING US PEOPLE. The US will start killing MUSLIMS.
And same about all religions.
So a day might come where earth will be empty so atlast what will be the cause and goal achieved after some of blood shed.
All the comments so far either against muslims or other non muslims is showing that the world is fast losing humanity.
It should be understood that no religion has all perfect people in it.
9/11 was absolutely wrong your so called war is with US so have to fight US soldiers not kill innocent children, women, old people ISLAM FORBIDS IT....
Instead accusing IMAMS about paedophile which is not proven recall ur mice like memory what happened inside CHURCHES. PREISTS RAPING MOLESTING innocent CHILDREN, NUNS. Which is satisfactorily proved....
Take what happenen against muslims in (GUJRAT, MUMBAI, AYODHYA, BHAGALPUR)in INDIA
Palestianian presidential palaces are raided. Jails are broken and people killed. Small infants are killed in front of their parents.
The above things are just examples so stop thinking negatively and think about co existing peacefully
If US starts massacaring muslims. the muslims will also start killing US PEOPLE.
If MUSLIMS starts MASSACARING US PEOPLE. The US will start killing MUSLIMS.
And same about all religions.
So a day might come where earth will be empty so atlast what will be the cause and goal achieved after some of blood shed.
While working everyday with Muslims in Norway i never need to be reminded of the lack of dedication Christians show for their religion.
A muslim on the contrary GIVES himself to his religion, lives closely to his God.
This explains their hospitality, generosity and trust in life. These people are not fanatics, just dedicated. A Muslim outside his country needs his religion in order to tolerate us ignorant beer swilling, ,wifeswopping Viking cowards. To all Muslims: we respect your dedication to your religion but we cannot show this because we are not equal here. The religion of the western world is evil and dirty in comparison. Help us.
Irish and anonymous.
Whoever the agressive "anonymous" above is, you are truely the loveless dog of pure shameless sadness whose blood is as mixed as any other.
A muslim on the contrary GIVES himself to his religion, lives closely to his God.
This explains their hospitality, generosity and trust in life. These people are not fanatics, just dedicated. A Muslim outside his country needs his religion in order to tolerate us ignorant beer swilling, ,wifeswopping Viking cowards. To all Muslims: we respect your dedication to your religion but we cannot show this because we are not equal here. The religion of the western world is evil and dirty in comparison. Help us.
Irish and anonymous.
Whoever the agressive "anonymous" above is, you are truely the loveless dog of pure shameless sadness whose blood is as mixed as any other.
> "To all Muslims: we respect your dedication to your religion"
So why did the imams make the three blasphemous pictures at the top of this page?
So why did the imams make the three blasphemous pictures at the top of this page?
Excuse me Sir Atheist, but when i speak of the Muslim dedication to their religion i speak only of my experience. I am NOT referring to whoever it was who put together these pictures for whatever reason.
Like you, i don't know who and why.
Again.. we in the Wild West respect (and envy) Muslim dedication to that which they hold precious. This is naturally difficult for us to show, alas, if we were not so thwarted by our own loss of faith we would ourselves own more pride and respect, and therefore live with less fear and inferiority.
Don't assume anything about me Sir., as you are not aqquainted with me either, no more than you know these particular priests,
--- "Let me tell You something about MYself"---
After 17 years of Catholic upbringing in Ireland I took a break from the good book never to return in the same way. Another man made religion?...
I think not. I have my God as it has me, and thats in correspondance with my Human Nature...
Depending on what hardships or challenge you experience defines a lot of your interhuman character but the nature of being that teaches you to respect your elders needs no categori as i'm sure you as atheist well know.
Muslims have and deserve great respect for their disiplin and dedication to their religion. They are also greatly and deservedly invited to the natural transformation OF THE BEST OF ALL NATURES be they Afghani Kurdi Palestinian or Irish.
I know that when the old woman gets on the bus she'll be glad when the right person gets up to offer his seat, whether she aknowledges it or not, and all i believe in is Nature.
How can we say we know better? We know nothing of our third world countries feelings and injustices in the home, their cleanliness, their need for politeness and peace.
We guyz are hyping up about fancy famous photographs all day while stronger people than us are truely afraid, invaded and traumatised, and rather need our compassion sent to their kitchen where there is a lot more Love than you seem to anticipate.
Human Nature decides either way.
We too (Ireland) have been attacked and occupied. WE HAD our religion in purer form prior to this change. We too were seen as wild dogs by the Great British Empire, and we too were not seen.
Believe the people when they say that Mohammad, like the Jesus that was, promoted peace. They fucked up (sorry-Haram) Jesus with some bad rumours too, and edited from then on their bible with rank.
If the Holy Qor'an is one day comprehended anew here and there i wouldnt be surprised, in the meantime Goodwill towards all people is sadly dwindling, so my thoughts go to kitchens of the needy and no more to the 3 pictures. Good lives for all.
Irishly anonymous
Like you, i don't know who and why.
Again.. we in the Wild West respect (and envy) Muslim dedication to that which they hold precious. This is naturally difficult for us to show, alas, if we were not so thwarted by our own loss of faith we would ourselves own more pride and respect, and therefore live with less fear and inferiority.
Don't assume anything about me Sir., as you are not aqquainted with me either, no more than you know these particular priests,
--- "Let me tell You something about MYself"---
After 17 years of Catholic upbringing in Ireland I took a break from the good book never to return in the same way. Another man made religion?...
I think not. I have my God as it has me, and thats in correspondance with my Human Nature...
Depending on what hardships or challenge you experience defines a lot of your interhuman character but the nature of being that teaches you to respect your elders needs no categori as i'm sure you as atheist well know.
Muslims have and deserve great respect for their disiplin and dedication to their religion. They are also greatly and deservedly invited to the natural transformation OF THE BEST OF ALL NATURES be they Afghani Kurdi Palestinian or Irish.
I know that when the old woman gets on the bus she'll be glad when the right person gets up to offer his seat, whether she aknowledges it or not, and all i believe in is Nature.
How can we say we know better? We know nothing of our third world countries feelings and injustices in the home, their cleanliness, their need for politeness and peace.
We guyz are hyping up about fancy famous photographs all day while stronger people than us are truely afraid, invaded and traumatised, and rather need our compassion sent to their kitchen where there is a lot more Love than you seem to anticipate.
Human Nature decides either way.
We too (Ireland) have been attacked and occupied. WE HAD our religion in purer form prior to this change. We too were seen as wild dogs by the Great British Empire, and we too were not seen.
Believe the people when they say that Mohammad, like the Jesus that was, promoted peace. They fucked up (sorry-Haram) Jesus with some bad rumours too, and edited from then on their bible with rank.
If the Holy Qor'an is one day comprehended anew here and there i wouldnt be surprised, in the meantime Goodwill towards all people is sadly dwindling, so my thoughts go to kitchens of the needy and no more to the 3 pictures. Good lives for all.
Irishly anonymous
The actual word, Tolerance cannot be found in either the bible or the quran, at least not more than once. The damning of non-believers is there in abundance, and quite similar. certainly old testament related.
Check out "Skeptic's Annotated Bible/Qu'ran"
Sober Human Nature tolerates.
Check out "Skeptic's Annotated Bible/Qu'ran"
Sober Human Nature tolerates.
I am a Muslim, and live in Japan, where I have no problems and people around are extreemly nice and great even if they are not muslim.
I was offended by the pictures, but that shouldn't be a reason to say stuffs like what I have read in this page, insulting all the OTHERS!!! coz all what you r doin in fact is givin prrog for those who r against Islam to beleive that we "muslims" are violent and trouble-makers and for those who r freinds to Islam, a reason to change their mind! so plz refer to the Quran and Sunnah and learn how the great prophet mohamed PBUH used to live like and how he a great person he was that could convert his enemies and made them beleive in Allah.
I appologize in the name of all muslims if some of us "muslims" over-reacted, but the pics were very insulting and did hurt us at the deepest level because the person "the one draw the pics againt" are a very special person to us and we do love him alot!
I do beleive no matter what that we r brothers since we are all humans and that the difference of religion and beleive shouldnt make us fight' yet I do beleive that the only way to it is RESPECT!!!
if we respect eash other, everything is gonna be alrite! im not sayin bullshit, but im talkin from experience, I live in Japan for the moment and I had no troubles at all for about 9months with anyone, simply coz there is a mutual respect....
beleive it or not Islam is a religion of peace and minorities rights, and that thx to this religion that I am typin these words rather than sayin some bad words to all of u!!
none of u need me to bring up examples of terrorist groups from other religions or beleifs, for instance, the catholic-protestantsv war in Irland where many of both sides were killed! is it because christianity is a terroism religion? NO!!! do i have to remind u of the baptists and protestants int he US who burnt abortion hospitals with the doctors and nurses inside coz they made some abortions?? deos that mean chrestianity is terrorism??? not at all!!! or should I tell you about the famous Israel?? who is killing innocent palestinian children after they took their land under the world's sight!!! and using apatchies and F16 to attack inoocent civilians at their homes!!! does it mean jews are terrorist??? I beleive not!!
there are mulims condamining the 9/11 attacks, there are chrestians out there in africa and poor countries helping poor people and donating there money and there r jews who are marchin in NY and other places to protest against Israel, and it is up to YOU which pointyou wanna c these religions from and do not be surprised from their reaction once u judge them!!!!
no comment!!!! may ALLAH show the truth weather u like it or not!!!
I am a Muslim, and live in Japan, where I have no problems and people around are extreemly nice and great even if they are not muslim.
I was offended by the pictures, but that shouldn't be a reason to say stuffs like what I have read in this page, insulting all the OTHERS!!! coz all what you r doin in fact is givin prrog for those who r against Islam to beleive that we "muslims" are violent and trouble-makers and for those who r freinds to Islam, a reason to change their mind! so plz refer to the Quran and Sunnah and learn how the great prophet mohamed PBUH used to live like and how he a great person he was that could convert his enemies and made them beleive in Allah.
I appologize in the name of all muslims if some of us "muslims" over-reacted, but the pics were very insulting and did hurt us at the deepest level because the person "the one draw the pics againt" are a very special person to us and we do love him alot!
I do beleive no matter what that we r brothers since we are all humans and that the difference of religion and beleive shouldnt make us fight' yet I do beleive that the only way to it is RESPECT!!!
if we respect eash other, everything is gonna be alrite! im not sayin bullshit, but im talkin from experience, I live in Japan for the moment and I had no troubles at all for about 9months with anyone, simply coz there is a mutual respect....
beleive it or not Islam is a religion of peace and minorities rights, and that thx to this religion that I am typin these words rather than sayin some bad words to all of u!!
none of u need me to bring up examples of terrorist groups from other religions or beleifs, for instance, the catholic-protestantsv war in Irland where many of both sides were killed! is it because christianity is a terroism religion? NO!!! do i have to remind u of the baptists and protestants int he US who burnt abortion hospitals with the doctors and nurses inside coz they made some abortions?? deos that mean chrestianity is terrorism??? not at all!!! or should I tell you about the famous Israel?? who is killing innocent palestinian children after they took their land under the world's sight!!! and using apatchies and F16 to attack inoocent civilians at their homes!!! does it mean jews are terrorist??? I beleive not!!
there are mulims condamining the 9/11 attacks, there are chrestians out there in africa and poor countries helping poor people and donating there money and there r jews who are marchin in NY and other places to protest against Israel, and it is up to YOU which pointyou wanna c these religions from and do not be surprised from their reaction once u judge them!!!!
no comment!!!! may ALLAH show the truth weather u like it or not!!!
Soberly Irish says:
Dear Sir,
I feel your Human Nature telling me that if there were two women and two men left on Earth, respectively Muslim and Non-muslim, you would see it as your mission from your God, to take the final step for your Great Allah and kill the two remaining non-believeres/enemies, to go down in a new history as the saviour of mankind for Allah, and creating the new Muslim Human Species, something your eyes would have shined at, as it would any good Muslim.
Its quite impossible for you to conceal both your young age and your lesser knowledge of "category". What you don't seem to understand is that you too are in your own category containing its own reality.
Your not excused from being in the Muslim category just because you dont throw petrol bombs at the "non-believers". Same category, but only one of many.
The old Irish knew not much of their earlier invaders religion, yet they understood that they were about to be raped and killed after they would resist,taken from, by the Norwegians, Swedes and Danish. Whatever religion the Viking's meant they had? it invaded, raped and killed as in all other invasions of History.
A category of "peace" and care for the minority, explaining why you spoke so kindly to we in the minority. ? See the category situation your in? You most certainly are Sir.
This is a fact which is being recognised by many many Muslims and this number is spreading.
The outcome will be integrated and changed Muslims who decide themselves to learn from their own lifes experience, and feel freely in which way they are experienced. As has been happening on the Catholic front, Muslims will also develop away from the threats of eternal fire just for being a free human who like all others, learns from their own mistakes.
The truely tolerant category do not share the view of "My way -only way"...
Back to difference between terrorism (violent or non violent), and defence.If i attack you you must defend and protect, go against. So later when the English invaded with also one general view of superiority and correctness. As tolerance does not exist in such invading categories lives were taken yes, and who would be the terrorist if i shot you down in defence to your attack?
I'm glad you are a tolerant Muslim who can exist peacefully and individually for a whole 9 months "even though they are not Muslim"
Dear Sir,
I feel your Human Nature telling me that if there were two women and two men left on Earth, respectively Muslim and Non-muslim, you would see it as your mission from your God, to take the final step for your Great Allah and kill the two remaining non-believeres/enemies, to go down in a new history as the saviour of mankind for Allah, and creating the new Muslim Human Species, something your eyes would have shined at, as it would any good Muslim.
Its quite impossible for you to conceal both your young age and your lesser knowledge of "category". What you don't seem to understand is that you too are in your own category containing its own reality.
Your not excused from being in the Muslim category just because you dont throw petrol bombs at the "non-believers". Same category, but only one of many.
The old Irish knew not much of their earlier invaders religion, yet they understood that they were about to be raped and killed after they would resist,taken from, by the Norwegians, Swedes and Danish. Whatever religion the Viking's meant they had? it invaded, raped and killed as in all other invasions of History.
A category of "peace" and care for the minority, explaining why you spoke so kindly to we in the minority. ? See the category situation your in? You most certainly are Sir.
This is a fact which is being recognised by many many Muslims and this number is spreading.
The outcome will be integrated and changed Muslims who decide themselves to learn from their own lifes experience, and feel freely in which way they are experienced. As has been happening on the Catholic front, Muslims will also develop away from the threats of eternal fire just for being a free human who like all others, learns from their own mistakes.
The truely tolerant category do not share the view of "My way -only way"...
Back to difference between terrorism (violent or non violent), and defence.If i attack you you must defend and protect, go against. So later when the English invaded with also one general view of superiority and correctness. As tolerance does not exist in such invading categories lives were taken yes, and who would be the terrorist if i shot you down in defence to your attack?
I'm glad you are a tolerant Muslim who can exist peacefully and individually for a whole 9 months "even though they are not Muslim"
I don't why such a conflict over 12 pictures is helping... I find it highly disturbing and ridicules... Why do the Islam’s break their own laws?? It makes me think of the bible.... Beside what has the Danes done to the Islam beside the pictures? I really don't understand...
Damn, religious people suck. Like one of the earlier posters said, all of this fighting and strife over what some ancient books MAY mean? This is truly ridiculous; quite an affront to thinking people everywhere. I mean, people who believe in an invisible, unprovable "god/s" obviously have some serious mental issues; I seriously question the sanity of my religious co-workers. These people shouldn't be allowed to breed. When will people finally see the practices of fighting wars and worshipping gods as the futile wastes of time that they are? This is a part of why I think that everyone who believes in religion should die. Christians, Muslims, Hindus, EVERYONE who believes in gods, souls or "spirits" should all be herded out to some desolate deserted island, so that we can nuke the fuck out of it and finally be done with all this religious madness! Can't anyone see that it's all made-up to control you?
In short, fuck religion. Fuck the state. Fuck fuck fuck.
Now THAT's what I call freedom of speech!
In short, fuck religion. Fuck the state. Fuck fuck fuck.
Now THAT's what I call freedom of speech!
Hey everyone this is to the previous post! the one above mine...
Man.... I Dont even considering talking to you your like a eunuch.. ur neither male or female...ur stuck in halfway , so i dont even consider your IMMATURE and PATHETIC comments...just look around you ...you immature ASS who has created this world..??? who has put life in you ? who has designed our bodies this world ??? who the heck do u think? and who makes the sunrise and set..and you`d be SAYING "SCREW U DUDE ITS PHYSICS" but again u educated lliterate WHO ENGINERED THAT? so look around your self...
"which all blessings of your lord will you deny"
Man.... I Dont even considering talking to you your like a eunuch.. ur neither male or female...ur stuck in halfway , so i dont even consider your IMMATURE and PATHETIC comments...just look around you ...you immature ASS who has created this world..??? who has put life in you ? who has designed our bodies this world ??? who the heck do u think? and who makes the sunrise and set..and you`d be SAYING "SCREW U DUDE ITS PHYSICS" but again u educated lliterate WHO ENGINERED THAT? so look around your self...
"which all blessings of your lord will you deny"
(im the same guy who posted above)
And instead of nuking u man ..i guess we all muslims....should educate you..cuz thats wat our religion teaches us , to tell about your religion to people and bring them path! ..The disbelievers pelted our prophet! they mocked him...and he never said anything to them...
DUDE ATIEST this is for you..let me tell you all YOUR INFORMATION..Is literally literally CRAP!!!
1)Our prophet was never a warior he was a merchant in the beginning ! he became warior when islam was like a nation and he fought to defend it..answer me! wouldnt you fight to defend your principles and ur beliefs?? think!
2)PIGS my friends are prophibited because...first of all they eat and live in their shit!!! their dirty !so its quite obvious it was due to sanitary measures thats what our Quran says ...that wasnt an eye-opener! 2ndly they cannot be slaughtered cuz they cannot be sluahtere exactly form where we are supposed to ...u need to do your homework!
3)GAYs and Peodiphiles...ok man u made me laugh at this one...homosexuals,child molesters and ppl who commited adultery were killed as soon as they were spotted ! the punishment is ..to be stoned to death.and im not going in detal cuz this is vast subject and this is a vast topic!.. and about the Prophets WIFE ...its all crap that one of her wives age was 9 she is said to be around 9-24 this might have been a transcription error and it wudve beeen 19-24 cuz 17+ when islam permits u to marry i and even IF IF WHICH IM 1110 % sure she was not , she wouldnt have been allowed according to the customs to enter the prophets household, and once again..its not mentioned in the QURAN...man i guess u shud stick to opposing christianity...
4)DRUGS HASHISH ARE CONSIDERED UNLAWFULL and who the heck told u that he took it? they can be taken only and only (mark my words) IF IT CAN SAVE UR LIFE not for IF ur having flue and u consume it meaning is ..its not allowed to be consumed for such a minor disease...AND IT SHUD ONLY BE TAKEN STRICTLY WHEN NEEDED...plus even if u take it..your prayers are not ACCEPTED for 40 DAYs.....so man u better just prove christianity wrong..the reason why chiristians take criticism and we dont ..is CUZ we are on the right path and we are dead sure about it and theyre not..obvious isnt it.?? think over it
and when it comes on to the topic of women let me tell you WOMEN HAS EACH AND EVERY EQUAL RIGHT. INSTEAD WOMEN ARE CONSIDERED HIGHER in their status AND MORE RESPECTFULL.its the culture of the countries which are destroying this equalism..in america every 10 secs or so a womne gets raped...and compare the rates with all muslim countries..ull be amazed! ..have u ever EVEN VISITED A NATION..where i live..belive me..women are respected so much..that if some women joins a qeue the men go aside and let the women go frst ..women are always ont he top priority , u cant EVEN TOUCH YES TOUCH A WOMEN! leave apart eve-teasing..so grow up man ..all your facts and study is crap ..its not that im saying wat ur doing is crap.....im proving it and im maing u feel it cuz u dont talk if you dont know about something..cuz thats wat a wise person does....reading some pages and books doesnt make u a SCHOLAR!
Get a life man....tell me
Why a Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith
But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist!
Why a nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to God
But when Muslimah does the same she oppressed
When a western women stays at home to look after her house and kids she is respected because of sacrificing herself and doing good for the household?
But when a Muslim woman does so by her will, they say, "she needs to be liberated"!
Any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights and freedom?
But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!
When a Christian or a Jew kills someone religion is not mentioned, but when Muslim is charged with a crime, it is Islam that goes to trial!
When someone sacrfices himself to keep others alive, he is noble and all respect him.
But when a Palestinian does that to save his son from being killed, his brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, and his mosque being violated -- He gets the title of a terrorist! Why? Because he is a Muslim!
THINK OVER IT PPL ..screw the rest of them..
And instead of nuking u man ..i guess we all muslims....should educate you..cuz thats wat our religion teaches us , to tell about your religion to people and bring them path! ..The disbelievers pelted our prophet! they mocked him...and he never said anything to them...
DUDE ATIEST this is for you..let me tell you all YOUR INFORMATION..Is literally literally CRAP!!!
1)Our prophet was never a warior he was a merchant in the beginning ! he became warior when islam was like a nation and he fought to defend it..answer me! wouldnt you fight to defend your principles and ur beliefs?? think!
2)PIGS my friends are prophibited because...first of all they eat and live in their shit!!! their dirty !so its quite obvious it was due to sanitary measures thats what our Quran says ...that wasnt an eye-opener! 2ndly they cannot be slaughtered cuz they cannot be sluahtere exactly form where we are supposed to ...u need to do your homework!
3)GAYs and Peodiphiles...ok man u made me laugh at this one...homosexuals,child molesters and ppl who commited adultery were killed as soon as they were spotted ! the punishment is ..to be stoned to death.and im not going in detal cuz this is vast subject and this is a vast topic!.. and about the Prophets WIFE ...its all crap that one of her wives age was 9 she is said to be around 9-24 this might have been a transcription error and it wudve beeen 19-24 cuz 17+ when islam permits u to marry i and even IF IF WHICH IM 1110 % sure she was not , she wouldnt have been allowed according to the customs to enter the prophets household, and once again..its not mentioned in the QURAN...man i guess u shud stick to opposing christianity...
4)DRUGS HASHISH ARE CONSIDERED UNLAWFULL and who the heck told u that he took it? they can be taken only and only (mark my words) IF IT CAN SAVE UR LIFE not for IF ur having flue and u consume it meaning is ..its not allowed to be consumed for such a minor disease...AND IT SHUD ONLY BE TAKEN STRICTLY WHEN NEEDED...plus even if u take it..your prayers are not ACCEPTED for 40 DAYs.....so man u better just prove christianity wrong..the reason why chiristians take criticism and we dont ..is CUZ we are on the right path and we are dead sure about it and theyre not..obvious isnt it.?? think over it
and when it comes on to the topic of women let me tell you WOMEN HAS EACH AND EVERY EQUAL RIGHT. INSTEAD WOMEN ARE CONSIDERED HIGHER in their status AND MORE RESPECTFULL.its the culture of the countries which are destroying this equalism..in america every 10 secs or so a womne gets raped...and compare the rates with all muslim countries..ull be amazed! ..have u ever EVEN VISITED A NATION..where i live..belive me..women are respected so much..that if some women joins a qeue the men go aside and let the women go frst ..women are always ont he top priority , u cant EVEN TOUCH YES TOUCH A WOMEN! leave apart eve-teasing..so grow up man ..all your facts and study is crap ..its not that im saying wat ur doing is crap.....im proving it and im maing u feel it cuz u dont talk if you dont know about something..cuz thats wat a wise person does....reading some pages and books doesnt make u a SCHOLAR!
Get a life man....tell me
Why a Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith
But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist!
Why a nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to God
But when Muslimah does the same she oppressed
When a western women stays at home to look after her house and kids she is respected because of sacrificing herself and doing good for the household?
But when a Muslim woman does so by her will, they say, "she needs to be liberated"!
Any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights and freedom?
But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!
When a Christian or a Jew kills someone religion is not mentioned, but when Muslim is charged with a crime, it is Islam that goes to trial!
When someone sacrfices himself to keep others alive, he is noble and all respect him.
But when a Palestinian does that to save his son from being killed, his brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, and his mosque being violated -- He gets the title of a terrorist! Why? Because he is a Muslim!
THINK OVER IT PPL ..screw the rest of them..
> "DUDE ATIEST this is for you..let me tell you all YOUR INFORMATION..Is literally literally CRAP!!!"
Nonsense, you're obviously replying to an anonymous person, who posted months ago (and who was replied to by "Honest Person")
Nevertheless, I'll play along.
> "1) Our prophet was never a warior..."
Never? Can you mention any other prophet in any religion who personally killed his "enemies"
(Yes, Moses killed a man, but that was before he became a prophet).
Can you?
> "2) PIGS my friends are prophibited because...first of all they eat and live in their shit!!!"
So why are the Danish imams distributing pictures of Mohammed with pig-snout and pig-ears?
If I were a Muslim I would find it most insulting.
> "3) )GAYs and Peodiphiles...ok man u made me laugh at this one...homosexuals,child molesters and ppl who commited adultery were killed as soon as they were spotted !"
And yet a fascist swine like you expects me to treat you as a human being?
> "and about the Prophets WIFE ...its all crap that one of her wives age was 9 she is said to be around 9-24 this might have been a transcription error"
It's not a transcription error - since the information is repeated in many Hadiths.
Are you saying that anything you don't like in the Quran or the Hadiths can simply be ignored as "transcription errors"?
> "4)DRUGS HASHISH ARE CONSIDERED UNLAWFULL and who the heck told u that he took it?"
I have no idea. Ask the guy who wrote it.
> "in america every 10 secs or so a womne gets raped.."
By whom?
Did you know that the number of rapes in immigrant-friendly Sweden is 6 times as high as in Denmark?
Nonsense, you're obviously replying to an anonymous person, who posted months ago (and who was replied to by "Honest Person")
Nevertheless, I'll play along.
> "1) Our prophet was never a warior..."
Never? Can you mention any other prophet in any religion who personally killed his "enemies"
(Yes, Moses killed a man, but that was before he became a prophet).
Can you?
> "2) PIGS my friends are prophibited because...first of all they eat and live in their shit!!!"
So why are the Danish imams distributing pictures of Mohammed with pig-snout and pig-ears?
If I were a Muslim I would find it most insulting.
> "3) )GAYs and Peodiphiles...ok man u made me laugh at this one...homosexuals,child molesters and ppl who commited adultery were killed as soon as they were spotted !"
And yet a fascist swine like you expects me to treat you as a human being?
> "and about the Prophets WIFE ...its all crap that one of her wives age was 9 she is said to be around 9-24 this might have been a transcription error"
It's not a transcription error - since the information is repeated in many Hadiths.
Are you saying that anything you don't like in the Quran or the Hadiths can simply be ignored as "transcription errors"?
> "4)DRUGS HASHISH ARE CONSIDERED UNLAWFULL and who the heck told u that he took it?"
I have no idea. Ask the guy who wrote it.
> "in america every 10 secs or so a womne gets raped.."
By whom?
Did you know that the number of rapes in immigrant-friendly Sweden is 6 times as high as in Denmark?
Okay ateist...Watever it seems..
1)Our prophet never killed anyone out of no reason this is for 100% sure , wat we call self defense today he used this rule and this is what our religion teaches !! YOU SHOULD ONLY ONLY attack another nation if it posts a threat to your commmunity and you can see this in the quran ..your lookin upto the quran for everyother thing but why not this topic!? look and i dont think you will be amazed to find your self wrong!
2)So whats wrong in killing peodephiles and rapist..isnt this is wat is hapenning nowadays tell me...look carefully around you , even america has started to put peodephiles on deathsentences and capital punishments!
3) i never said you can ignore what you dont like and keep what you liek that would be like customizing your own religion! but the fact my friend that his wifes age was 9 is wrong..its from 9-24 so who can decided wat was her age..no one cuz no where it is CLEARLY MENTIONED , so how come he is a peodephile??? so first gather evidence and then put up a show!
2)And for the part when you are saying "By whom" my answer is ...a non-muslim... HIV AIDS and hepatitis statistics are like almost 0 in some of the middle eastern conuntries and RAPE cases are also close to NIL and i think compared to other countries this is amazing! and im 100 % sure women would surely feel more secure in a country like this!
And about the thing of thse imams..i dont know even if theyre muslims or what ..in 100% sure theyre not muslims its just a stupid conspiracy for whom inshallah if they or whoever responsible !
and i wont change my comments ..stick to opposing christianity or any other religion..BUT not islam.. ...and i think you are quite aware of the reason!
1)Our prophet never killed anyone out of no reason this is for 100% sure , wat we call self defense today he used this rule and this is what our religion teaches !! YOU SHOULD ONLY ONLY attack another nation if it posts a threat to your commmunity and you can see this in the quran ..your lookin upto the quran for everyother thing but why not this topic!? look and i dont think you will be amazed to find your self wrong!
2)So whats wrong in killing peodephiles and rapist..isnt this is wat is hapenning nowadays tell me...look carefully around you , even america has started to put peodephiles on deathsentences and capital punishments!
3) i never said you can ignore what you dont like and keep what you liek that would be like customizing your own religion! but the fact my friend that his wifes age was 9 is wrong..its from 9-24 so who can decided wat was her age..no one cuz no where it is CLEARLY MENTIONED , so how come he is a peodephile??? so first gather evidence and then put up a show!
2)And for the part when you are saying "By whom" my answer is ...a non-muslim... HIV AIDS and hepatitis statistics are like almost 0 in some of the middle eastern conuntries and RAPE cases are also close to NIL and i think compared to other countries this is amazing! and im 100 % sure women would surely feel more secure in a country like this!
And about the thing of thse imams..i dont know even if theyre muslims or what ..in 100% sure theyre not muslims its just a stupid conspiracy for whom inshallah if they or whoever responsible !
and i wont change my comments ..stick to opposing christianity or any other religion..BUT not islam.. ...and i think you are quite aware of the reason!
> "stick to opposing christianity or any other religion..BUT not islam.. ..."
Again, you were replying to another poster - who has left the boards months ago. I did not make those claims.
I'm not opposing Islam. Religion is a private matter, and you can believe in Jahve, Jesus, Allah, Odin, Jupiter, Vishnu, Thor, Baron Samedi, Zeus, Hara Krishna or The Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care.
Just as long as you'll allow me the same privilege.
> "BUT not islam.. ...and i think you are quite aware of the reason!"
Because Muslims are more insanely violent than all other religions put together?
> " 1)Our prophet never killed anyone out of no reason this is for 100% sure"
Out of "no" reason? Can you mention any other prophet, who has killed for any reason?
> "YOU SHOULD ONLY ONLY attack another nation if it posts a threat to your commmunity "
I agree 100%
So why did the Arab Muslims colonize North Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Spain and Portugal?
- the Muslim invaders came as far north as Paris and Vienna before they were repulsed from Europe.
> "2)So whats wrong in killing peodephiles and rapist.."
In your previous post you also mentioned killing homosexuals. Why should I respect you, if you yourself are so blatantly intolerant?
> "3) i never said you can ignore what you dont like and keep what you liek that would be like customizing your own religion! but the fact my friend that his wifes age was 9 is wrong..its from 9-24 so who can decided wat was her age.."
Sahih Bukhari says so, Bukhari vol. 7, #65: Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.". There are many more examples on this page: http://www.exmuslim.com/com/evidence.htm
> "2)And for the part when you are saying "By whom" my answer is ...a non-muslim... "
Then you'd be wrong. http://fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/12/immigrant-rape-wave-in-sweden.html
"According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad, compared to persons born in Sweden. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects."
> "And about the thing of thse imams..i dont know even if theyre muslims"
I agree. But they have succeeded in telling Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Ummah that they are the True Defenders of the Faith.
And you idiots believed them and burned down our embassies to Allah's eternal shame.
Again, you were replying to another poster - who has left the boards months ago. I did not make those claims.
I'm not opposing Islam. Religion is a private matter, and you can believe in Jahve, Jesus, Allah, Odin, Jupiter, Vishnu, Thor, Baron Samedi, Zeus, Hara Krishna or The Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care.
Just as long as you'll allow me the same privilege.
> "BUT not islam.. ...and i think you are quite aware of the reason!"
Because Muslims are more insanely violent than all other religions put together?
> " 1)Our prophet never killed anyone out of no reason this is for 100% sure"
Out of "no" reason? Can you mention any other prophet, who has killed for any reason?
> "YOU SHOULD ONLY ONLY attack another nation if it posts a threat to your commmunity "
I agree 100%
So why did the Arab Muslims colonize North Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Spain and Portugal?
- the Muslim invaders came as far north as Paris and Vienna before they were repulsed from Europe.
> "2)So whats wrong in killing peodephiles and rapist.."
In your previous post you also mentioned killing homosexuals. Why should I respect you, if you yourself are so blatantly intolerant?
> "3) i never said you can ignore what you dont like and keep what you liek that would be like customizing your own religion! but the fact my friend that his wifes age was 9 is wrong..its from 9-24 so who can decided wat was her age.."
Sahih Bukhari says so, Bukhari vol. 7, #65: Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.". There are many more examples on this page: http://www.exmuslim.com/com/evidence.htm
> "2)And for the part when you are saying "By whom" my answer is ...a non-muslim... "
Then you'd be wrong. http://fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/12/immigrant-rape-wave-in-sweden.html
"According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad, compared to persons born in Sweden. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects."
> "And about the thing of thse imams..i dont know even if theyre muslims"
I agree. But they have succeeded in telling Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Ummah that they are the True Defenders of the Faith.
And you idiots believed them and burned down our embassies to Allah's eternal shame.
""Because Muslims are more insanely violent than all other religions put together?""
man really you make me laugh..and where did you get this INFORMATION FROM? tell me are you even sure the all the terrorist attacks are carried by muslims? i already told you why muslims suicide bomb although suicide is a unforgivable sin ! but jews and this world is forcing them...our religion only allows self defence !!! you cant attack because if you just feel like!and the reason why they were taking over was ! they were spreading islams word! and if somebody raised arms they fought "BACK" it wasnt some stupide world domination plan , and even during their reign women were respected children were respected prisoners were freed ! tell me is that wrong? our we still insanely violent...watever man your so hopless
2)So why did the Arab Muslims colonize North Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Spain and Portugal?.......
Man your answering your question and then again asking the same question..loook VERY CAREFULLY GET YOUR GLASSES!
3)okay now about the peodephiles and homos , you clearly said you dont have problem with what we believe in be it The sphegetti monster or watever ..right? so you shouldnt even have a problem with what we believe in , homosexuality has done nuthign but destroyed the communiity
1)Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States
Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus.
-33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex.
tell me would you like all that hapening in you neighbourhood peodephiles runnig free in you neighbourhood ? tell me?
i have done my homework friend!
4)oaky and about the rapes!
1) two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia" one somali..moreover they have christians in their country too!
the guy hasnt posted and proof about the high statistics of muslim rapists! so ..why should we believe in it !
5)Ok so this was getting too much about you saying shit about our prophet that he was a peodephile this topic is too VAST read my next post!
man really you make me laugh..and where did you get this INFORMATION FROM? tell me are you even sure the all the terrorist attacks are carried by muslims? i already told you why muslims suicide bomb although suicide is a unforgivable sin ! but jews and this world is forcing them...our religion only allows self defence !!! you cant attack because if you just feel like!and the reason why they were taking over was ! they were spreading islams word! and if somebody raised arms they fought "BACK" it wasnt some stupide world domination plan , and even during their reign women were respected children were respected prisoners were freed ! tell me is that wrong? our we still insanely violent...watever man your so hopless
2)So why did the Arab Muslims colonize North Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Spain and Portugal?.......
Man your answering your question and then again asking the same question..loook VERY CAREFULLY GET YOUR GLASSES!
3)okay now about the peodephiles and homos , you clearly said you dont have problem with what we believe in be it The sphegetti monster or watever ..right? so you shouldnt even have a problem with what we believe in , homosexuality has done nuthign but destroyed the communiity
1)Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States
Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus.
-33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex.
tell me would you like all that hapening in you neighbourhood peodephiles runnig free in you neighbourhood ? tell me?
i have done my homework friend!
4)oaky and about the rapes!
1) two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia" one somali..moreover they have christians in their country too!
the guy hasnt posted and proof about the high statistics of muslim rapists! so ..why should we believe in it !
5)Ok so this was getting too much about you saying shit about our prophet that he was a peodephile this topic is too VAST read my next post!
None of the criteria of child-abuse applies to the noble life of the Prophet (pbuh). There is no single incident of any infliction of pain and suffering by the prophet on Aisha or any other human being for that matter. Neither any instance of verbal or sexual abuse can be concluded from the relationship of the prophet with Aisha ® or any of his wives.
An abused child can have serious future consequences…delayed physical growth, impaired language..learning and behavior…etc (above definition). As one examines the chaste life of Aisha ®, her personality, physical, mental and spiritual development are all contrary to that of an abused child. In fact through the Prophet’s marriage and his guidance to Aisha, history testifies that she should be labeled not as an abused child but as a ‘blessed child’.
After analyzing and refuting the accusations against the noble character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the only viable alternative left with us is:
C. The Prophet married Aisha for the benefit of Islam and Humanity.
1. MY traditional is to mention the same point about maturity , what is important here is not some random age , but the state physical and mental maturity , it is well known that humans in hot countries mature much faster colder climates , during some research in this very issue I discovered that the earliest recorded pregnancy was and eight years old girl in south America
that mean , the girls in hot countries become adult when she is 9 and 11 and 12 years old and treat as woman has all her right and has all her emotions and her feeling her and romantic feeling and she able to marriage , this is we will find in Asia and some Europe east and some of regions
America and Africa ...
2)2.Aisha was in fact already promised in marriage even before she was married to prophet Mohammed , she was promised to Jobuer ben Mota’am ben Adey , he betrothed Aisha , it show that arranging marriages at young ages at young ages was quite normal and that mean the girls in this ages was woman not child , 3. Surely any objection to such a young marriage can only be made if can be shown that some harm was caused because of it . in fact all evidence points to the opposite in the case of this marriage which was so clearly full of love and happiness
4. if this marriage was considered “Pedophile.” ,Quraysh and all the Arabic land would attack prophet Mohammed and accuse him "pedophile " at least Aue jahel or abu laheb ,who they hated Prophet Mohammed so much and they waited one wrong to attack him but they didnt find any mistake, because all people in that time marriage from women when they was 9 and 11 and 12, and that normal to married from person in her father age like Hafsa married when she was 11 years old , before she married from prophet Mohammed and the most Arabic women married in this age , no , not only Arabic women , but the Jewish women , Safia bint Hayi bin Akhtab , prophets wife , daughter Hayi bin Akhtab who was leader of Jewish , before she convert to Islam and before married from prophet Mohammed , the first marriage was when she was 10 years old ……….. so that quite normal in that time in whole world
we pass in illogical when we touch with truth , the westerly judge of them modern standard viewpoint , so they face all this problem without understanding , all this accusation to prophet Mohammed appeared since 60 years only ??? “pedophilia” We hear it newly , well why we didn’t hear before 100 at least , westerly orientalists “the west didn't appreciate this marriage, it was and still Asian tradition, they didn’t think this tradition still find in east Europe now, and it was very normal in Spain and Portugal since old-time , and this is very acceptable in far American mountain region, and like this marriage is very acceptable in Asia “
so what we can called this accuse “silly or without understanding or ignorance or grudge accusations ”
if this accuses is right , it would appear from 1400 years , we don’t find one book before 60 years accuse Messenger of Allah “pedophilia” so that mean even the west , that mean some of person now try to defame Prophet Mohammed …
5. to reinforce the friendly relations already existing Abu Baker (his closest companion)
6. it was Allah who ordered the marriage of Aisha to the prophet, why ?? because Islam needed person carry away Islam after prophet Mohammed and talked about prophet Mohammed and marital relationship , and how treat with wife like prophet Mohammed , so that Aisha lived after prophet Mohammed 50 years to learn , and that reason Aisha didn’t had child .
Lets analyze…
The Prophet married Aisha primarily for three reasons:
To reinforce the friendly relations already existing with Abu Bakr (his closest companion).
To educate and train Aisha so she may serve the purposes of Islam.
To teach her to utilize her capabilities for the sake of Islam.
Her Marriage with the prophet was a Wahi (Divine Revelation). She, herself relates from the Prophet, ‘He said, "I saw you in dreams three times. The angel brought you to me and you were clad in white silk. He (the angel) said that it was your consort and he (angel) showed me by opening your face. You are just like that…" Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, p.285
"I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today." George Bernard Shaw, THE GENUINE ISLAM, Vol. 1, No. 81936.
Though, the Prophet is not among us in his flesh, but his exemplary life has been preserved for all humanity to follow.
When Truth comes Falsehood disappears, Islam came, now Shirk (polytheism) must clear.!!
Think what are you saying atiest...remember the false always fades away like a drop of colour in pure water...
An abused child can have serious future consequences…delayed physical growth, impaired language..learning and behavior…etc (above definition). As one examines the chaste life of Aisha ®, her personality, physical, mental and spiritual development are all contrary to that of an abused child. In fact through the Prophet’s marriage and his guidance to Aisha, history testifies that she should be labeled not as an abused child but as a ‘blessed child’.
After analyzing and refuting the accusations against the noble character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the only viable alternative left with us is:
C. The Prophet married Aisha for the benefit of Islam and Humanity.
1. MY traditional is to mention the same point about maturity , what is important here is not some random age , but the state physical and mental maturity , it is well known that humans in hot countries mature much faster colder climates , during some research in this very issue I discovered that the earliest recorded pregnancy was and eight years old girl in south America
that mean , the girls in hot countries become adult when she is 9 and 11 and 12 years old and treat as woman has all her right and has all her emotions and her feeling her and romantic feeling and she able to marriage , this is we will find in Asia and some Europe east and some of regions
America and Africa ...
2)2.Aisha was in fact already promised in marriage even before she was married to prophet Mohammed , she was promised to Jobuer ben Mota’am ben Adey , he betrothed Aisha , it show that arranging marriages at young ages at young ages was quite normal and that mean the girls in this ages was woman not child , 3. Surely any objection to such a young marriage can only be made if can be shown that some harm was caused because of it . in fact all evidence points to the opposite in the case of this marriage which was so clearly full of love and happiness
4. if this marriage was considered “Pedophile.” ,Quraysh and all the Arabic land would attack prophet Mohammed and accuse him "pedophile " at least Aue jahel or abu laheb ,who they hated Prophet Mohammed so much and they waited one wrong to attack him but they didnt find any mistake, because all people in that time marriage from women when they was 9 and 11 and 12, and that normal to married from person in her father age like Hafsa married when she was 11 years old , before she married from prophet Mohammed and the most Arabic women married in this age , no , not only Arabic women , but the Jewish women , Safia bint Hayi bin Akhtab , prophets wife , daughter Hayi bin Akhtab who was leader of Jewish , before she convert to Islam and before married from prophet Mohammed , the first marriage was when she was 10 years old ……….. so that quite normal in that time in whole world
we pass in illogical when we touch with truth , the westerly judge of them modern standard viewpoint , so they face all this problem without understanding , all this accusation to prophet Mohammed appeared since 60 years only ??? “pedophilia” We hear it newly , well why we didn’t hear before 100 at least , westerly orientalists “the west didn't appreciate this marriage, it was and still Asian tradition, they didn’t think this tradition still find in east Europe now, and it was very normal in Spain and Portugal since old-time , and this is very acceptable in far American mountain region, and like this marriage is very acceptable in Asia “
so what we can called this accuse “silly or without understanding or ignorance or grudge accusations ”
if this accuses is right , it would appear from 1400 years , we don’t find one book before 60 years accuse Messenger of Allah “pedophilia” so that mean even the west , that mean some of person now try to defame Prophet Mohammed …
5. to reinforce the friendly relations already existing Abu Baker (his closest companion)
6. it was Allah who ordered the marriage of Aisha to the prophet, why ?? because Islam needed person carry away Islam after prophet Mohammed and talked about prophet Mohammed and marital relationship , and how treat with wife like prophet Mohammed , so that Aisha lived after prophet Mohammed 50 years to learn , and that reason Aisha didn’t had child .
Lets analyze…
The Prophet married Aisha primarily for three reasons:
To reinforce the friendly relations already existing with Abu Bakr (his closest companion).
To educate and train Aisha so she may serve the purposes of Islam.
To teach her to utilize her capabilities for the sake of Islam.
Her Marriage with the prophet was a Wahi (Divine Revelation). She, herself relates from the Prophet, ‘He said, "I saw you in dreams three times. The angel brought you to me and you were clad in white silk. He (the angel) said that it was your consort and he (angel) showed me by opening your face. You are just like that…" Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, p.285
"I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today." George Bernard Shaw, THE GENUINE ISLAM, Vol. 1, No. 81936.
Though, the Prophet is not among us in his flesh, but his exemplary life has been preserved for all humanity to follow.
When Truth comes Falsehood disappears, Islam came, now Shirk (polytheism) must clear.!!
Think what are you saying atiest...remember the false always fades away like a drop of colour in pure water...
This is wat a person named John Marshall Kuldow
Pasadena, CA is saying:
Pasadena, CA is saying:
think again atiest our relgion is so interesting? y cant u guys just face the truth? did u ever take the time to read it and what its all about be4 critisizing it? i dont think so and this guy "Molotov Everything! said..."
saying the holy books r here to control us?!?! HAHAHAHAHAH what an idiot i beleive because no 3 books r made to control us
they have been made more than 1400 years ago and how will they know or why would they care what would happen now? what kinda idiot r u for believeing that we should put all the atiests on an island and nuke the shit outta them
saying the holy books r here to control us?!?! HAHAHAHAHAH what an idiot i beleive because no 3 books r made to control us
they have been made more than 1400 years ago and how will they know or why would they care what would happen now? what kinda idiot r u for believeing that we should put all the atiests on an island and nuke the shit outta them
If u are an Arab that does not mean u are a muslim so stop offending arabs of the same religion as urs. Another stereotype that should be dropped is the one where all muslims are terrorists. That is not tru cause any man is capable of anything. Some people taint our religon by doin stupid shit like 9/11 where innocent people was killed some of them includin fellow muslims. 9/11 wasnt a religous act but is was an act of injustice. tell me people if ur own house was invaded tonight and the invader was goin to kill ur children, rape ur wife infront of you, plz dont tell me ur goin to turn the other cheek. Pigs are banned from being eatin cause i think many of u have heard the phrase 'you are wot you eat' and none of us want to at like pigs plus the have bactirea that can cause tape worms and tht is proven also acohol is banned from our religon due to the accidents that ouccur whlie under the influence also it kills brain cell and everyone knows that. And you people say that the prophet killed any persoo who belived in any religon then how come there was jews living in the same town as the prophet and there was peace. i know i am launchin everything out very randomly but i could go on and on about islam oh ya and the word islam means 'peace' in arabic. Most of the comments writtin here have a very bad volcabulary by lower level intelectuals who dont have the time to reaserch the information but no need to fight and make fun of religon and for all the muslims makin fun of religons it is wrong cause moses (moussa) and jesus (issa) are also prophets that delivered that delivered the rite message but has been changed throughout the years. and to thoose with out a religon may god or allah guide you. thanx 4 takin the time to read this
whoever posted this :
1) Praying 5 times in a day? In a certain direction?
Why must you face a certain direction? Are you actually praying to God or to his "Ka'bah"??
I didnt know God was faced in that direction and he can only see you in that direction isit? Shouldnt you be able to pray anytime and anywhere and whenever you feel like praying asking God for help?
Man are you still reading this...well if you are plzz reply :)
1) Praying 5 times in a day? In a certain direction?
Why must you face a certain direction? Are you actually praying to God or to his "Ka'bah"??
I didnt know God was faced in that direction and he can only see you in that direction isit? Shouldnt you be able to pray anytime and anywhere and whenever you feel like praying asking God for help?
Man are you still reading this...well if you are plzz reply :)
so i think this blog is closed...i hope we guys have cleared any misconceptions about islam...plzz if you have any questions or argument..PLZ ASK!
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world at this present moment of time...u just wait and watch u fuckin bastards...just WAIT AND WATCH!!!
Hey Mohammed,
If you Muslims are as intelligent as you profess, please learn correct English grammar and typing skills so we can better understand your ramblings. If we could understand what you are writing, we imperialist pigs would be able to communicate more effectively and empathize with your plight. Maybe you had a tough childhood and your Father and Mother were Sadam Husseins anal sex slaves, but blowing up Iraqi citizens with shrapnel is not a healthy way to deal with your anger.
Maybe a little less time making car bombs and a little more time conjugating verbs will help further your cause. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.
If you Muslims are as intelligent as you profess, please learn correct English grammar and typing skills so we can better understand your ramblings. If we could understand what you are writing, we imperialist pigs would be able to communicate more effectively and empathize with your plight. Maybe you had a tough childhood and your Father and Mother were Sadam Husseins anal sex slaves, but blowing up Iraqi citizens with shrapnel is not a healthy way to deal with your anger.
Maybe a little less time making car bombs and a little more time conjugating verbs will help further your cause. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.
PS. Maybe try some decaf, also. It really helped me relax and learn to love and respect others and tolerate their differences. Again, hope this helps.
See you in the (Danish) funny papers, as they say.
Have a great day!
I M Capatalist
See you in the (Danish) funny papers, as they say.
Have a great day!
I M Capatalist
muslim said...
if u a danish person u must to know that u are pigs & dogs,i promise the danish people and everyone who r not muslime will go to the hill of our god we will see u burning in the hill,u are whom not respect hummanity and human rights,u r whom ran out of virgins,u are like animals fuking yourself & ur sisters & doughters, one day we will kill all of u, we have a great god but u have nothing.
yes, because what you fail to understand is the futility and falsity of religion. not just islam, but all religions. false hopes based on some invisible man in the sky who tells you what to do.
try thinking for yourself, for a change. cast off the oppressive yoke of "submission" and live a life of your own consequences, not those passed off as religion.
i realize that i am an "infidel", as per the description of islam, but you can keep your bullshit "faith".
islam is nothing more than a violent, expansionist cult that kills or mames anyone/anything that disagrees with it.
religion of peace, my ass.
if u a danish person u must to know that u are pigs & dogs,i promise the danish people and everyone who r not muslime will go to the hill of our god we will see u burning in the hill,u are whom not respect hummanity and human rights,u r whom ran out of virgins,u are like animals fuking yourself & ur sisters & doughters, one day we will kill all of u, we have a great god but u have nothing.
yes, because what you fail to understand is the futility and falsity of religion. not just islam, but all religions. false hopes based on some invisible man in the sky who tells you what to do.
try thinking for yourself, for a change. cast off the oppressive yoke of "submission" and live a life of your own consequences, not those passed off as religion.
i realize that i am an "infidel", as per the description of islam, but you can keep your bullshit "faith".
islam is nothing more than a violent, expansionist cult that kills or mames anyone/anything that disagrees with it.
religion of peace, my ass.
to Pasadena, CA
religion is a waste of time. too many people have been killed in the name of g-d. whether it be the xtian god, allah, etc.
you're wasting your time with it. give it up and try living as a human being free from the oppressive yoke islam.
islam means "submission" in arabic. it would seem that at least some people would pull their head out of the sand and fucking think for themselves. someone makes up some cartoons just to stir up the shit even more, and you turn a blind eye to it?
denmark is a peaceful country. it doesn't need your primitive sharia laws imposed on it, and neither does any other country.
and, unfortunately for the rest of the world, we have to tolerate these fucking morons because of their oil resources. it might not be so bad if the US government wasn't over there stirring up the hive with that fucking powergrab they're attempting.
religion is a waste of time. too many people have been killed in the name of g-d. whether it be the xtian god, allah, etc.
you're wasting your time with it. give it up and try living as a human being free from the oppressive yoke islam.
islam means "submission" in arabic. it would seem that at least some people would pull their head out of the sand and fucking think for themselves. someone makes up some cartoons just to stir up the shit even more, and you turn a blind eye to it?
denmark is a peaceful country. it doesn't need your primitive sharia laws imposed on it, and neither does any other country.
and, unfortunately for the rest of the world, we have to tolerate these fucking morons because of their oil resources. it might not be so bad if the US government wasn't over there stirring up the hive with that fucking powergrab they're attempting.
Well, if the first poster here is anything to go by Islam is a religion of intollerance, hatred and stupidity. Thanks muslim, you've just reduced the chance your own people and religion has to be accepted in the Western World. If Allah is seen by most muslims the way you describe him you can go back to your bomb-ridden country and rot for all eternity between your goats (or as you call them: wives).
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